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Everything posted by cindere528

  1. I'm feeling a bit because we've had a really scary walk. Since it was so nice out, I decided to take the dogs to the local country park. We often go there, it's only about 3 miles away but I know that on a pleasant Sunday afternoon it can get quite busy so we didn't go until just after 6 by which time it's usually quietened down a bit. Anyway, I parked the car & got the dogs across the road into the park. Dillon did a poo & I picked it up & walked back to the nearest poo bin. I had seen a black labrador in the distance ahead of us & I thought that if I walked back to the poo bin he wouldn't see us & his owners would have him under control by the time we went in that direction. How wrong was I? I no sooner turned round from putting Dillon's deposit in the poo bin than we had black labrador threatening us at very close quarters. Now those who know me know that Dillon is NOT friendly towards other dogs. Dillon was snarling & trying to get at the lab, Nelly was squealing & nipping (but not making contact with the lab). I decided the best thing to do would be turn around & head for the car. It meant crossing a busy road & I figured that the lab's owners would come screaming up if they thought he was going to cross the road. Again, how wrong I was . We crossed the road with lab at the side of us, ears back, ready to retaliate to Dillon's snarling & Nelly's nipping. I was so scared. I really wanted the lab's owners to come & take him away. As we got to the car, I had to block the doorway so the lab didn't get in with my two. Nelly needs a helping hand to get in the car, so it was a tad tricky. Anyway, at that moment, lab saw another lab on the other side of the road, on a lead with a girl of about 14 or 15. "Our" lab decided it would be more fun to terrorise them, so off he went, young girl started running, lab followed, don't know what happened but it wasn't my problem, My problem was calming my 2 down. I drove off & we went to another park a few more miles away & managed to have a pleasant walk but I'm still shaking I feel sad that someone has "lost" their dog this evening. They'd probably had a pleasant afternoon on the park & were about to head home, but now they'll be looking for their dog. He had no collar on, so even if someone catches him, they can't find his owners
  2. Those pics made me a bit too. It's fantastic what you've done in such a short space of time Sam. I am so proud to know you
  3. Only just seen this thread. Keep fighting little Sirius, lots of positive healing thoughts & gentle coming your way
  4. Poor Poppy She's a lucky girl having a mummy who loves her so much
  5. I seem to be suffering with hay fever I don't normally get it, but I've been sneezing a lot in the last week & now my eyes are leaking. Tears are cascading down my face and I can't stop them. My eyes are also very itchy.
  6. My very first cocker was a stickler for wanting his dinner on time. We always fed him at 6 o'clock in the evening, so when the clocks went forward, we adjusted his time by a few minutes every day. When they went back, it was a real problem, he would start to tell me in the normal way that it was dinner time (coming to me, walking away again, pointing to his food bowl etc), Then he would walk the length of the room & launch himself at me at high speed several times until he got his dinner. Subsequent dogs have been more laid back about food, particularly so because I didn't have a strict feeding time. I normally feed them any time between 5:30 & 7 in the evening, so changing the clocks isn't a problem. Slightly off topic though, I always come home from work at 1 o'clock, lunchtime and today was no different. I walked in the door to total silence rather than the normal noisy greeting I get. At first I thought it was because Dillon was ill (he'd been poorly last night) then I realised that the dogs thought it was only 12 o'clock, so they weren't expecting me. As soon as they realised I was home, I got the full works from them, but it was a bit strange not getting the greeting straight away
  7. We went to bed last night as normal and Dillon suddenly started shaking his head, scratching his left ear & holding his head down on the left hand side. I know it's fairly common for Cockers to get grass seeds etc in their ears so I tried to have a look but he wouldn't let me. That in itself is very unusual for Dillon, normally people can do anything with him (that's the reason they love him at our vet's). Anyway, he was running round the bedroom trying to get comfortable but he couldn't settle & was panicking. I always use lavender spray in the bedroom to create a relaxing atmosphere but that didn't help poor Dillon last night at all. All this went on for over an hour and by about 1 o'clock in the morning I was thinking of calling the vet. Dillon was panting really hard as if he'd been running fast & he felt very hot. He was still holding his head down & scratching his ear, crying whilst doing it. Before calling the vet, I decided to give him some Rescue Remedy to calm him down because he really was in a state. I let him lick the Rescue Remedy off my fingers and almost immediately he calmed down. I decided to give him another few drops & within about 10 minutes he had settled down on my bed & went to sleep. He slept for the rest of the night & has been perfectly normal today. I intended to take him to the vets this morning if he had been at all unwell, but he was absolutely fine today. Could he have been having a panic attack because of his ear hurting? His ear didn't seem to be inflamed at all from what bit I could see. Is it possible that his ear problem might have been an insect crawling in & then crawling out again?
  8. For what it's worth, I have 2 cockers & I have them clipped right down about 3 times a year. I agree it's lovely to see them in full coat, properly stripped, but I simply don't have the time to groom them like that. IMO, it's no different to people - some have long hair, some have short, it's all down to personal preference, and yes, I have my hair cut really short too
  9. I can't stop looking at him, he's so gorgeous. I hope he finds a new home very soon or we might have to become a 3 dog family
  10. I thought this was supposed to be on the telly tonight but I can't find it listed anywhere. Does anyone know when it will be shown?
  11. I heard about this on the news a week or so ago. What I don't understand though is why a donor dog needs to weigh more than 25 kilos. If one of my dogs weighed that much, they would be seriously overweight and therefore not healthy enough to donate blood. Is it only large breeds that can donate?
  12. to Scampi & his Dad PS I wonder if his dad is half as handsome as Scampi?
  13. This is the day he came to live here This is one of my more recent photos of him (he's got a belly now ) Happy Gotcha Day to my special boy
  14. My two are spaniels but they still don't do rain. Dillon in particular hates it. He just stands there looking hurt if I make him go out in the rain. As for getting them to go in the garden for wees, I'm fighting a losing battle
  15. I'm not squeamish but I only got as far as the "debeaking" bit on the video. I can't watch any more of it . I haven't eaten meat for over a year, but chicken was one of the last meats I gave up eating. What did it for me was a television programme that showed why some chickens on the supermarket shelves have "burn" marks on their legs, apparently it's because they've been sitting in their own urine for long periods of time. I remember when I was a child how chicken for Sunday dinner was a luxury. It was quite expensive in those days because the animals were treated properly. Nowadays, due to humans' greed, we have found ways of producing meat cheaply so that people can satisfy their greed without paying the price. I firmly believe that one day we will pay the price, and I don't mean money. Nature has a way of getting even.
  16. Of course you want a party. Is there enough time to plan it though? When is your birthday?
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