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Dog Rescue Lover

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Everything posted by Dog Rescue Lover

  1. Hes gorgeous. As you say, he won't be long in finding a home when his 7 days are up - lucky fella to have found you
  2. Wet overnight, but glorious sunshine now. Just got to decide where to take my gorgeous doggies on such a gorgeous day!
  3. Only just caught up with this. OMG. You were very lucky to survive that horrific accident. After reading you were OK, my next thought after seeing the pictures was thank Dog you didn't have any dogs in the boot! Take it easy and try not to do too much too quickly Get yourself better slowly and steadily
  4. So sorry to hear your sad news Run long and free at the Bridge gorgeous Red
  5. Hiya Alison, As you know, I work in Adult Education. We have got Numeracy courses (which are free), but I'm finding out if we've got anything specifically for dyscalculia or to do with household bills and bank statements. I'll come back to you.
  6. Well done for helping Jo. Welcome home to the UK Anne - its great that you're here
  7. Its not an easy decision and one I'm sure you've not taken lightly. At the end of the day, you love Bob enough to let him go to another home where he'll be happier. For that, I applaud you. I'm so sorry you feel a certain group of people would shoot you down for the doing the right thing by your dog. They can't be very nice or understanding and personally wouldn't worry about their comments or attitude. They aren't in your position and can't see how affected Bob is. What you're doing for him is the greatest love I can see
  8. Not been around for a few days because of a trip to Prague (what a beautiful city ). Feel all better now and looking forward to spending lots of money at Crufts tomorrow No chance to catch up on 50 odd pages of RMF, so I'm hoping everyone is keeping well and lurgy free
  9. I am just getting over this and its really knocked me for six. I don't usually 'do' ill and carry on regardless, but this one had me in bed for 4 days and lounging around feeling very sorry for myself and tired for the rest of the time. I've taken a week off work as sick (something I never do) and have needed it. Just got some antibiotics from the doctors to clear up cough and sinuses. Hubbies bug turned into a chect infection and his antibs are twice the strength of mine. Please don't do too much and when you feel tired, rest!
  11. Aaawww, hes gorgeous. Hes fallen on his feet with your family
  12. Not really had a chance to read back, so hope everyone is OK Alison, you are none of those things! You're a vibrant, gorgeous young lady with the world at your feet (as well as a gorgeous Sol!). You do so much for people without even giving it a second thought, which on its own would make you a fantastic person, but you're still so much more than that. I think when self esteem is low, we feel things we wouldn't normally feel. Maybe you're feeling a bit low and so things are getting on top of you. Maybe by saying you feel fat is your brains way of telling you that you aren't "bony" as suggested by random stranger? I think its funny how people perceive themselves compared to other peoples perception of them. I look at Alison and think shes very lucky to be so slim and attractive. I look at myself and think I'm fat and ugly. On some days I just think I'm fat and not so ugly. I bet other peoples perceptions of me vary from that. At the end of the day, if we're happy and healthy, the rest doesn't matter. Especially when we have dogs that love us unconditionally and don't care about what we look like RMF: I have the lurgy back and have been in bed for the last 2 days. Am starting to feel much better now, but still feeling very lethargic and tired. At least the aches and hot and coldness have subsised. RMF2: My Canine Communication first module has arrived today. Can't wait to start on it! Welcome home to new dog for Melps
  13. Thats made me cry (and I'm sat at my desk at work - getting some odd looks now ) I have a quote that I heard the other day, but can't remember it. It was lovely as well
  14. I know exactly how you feel Snow. Our car service came to just over £750 (its never gone wrong before and it just so happened this time everything that needed replacing had gone!), our vet bill this month has come in at nearly £400 (can't claim for this as its dental work, bloods and boosters) and I've just applied to go on a canine communication course at nearly £300. Thankfully I've got an overtime claim which is long overdue and should be paid at the end of this month (about 6 months worth), so should cover this lot and leave us some spare to go to Prague with at the start of March My F-I-L has offered to clear our debts for us (I'm amazed!) but the downside to that is he treats us like children and has said he will cut up our credit cards and we won't be allowed to have them again (and we would have to sign a contract to this affect ffs - he is serious ). I'd rather carry on paying off our debts on our own and be responsible for it than get treated like a child regarding finance (however, i do think he has a point with hubby as hes useless with a credit card ) Again to everyone whos had a bad month financially
  15. So very very sorry to read this Thak goodness she had people who loved her with her at the end. You all gave her so much care, love and attention that I'm sure she was a very lucky girlie and knew how special she was Run free at the Bridge Bow to everyone involved with Bow - you are truly wonderful for giving this girl a chance of happiness
  16. Poor Cass - so sad. Run free now at the bridge
  17. So sorry for your loss. It is so obvious to anyone reading your posts how much Bear was loved He had a wonderful time with you and thats what he'll remember as hes dancing around the bridge in his new found youth Sleep tight Bear and rest easy knowing you are loved and always will be
  18. So sorry Run free and young again at the Bridge Molly
  19. Unfortunately some dogs are just prone to it. My old cavvie used to have hers emptied regularly. Eventually she had them removed as they kept getting blocked and infected. she was fine after that (although its not an easy decision to make as some dogs do get complications with having their anal glands removed). My oldie Cairn has hers emptied every 3 months - she seems to get worse with age. Poor Maddie - not a nice thing for her to have done
  21. HAPPY SECOND GOTCHA DAY MIYA, YOU BEAUTIFUL GIRL She is the spitting image of my Annie girl, except Annie has white freckles on her face
  22. HAPPY FIRST BURFDAY ARRAN Plus happy birthday to human kids too
  23. Hope all went well with Ellie's op today Will she have to have crate rest for a while?
  24. Thats great news Claz. It must be a relief for you to know hes settling in nicely. Does this mean you'll be able to have your boys over to visit now?
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