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Everything posted by mole

  1. This doesn't surprise me in the least ... I know an ex police officer (female) who told me that she and a colleague were on patrol and saw a bloke with a Japanese Akita ... it was on lead and they went up to him and told him it was classed as a dangerous dog and should be muzzled. The man didn't know any better than to just say "fine I'll get him muzzled". I told her that Akita's weren't on DD list and she told me I was wrong. Only agreed with me when I emailed her DDA info on the breeds in question. Well lets face it .... Japanese Akita.... Japanese Tosa ... anything big and tough with Japanese in front of it's name ... bound to be on the DDA listing Your average run of the mill police no b****r all about dogs and dog breeds.
  2. mole


    Even taking a photo by mobile phone. You can get really small video cameras these days .... ask around to see if you could borrow one. If there are a few of you watching him try and take photos/video without him seeing you ... they obviously know how to play the Inspectors ... difficult for RSPCA to prove anything as one person's word against another. The more people report them the better.
  3. mole

    Grab Tags

    There's this one I bought a Black Dog Wear one but I can't find where it was from But this is a photo of it ... should be easy to make
  4. mole

    Dog Collars

    My dogs don't wear collars in the house ... I just think it must feel good not to have the collars on sometimes .... however my dogs can't get out of the garden and wouldn't try to anyway even if they could. They never ever get taken out without a collar though.
  5. mole


    I would ring the RSPCA Inspectors helpline 0870 55 55 999 It's a central number to report things to the Inspectors and not linked to local RSPCA Animal Homes ... the people you will talk to on there have always been really helpful when I've rung. You would have to have his address ... they will ask for your name and address and phone number but this will not be divulged to anybody so the man with the pup will not know it's you. I would tell them you consider his treatment of this pup as serious abuse and that other people have commented and that the man does not take any notice of comments you've made. I would also tell them that he's said that his wife his harder on the dog than he is. An Inspector should go round and talk to them ... it will depend on the area and how busy they are as to when they go. Leave it a week and ring back and ask what's happened .. some Inspector's will ring you and update .. other's you have to ring and ask for an update. Sometimes it only takes the RSPCA to call for the situation to change ... if they've found out that the dog's too much perhaps the Inspector could get them to sign it over. This pup will turn into a dog with behavioural problems if it gets treated like that for showing normal happy puppy behaviour. Do it for the dog
  6. As celeste said ... Wainwrights dry kibble has more or less the same ingredients as James Wellbeloved but a lot cheaper. Personally I don't like feeding dogs dry food ... too heavily processed ... too much grain .... and unappetising. I feed raw but if you don't want to do that the two I would use would be either Naturediet (don't have to freeze it) but it's expensive or Butchers tinned ... just meat and veg (not high quality meat but it will be as good as in the expensive dry brands) no additives ...
  7. Have to agree ... this is what I do with a puller .... use a harness and a headcollar (I use a gentle leader) and attach a double ended training lead to both harness and headcollar ... then you can alternate between the two depending on the situation. I find it also helps to have two contact points for the lead ... head and body .. to be able to control a reactive dog. I use these harnesses personally
  8. Yes!!!! Nobody has any excuse now not to take her seeing as she is just perfick
  9. You haven't seen the size of my house Margaret .... and I have three already including a sixteen going on seventeen year old. I think now you've got your new house you may just have room for a little 'un
  10. How can anybody not love that sweet little face I'd have her tomorrow if I had room
  11. Let's hope the gorgeous little Ginny gets her forever home for Christmas Olive
  12. Sorry the link is not correct and I'm not allowed to edit the post The supplier I use is
  13. After using all sorts of glucosamine products in the past (including Synflex which I'm afraid did nothing for my dogs) . My vet recommended Glycoflex II and I've been using this for quite a while now ... it seems to work for my dogs. I get mine from here ... In my experience the three ingredients that should be in there are Glucosamine (some say Hcl rather than sulphate is easier to absorb) Chondroitin (watch for this as some products have tiny amounts in them) and Manganese which helps with assimilation. (only small amount needed) They are quite large tablets but I crush them up in a mortar and pestle and put in with food and chop them in half if you need smaller dose.
  14. The stuff of nightmares I always keep well away from places with old mine shafts ... lots in Coniston area .... impossible to fence them all and it looks like this one had been fenced but not maintained. Thank goodness the dog was found safe
  15. Fantastic photo's .... competition standard !! I love Scotland too.
  16. Mine is Vitamin C ... get a time release and take 1000/2000mg a day.... good luck
  17. And it's only £10 a year for pensioners
  18. mole

    Advice Needed

    I would definitely rehome Wilf. In my opinion the fights will only get worse and it just isn't fair on Charliegoo. I had a big Staff from a bad home (Buster) on foster and he was dog aggressive but was OK with my two (one male ..Bruno .. and one old female) to begin with ... but he never took to Bruno (who is very friendly and has dog savvy body language and is never pushy). I used management a lot as I only have a small house ... crating Buster at night or tieing him up till he was used to my dogs. Buster had a couple of goes at Bruno where he pinned him down but nothing major but it ended up with him really attacking Bruno after he'd been with me 11 months just cos Bruno dared to be running around on a walk. He really did a lot of damage and I couldn't get him off. It was very scary. I kept him because I felt really sorry for him and nobody wanted him and he'd come from a home where his owner had been banned from keeping a dog and to be truthful, I did love him very much, but looking back I should not have done it as Bruno changed from a happy little dog to one who was scared to do anything in case Buster took offence at it. It has taken Bruno ages to get back to actually playing and running close to another dog. These things simmer on and I now know that I put Bruno through a high level of constant stress for a long time without taking his needs into consideration as much as I was taking Buster's needs. Just my experience.
  19. Mmm Sounded too good to be true Don't you think if you exchange it the next one will be the same?
  20. Do you mean the insulin injections or the blood tests?
  21. mole


    Blimey! I'm glad I fell asleep on the sofa really had no idea on some questions even with the three alternatives showing It's not too bad when they ask you alternatives but on the "head to head" you have to know the answer. I think it's a really difficult quiz to do ... the TV one that is ... and it's on TV as well ... very scary
  22. mole


    Sorry ... fell asleep on the sofa
  23. Would be very interested in hearing whether this is any good outside in the big wide world when you've tested it
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