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Everything posted by Gremlin

  1. I loved the baby one. I found 10 faces, 2 horses and could only see the deer that was meant to be there.
  2. Oh Loobie I am so, so sorry :GroupHug: Run free now, Mia. You were much loved, beautiful girl
  3. Very well done to Muppet and his very patient Mummy
  4. I got 10 first time, but I might cheat and try again
  5. I've managed to not get round to checking up for the past, what, 2 days?! So :GroupHug: for everyone that needs them, take them as you please... Oh, and have some of these: as you need them as well.
  6. I liked the bit at the end where they were wearing Santa Hats
  7. I hope he gets better soon, Laura.
  8. Ahh! Not been able to catch up, sorry. Sooo.... to anyone that needs them. Take 'em as you please
  9. Hello fellow lurker But for Polly Collie and for you.
  10. You need to have a passport to go to a shop? Helloo and thank you to everyone saying hellooo to me
  11. Ooooh. I've been a lurker for a while but since I've just seen the new Refuge I've decided to, well, stop lurking. for everyone that needs them. Bran
  12. I wanna make sure I don't get deleted too! Though I may try and post a bit more on the noooo board.
  13. Well if you have Photoshop you can use the brush tool on there or do the same but on Paint which you should automatically have on your computer... Wow, that's one of the most technical sentences I've used in a while
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