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Everything posted by Ruby1Nic

  1. Best wishes from us She looks lovely in that last pic too Oops edited to add that she looks lovely in all the pics - but the last one especially.
  2. We stayed here, in Newquay, last Sept and it was great : Fistral beach is a 2/3 minute walk from the apartment (if that - depends how quick your dogs are, maybe 5/6 for Sir H ) and so is ideal for 1st morning/last thing at night. We also went to Perranporth and Crantock beaches - just great. Not so far down, perhaps Looe/Liskeard area, which is generally where we stay in May. The beach at Seaton is dog friendly and down to Downderry beach where there's a nice pub to stop off at. A trip to Daymer Bay is always a good day out and ferry over to Padstow.
  3. There does seem to be more reported stories of these incidents of late
  4. Is it the pics, or did they seem well fed (ish) ? They don't look skinny? Clearly they are very nervous though It's so hard when abroad isn't it, knowing whether what you do is right/wrong? I remember in Turkey, there were always skinny stray cats hanging around the hotel restaurants. I must admit to slipping them scraps but the waiting staff were always shooing them away
  5. Been taking a few sunny pics of the woofers in the nice weather. Ruby and York and Baby Ben - he's not a baby really, but he's just an 'ickle boy and actually cuddles you like a human if you pick him up (Please excuse the lack of stain on the back doorstep and peeling paint - we'll get round to it apparently ) This is the best I could do to get all 3 together - poor effort I know!
  6. So so many for just one. Who's loving you. Can you feel it. Man in the mirror. Beat it. You are not alone. trouble is, ask me another day and there'll be another list. Damn he was good
  7. Great pics. Glad you had a good time
  8. She likes it on her back then?! Have a great day Cherry
  9. Just awful RIP MJ I grew up, as many have said, with his music as the backdrop to my youth. "Can you feel it" - will always remind me of the local fairground as this was always blasting out. I remember we wrote in to Jim'll Fix It asking if we could go on with our version of the Thriller video (We never got on needless to say, shame - could have been my big break ). Saw him in Cardiff on his BAD tour with Kim Wilde supporting - absolutely fantastic. Quick edit - I am currently having a trip down the Jackson musical memory lane, really really outstanding music. So many songs you don't always think of straight away when asked what your favourite is. Such a terrible loss.
  10. 1. Two aerials met on a roof, fell in love and got married. The ceremony wasn't much, but the reception was excellent. 2. A set of jump leads walk into a bar. The bartender says, 'I'll serve you, but don't start anything.' 3. Two peanuts walk into a bar, and one was a salted. 4. A dyslexic man walks into a bra. 5. A man walks into a bar with a slab of asphalt under his arm, and says: 'A beer please, and one for the road.' 6. Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other: 'Does this taste funny to you ?' 7. 'Doc, I can't stop singing 'The Green, Green Grass of Home.' 'That sounds like Tom Jones Syndrome.' 'Is it common ?' 'Well, It's Not Unusual.' 8. Two cows are standing next to each other in a field. Daisy says to Dolly, 'I was artificially inseminated this morning.' 'I don't believe you,' says Dolly. 'It's true; no bull!' exclaims Daisy. 9. An invisible man marries an invisible woman. The kids were nothing to look at either. 10. Deja Moo: The feeling that you've heard this bull before. 11. I went to buy some camouflage trousers the other day, but I couldn't find any. 12. A man woke up in a hospital after a serious accident. He shouted, 'Doctor, doctor, I can't feel my legs !' The doctor replied, 'I know you can't - I've cut off your arms !' 13. I went to a seafood disco last week...and pulled a mussel. 14. What do you call a fish with no eyes ? A fsh. 15. Two fish swim into a concrete wall. One turns to the other and says, 'Dam !' 16. Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were a bit cold, so they lit a fire in the craft. It sank, proving once again that you can't have your kayak and heat it too. 17. A group of chess enthusiasts checked into a hotel, And were standing in the lobby discussing their recent tournament victories. After about an hour, the manager came out of the office, and asked them to Disperse. 'But why,' they asked, as they moved off. 'Because,' he said, 'I can't stand chess-nuts boasting in an open foyer.' 18. A woman has twins, and gives them up for adoption. One of them goes to a family in Egypt , and is named 'Ahmal.' The other goes to a family in Spain ; they name him 'Juan.' Years later, Juan sends a picture of himself to his birth mother. Upon receiving the picture, she tells her husband that she wishes she also had a picture of Ahmal. Her husband responds, 'They're twins ! If you've seen Juan, you've seen Ahmal.' 19. Mahatma Gandhi, as you know, walked barefoot most of the time, Which produced an impressive set of calluses on his feet. He also ate very little, which made him rather frail and with his odd diet, He suffered from bad breath. This made him (Oh, man, this is so bad, it's good) . A super-calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis. 20 And finally, there was the person who sent twenty different puns to his friends, with the hope that at least ten of the puns would make them laugh. No pun in ten did.
  11. Many congratulations to everyone Best wishes from us
  12. If it is Homserve, then we have had to call upon their services on 2 occasions and both times I was more than happy with how they dealt with us. The 1st was for a problem with the French Doors not closing properly and the 2nd was with our boiler.
  13. What a lovely lovely story
  15. They used to use urine to tan animal skins, so families used to all pee in a pot & then once a day it was taken & sold to the tannery.......if you had to do this to survive you were "Piss Poor" But worse than that were the really poor folk who couldnt even afford to buy a pot...........they "didnt have a pot to piss in" & were the lowest of the low The next time you are washing your hands and complain because the water temperature isn't just how you like it, think about how things used to be. Here are some facts about the 1500s: Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May, and they still smelled pretty good by June. However, since they were starting to smell . .. . brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odor. Hence the custom today of carrying a bouquet when getting married. Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men, then the women and finally the children. Last of all the babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it. Hence the saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the Bath water!" Houses had thatched roofs-thick straw-piled high, with no wood underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the cats and other small animals (mice, bugs) lived in the roof. When it rained it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof. Hence the saying "It's raining cats and dogs." There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house. This posed a real problem in the bedroom where bugs and other droppings could mess up your nice clean bed. Hence, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top afforded some protection. That's how canopy beds came into existence. The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt. Hence the saying, "Dirt poor." The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery in the winter when wet, so they spread thresh (straw) on floor to help keep their footing. As the winter wore on, they added more thresh until, when you opened the door, it would all start slipping outside. A piece of wood was placed in the entrance-way. Hence: a thresh hold. (Getting quite an education, aren't you?) In those old days, they cooked in the kitchen with a big kettle that always hung over the fire. Every day they lit the fire and added things to the pot. They ate mostly vegetables and did not get much meat. They would eat the stew for dinner, leaving leftovers in the pot to get cold overnight and then start over the next day. Sometimes stew had food in it that had been there for quite a while. Hence the rhyme: Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old. Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made them feel quite special. When visitors came over, they would hang up their bacon to show off. It was a sign of wealth that a man could, "bring home the bacon." They would cut off a little to share with guests and would all sit around and chew the fat. Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead poisoning death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous. Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or the upper crust. Lead cups were used to drink ale or whisky. The combination would sometimes knock the imbibers out for a couple of days. Someone walking along the road would take them for dead and prepare them for burial. They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the family would gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if they would wake up. Hence the custom of holding a wake. England is old and small and the local folks started running out of places to bury people. So they would dig up coffins and would take the bones to a bone-house, and reuse the grave. When reopening these coffins, 1 out of 25 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the inside and they realized they had been burying people alive. So they would tie a string on the wrist of the corpse, lead it through the coffin and up through the ground and tie it to a bell. Someone would have to sit out in the graveyard all night (the graveyard shift..) to listen for the bell; thus,someone could be, saved by the bell or was considered a dead ringer...
  16. Ah, she's got such a gentle face Glad she's enjoyed the sunshine.
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