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Everything posted by Houndwoman

  1. Your bond will never be broken as you shared so much love It will take time but you will feel better in time and your sadness will be replaced with happy memories and the good times that you shared with dear Nelly
  2. Very disappointing news Billy Don't give up hope though but just take a look at this CV247 I hope the vet is wrong but if there is a possibility of a tumour it is worth trying but you have to convince your vet that it is worth trying! If you look at 'Bramble's Story' that is about a little dog I had many years ago and that is how I first got involved with the treatment. Our little Beagle, Jan is on it now and has been for about 2 months and she is doing well. She was diagnosed with Lymphoma last December and went on a course of chemo' but although she was ok for a while after 12 weeks she started to have unpleasant side effects. Our vet had been trying to get hold of CV247 for a very long time but couldn't because it wasn't licensed here until January this year but he got stocks of it as soon as he could and is now using it on a few of his patients. If you read the link there is advice on the diet which if you can get them to eat it is the best support for the therapy but other than that a low protein/fat diet and organic. Jan has all the veggies and is on Burns Organic which seems to suit her. Just a suggestion anyway.
  3. What a barsteward I have a friend who lives down in that area so I will now email her the link.
  4. We get our vegan wines from the Co op. I think Sainsbury's stock a range also The swim bladder of fish is quite often used to clear wine and also egg albumen. It has been known that animal blood was once used to improve the colour of some red wines If it's vegan or veggie it will say on the label. If it doesn't don't trust it
  5. Billy, I am sending all the good thoughts I can muster for your special boy Milk Thistle is excellent stuff so I hope it will help him feel better.
  6. I am vegan too We have vegan curries quite often and last night we had a vegan bolognese, just the same as a 'normal' one but we use vegemince. There are some nice things here Vegan Recipes
  7. I am so sorry to hear that dear Nelly has gone Run free lovely girl
  8. We had a dog that collapsed half an hour after Frontline application-she died a few months later with a massive tumour in her neck and on her spleen I always try and steer clear now of any chemical applications if possible. I have never used Bob Martins products so can't say a lot about them but I have been told that they aren't very effective
  9. I am sure that does you the world of good Cher It looks lovely and relaxing
  10. Will continue to keep Nelly in my thoughts.
  11. I hope your vet visit went ok Sending good thoughts for dear Nelly
  12. That's just what I was going to say Various dogs of ours have been on the same meds and I have never seen their appetite increase. I am sure it's because he feels so much better
  13. Great Andrea I am really looking forward to it and seeing you and Kazz (of course)
  14. So pleased Dillon has picked up Hope Nelly will start to feel better too
  15. Knowing the way the law works re animals I expect they will get off far too light. I hope that they will be scared to show their faces in public and at least suffer in that way
  16. Sending lots of good thoughts your way
  17. Sending love and healing thoughts out to you and dear Dillon Hopefully the meds will kick in and do their work. We have had many dogs with heart problems and it's surprising how they can rally around when the meds start to work.
  18. Bless his dear soul I hope he can get some respite from his problem
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