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Anne Grose

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Everything posted by Anne Grose

  1. Anne Grose


    Ahh poor Guin - hope she is feeling better soon.
  2. In the spirit of goodwill and all that from one RC to another - I will lend you my "good" dog if you like!! (of course, he is no such thing, tee hee ) Anne
  3. You are quite near me Rubysmom, Cannock Chase is about 30 minutes from me.
  4. Well, we are hoping to be there from around 11am until about 3 or 4pm. I think they said they were going to put us near the tills, so hopefully we will be in prime position to tell everyone about the Oldies Club
  5. Not a Facebook person - sorry. But, I am from the Midlands - I am in south Derbyshire, whereabouts in the Midlands are you?? Anne
  6. Hi all - Eileen one of my wonderful volunteer's has organised a meet and greet this Sunday at the Woodlands Wyevale Garden Centre in Stapleton, leicestershire. If anyone would like to come along and support us - especially with their dogs - we would love to have your support. We are both M & G virgins so would really like some moral support. The address of the centre is Woodlands Nurseries, Ashby Road, Stapleton, Leicestershire LE9 8JE Hope to see some of you there Anne
  7. Cheer up Rosie, you can't have your foster mummy worrying about you this close to Christmas. Love and snuffles from all of us here
  8. If you paid by credit card you will be covered by that card company and will get your money back. If it was a debit card, it is still worth contacting your bank and as Lester said get in touch with the administrators
  9. Ahhh - I watched that with tears in my eyes. I wonder if it is possible for us to get these videos put on a DVD so we can use them at meet and greets. I shall have mutterings with the other RC's
  10. Hi both my dogs love raw chicken wings and eat them whole. They chomp them up into pieces as they eat through them. Freeze any left over in meal sized portions once you have opened the packet as they are tastiest served fresh.
  11. Dear god, why do people do this to dogs. It makes me so sad
  12. Poor old you, hopefully Rosie will settle soon. I hope you feel better today and that the horrible virus that has been going round Derbyshire hasn't got down to you. Husband went down with it last Friday - then I got it Sunday and today is the first day I have felt well enough to really get up and out of bed
  13. Yes, I noticed that I shall be glued to it very shortly.
  14. Lovely to see an oldie making herself at home. Great pix
  15. Oooh how exciting i shall have to see if I can find a copy tomorrow
  16. Oooh how exciting i shall have to see if I can find a copy tomorrow
  17. Just been reading up on this - is Florrie a Staffy?? The AHT have a good deal of information on this genetic disorder. It sounds awful. Poor Florrie. I hope she is OK. Anne
  18. I am so glad that Florrie's owner s going to have her completely checked over, that is really good news. When my Barty went from being the softest, gentlest most playful dog in the world to suddenly attacking strange dogs I knew that there had to be something very wrong with him. His problem turned out to be a bulging disc in the his back rather than a soft tissue pull in his back leg. Sorted the pain, got my gentle boy back. I hope you find out what the problem is. By the way, what is L2 this is something I am not familiar with Anne
  19. Oooh I love pictures of dogs playing in the snow
  20. Has she had her thyroid properly checked. Sudden changes in temperament are a classic sign of a thyroid problem. Anne
  21. Lovely photos - shame about that rough looking woman who crept in (she says ducking quite a lot !!!!)
  22. I didn't know Holly's story - so that was lovely. A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOLLY from Anne, Barty another mad lurcher and Chloe - who was very like you 3 years ago
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