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Everything posted by phoenix21

  1. Well turns out am not good at diagnosing things!! Took phoenix to the vet because her leg has been getting worse in the evenings. He first thought it was luxating patellas but they are absolutely fine, checked cruciate ligaments and they are fine. So he began feeling her back and it turns out this is where the problems stem from. So, he manipulated her back and has given her anti inflammatories. If it doesnt improve she will have to have xrays Really bizzarely, ive been getting a bad back for about 4 years now which affects my left leg the most (i think its sciatica or along the lines of). So i understand how phoenix feels now! I hope she doesnt need xrays and gets better. The amount of times she throws herself about , and trys to jump things like gates (lands in the middle and falls back down ) am surprised she hasnt hurt herself more often. I dont know much about dog back problems so off to have a browse of the internet.
  2. Just looked at finger hope shes ok OOOOO new series of House tonight been waiting for it to come back on for ages!! please say someone else is addicted to it! rmf: Molly started pestering me a whole 1 1/2 hr earlier for her tea today - was wondering if it was the metacam shes been on for 3 days now - only the side effects are supposed to be loss of appitite
  3. ewwwww thats a dedicated fugee to get the camera out - i think id have fainted if id done that to myself!! let alone gone to find the camera!!! hope shes ok
  4. aww thats lovely anne - beautiful photos
  5. oo lovely pics - looks very pretty
  6. Oh no! hope george is ok Just heard ive got throught to the final technical interview for a graduate environmental consultant position in newcastle - am really pleased but slightly nervous about what they will ask me!!!
  7. aww my grandparents had KCCS's. they never got clipped but i think my grandma did trim their ears as they were forever getting dangled in stuff!! my manager at work as a working springer spaniel thats forever getting muddy so she gets her belly clipped i think.
  8. aww she looks gorgeous - i bought an orthopedic bed for molly but she wont lie on it I think she got a bit worried by me trying to coax her onto it that she thinks its something evil along the lines of the vet and wont lie on it (phoenix likes it though! although could fit about 6 phoenix's on it)
  9. well should really say the lakeland terrier being up in cumbria but ive heard they are a bit on the grumpy side. Met 2 on a walk the other day and they are very beautiful
  10. Love the name fred lol bless good luck with separating - having a herd of about 80!!horses and ponies at work- we have many groups that hang round together and dont like leaving each other can be quite annoying. Believe it or not the ones we have had to separate from the rest of the herd are the two clydesdales - ben and lizzy, Ben is the biggest horse on the yard but also the most bullied. He is forever coming in with big cuts and gashes on his legs and body (i even saw freckles - a miniture spotted pony- back into him and kick out the other day!!). Final straw came when he came in lame on tues and had to see the vet so they are separated now!!! Well done claire!! is he any different now his teeth are sorted?
  11. awww we need lots of pics of trigger when he gets to yours. i love shetties
  12. hes beautiful not surprised they failed in fostering!
  13. good programme - and great advertisement for rescue dogs. I dont understand why some of the cost of voting goes to children in need though - i would be more inclined to vote if it when to a dog rescue loved the staffie - so glad they had one on and also the afgan and the gsd/wolfhound were just gorgeous
  14. she just texted me to say shes on her way home hes such a lovely horse as well - when he was owned by work i used to take him on the advanced and hes just the best horse to ride. So comfy and amazingly fast (well he is a throughbred)!!! he responds to voice commands as well so say if you wanted to canter all you have to say is canter and he does - very clever boy. stupid he aint. She absolutely loves him to bits and he loves her - he stood by the fence where she fell off and wouldnt move when someone tried to take him away she will completely find some way of defending his actions!
  15. took molly to vets today re: cystitis. she hasnt wee'd in the house since sun but i wanted to get her checked anyway. He thinks its related to her back, nerves and the fact she cant get down properly to wee so she isnt weeing as much at a time but shes on a course of antibiotics anyway and also a course of metacam. They first gave her metacam when she was 10 and was on it for a few months then i decided to go down the supplements and herbal route. Shes been great with glucosamine, chondrotin, g. l. mussel and fish oils for the past 2 years but now feel she does need some extra pain relief now shes approaching 13. Hopefully she will be feeling a little better soon. She was weighed at vets and she is 32kg - is that an ok weight for a labrador? I dont want any extra weight on her legs than necessary. She doesnt really look overweight but hard to tell when i see her everyday!
  16. aw bless her - look forward to foal pics had a bit of drama at work today. My friend who also works up there came up to ride her horse on her day off. She bought him from the stables a few years ago. Before he came to the stables he was an eventer who was basically ruined and now totally freaks out at dressage markers, jumps etc but is an excellent hack. Anyway she has been trying to do some schooling with him but today he was having none of it and bucked her off once. She got back on (doesnt like him to get the better of her) and he must have bucked her off again but this time over the outdoor school fence. She hurt her neck and leg so had to get the air ambulance, ambulance and doctor out. ambulance came very quickly considering we are out of the way a bit so air ambulance circled and went back - they had to be very cautious as it was a back injury obviously. Just heard that she is in fact ok thank god. Gives you a fright though - you forget what a dangerous sport it is
  17. well, shes not going electric shock direction anymore - no shes paid £20 to a farmer so she can use a ram I said do you not think though that is will make him more likely to kill sheep - if hes got one coming at him and hurting him hes surely going to get more agressive towards them. then i said that i would never dream of putting my dog through that - but aparantly its ok because her dog is bigger and can take it just no telling some people - well i hope she can afford the vets bills.
  18. Oh no!! poor pops lots and lots and lots of good thoughts sent your way
  19. oasis - the masterplan current ones are the feeling and the kaiserchiefs (cant rememeber the full titles of the albums)
  20. i love the hazelnut creme chocolate just got some at tescos today - it is evil- should i be resisting the caramel coffee perles?
  21. oo i was going to go last year but i wasnt well - tempted to see if i can get the day off to come along - phoenix would love it. Will sponser you a fiver (sorry am a poor student!!)
  22. hope Poppys ok well its pretty blizzardy on and off here - but now the temp has increased a bit its not really settling just about off to tesco - was going 40 mins ago but came on here and well you know how it is!!
  23. oh thats interesting thanks for that. I thought that higher protiens for older dogs was not good as their kidneys couldnt process them effectively. Thanks very much for the links i think i'll get some. She now seems fine in herself in that shes happy on walks, eating fine etc but she did 3 wees on her walk which is still quite a bit and she wee'd in the kitchen this morning so i think i'll take her back to the vets on monday.
  24. phoenix21


    YEAY we finally get snow (although the suns out now and its all melting ) Anyway half way to work this morning got a call to say we were cancelling due to the weather (why they cant ring me before i set off i dont know ) so when i got home it seemed like the blizzard conditions had stopped and the sun came out. I thought - perfect time to take the dogs out. this was when i got up this morning No it wasnt the perfect time to take dogs out...... 1/4 way into walk it started blizzard conditions again and was soo cold - luckly phoenix had her newly knitted jumper and her fleecy waterproof coat on but felt very mean to molly although she didnt seem bothered. Phoenix was shivering most of the time despite her layers think that dog needs thermals! bad quality not only due to weather but taken on phone.....needless to say once we got home it was sunny again felt really sorry for the cows, sheep and esp lambs in the field huddled by the walls and hedges to get shelter bless them.
  25. OMG WTG Nat and Purdie brilliant news
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