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Everything posted by Greygal

  1. What a gorgeous boy he is! I'm sure you mum will know he is being loved and looked after and I hope having him with you brings some comforting memories too.
  2. All working beautifully this morning....what a relief! Have the OC as my computers Home Page so it's not a happy bunny when it can't find the site!
  3. Sounds like you had fun with Duke but at least a change from computer woes! Mail coming through to Gmail this afternoon so that seems to be working OK again.
  4. Can now get onto OC website but not IIS section....should be fun today!!
  5. Still no access to the site from here. Hope it's working OK by tomorrow anyway.
  6. Just checked and I can't access it yet. I know I'm probably one of the Norty ones but 24 hours without the OC site is just too much punishment!!
  7. Still can't get onto the OC site this morning so presume it is still down.
  8. So cute! Bet he has his new mum wrapped round his little paw already.
  9. Good luck Woody. Have a wonderful life in your new home.
  10. Who cares what she is when she's as cute as that!! Going to win over some hearts very quickly this little one, I think.
  11. Greygal

    Eric And Kane

    When you think how easily some people give their pets away and then others like this guy try against all odds to keep them....makes you wonder about the human race!
  12. He's looking good! Handsome too so someone is going to fall big time for this guy!
  13. Easily done though isn't it? I always use a wrist strap on my flexi handle so there is no chance of dropping it completely and even if I let go of the flexi handle it won't drop to the ground and spook the dog or allow it to run off dragging the flexi behind.
  14. Well done you! Now how about extending this to short haired pointers and English Pointers who need a bit of help?
  15. Sounds like that gorgeous girl was well spoiled for her 15th....and so she should be. Hope she stays healthy and happy for a long time to come.
  16. Fingers crossed the various supplements will help Ella and she can enjoy life with you for a long time to come.
  17. Brilliant effort! It was shown on TV too....did you have an 'OC' motif or anything on your vest? Didn't spot you so maybe next year eh?
  18. Can't see him staying with you long though. A handsome, cat friendly lurcher like him should be snapped up I would think.
  19. What a lovely update. So glad you are all enjoying each others company and can also reassure Ella's previous owner that all is well. My two love sardines as well, but they haven't yet worked out how to make me add it so regularly to their meals. Sounds like Ella has you well sorted already!
  20. Sounds like a double bonus had a grand time and raised lots of money too. Well done you and your little gang.
  21. Well, he might be a lurcher but from your comments there he is obviously at least 90% greyhound I would think!!
  22. I am sorry to have to let you all know that beautiful Bess has moved on to the Bridge . With all her medical problems, the vet felt that her quality of life was not good enough to let her struggle on any longer and she passed away peacefully. She was a lovely old girl and I am so sorry that we will not see her go happily off to a new home as we had hoped. Rest peacefully Bess. We will not forget you.
  23. Not sure if this will work but here goes.... Should play as a video to give you a little preview of the old girl She doesn't really move as fast as this though....not sure how that happened!
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