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Everything posted by irons

  1. My friend and myself took Murphy and her dog Paddy on our long walks over the weekend and decided because of the icy weather to go where there are no lakes cos of the threat of thin ice well we went to one we hadn't been to for ages and then i remembered why we don't go there any more Murphy and Paddy were playing and having fun in a stream when i looked up and saw a woman with her St Bernard and i thought OH NO now i remember Murphy just does not like her dog as she is very big and bouncy and i think she scares him so he goes on the defensive so we called ours over and made them sit which they did and i then called to her to call her dog away as my dog doesn't like her and as she did the last time we met she took no notice just saying her dog wanted to play i shouted back that mine didn't so please call your dog as we were backed into a corner and couldn't go anywhere growls had begun by this time and 2 other dogs came down the hill ( ours had been playing with them before thes started ) i thought its going to go off in the end she did call her dog off muttering that no dogs want to play with her i felt sorry for her dog but surely its best not to have a confrontation like that I was on pins for the rest of our walk and Murphy and Paddy played quite happily with other dogs that were out in fact they had a great chase me game through the woods with a 7 mth old which could run for England and was so funny to watch Why oh why do some owners think that all dogs should get on with each other she wouldn't listen Sorry about this long rant !!!!!!
  2. irons

    Dog Beds

    Lovely i like the second photo where the little one has claimed the big bed
  3. Oh my oh my Pumpkin has the most beautiful eyes i have ever seen and Annie is so cute Lovely photos
  4. Wish Murphy would get on with black dogs and not roll in fox or horse poo
  5. That is soo funny bet it gave them a shock ,thats if they even noticed
  6. He was so well behaved and looked great
  7. I agree we had to be careful on Sunday when the lake where we go was frozen and went further away from the water as both Murphy and his pal love the water and just want to swim It must have been so heartbreaking to watch that happen poor poor dog
  8. What lovely photos they seem to be enjoying the sun on their backs
  9. We've been playing snowballing this morning but he cann't work out why the balls vanish when he bites them ( bless him )he is going to have his fav dinner to-night and not to many treats but a special one as it is his special day I often wonder WHY he was dumped at the age he was (about 10 weeks old ) some one looked after him till then then just left him on a step in the freezing cold december night . Their loss our gain
  10. I cann't believe its Murphys 3'rd Gotcha day This is him enjoying the snow in HIS garden he was found in Rochdale dumped on a step when he was only about 10 or 12 weeks old luckily he was found by the Dog Warden (bless her ) then did his days in the pound then sent to WAW with him being so young he was sent to a wonderful foster Mum who loved him and gave him the best start in his new life when i saw him on WAW site it was love at first sight i had to have him i went through the home check terrified then the call came he was OURS .His foster Mum brought him to us and left in tears but knowing he was in our home for keeps!! he turned our house back into a home filling a big hole left when our old Collie lad went to The Bridge So my beautiful Murphy HAPPY GOTCHA DAY and many more to come
  11. Lots of healing thoughts for Ellie
  12. Thank goodness for a happy ending When we were on our walk yesterday we kept Murphy and his pal Paddy away from the lake as it was frozen over we were a bit worried about them going on it and falling through they weren't happy about it as they love to swim in any weather but we were not going to take the chance
  13. Went in Aldi yesterday and got a couple of the tins of treats must say the beds looked good but Murphy is ok for beds as he has his one here one at his Grandmas !! and one for camping
  14. It was like that where we at the weekend how do others have clean dogs when Murphy and his pal Paddy look like scrapyard dogs They do the same walk as us but there again Murphy likes to roll in the mud and Horse poo
  15. OMG words fail me Gentle hugs sent
  16. Those sort of photos should not be allowed on here They are so cute and Mum is as well
  17. irons

    Now I Know Why

    What i am doing now is on his usual weekday walks he can have the ball but when we go out at the weekend we are normally out for a couple of hours so he is not allowed the ball except for playing fetch then i have to have it back while we are walking oh he is not a happy boy doing that i am afraid but he will get used to the idea ( i hope ) as he can sulk I should have realised weeks ago but stupidly didn't( think i had a thick moment )
  18. So very sorry Have fun at The Bridge beautiful You had 2 years of love
  19. I worked out last weekend why Murphy gets grumpy with other dogs when he is out on his long weekend walks and it was so so simple i must be stupid!!!!!! He always carries his ball back to the car after his swim and his catch time and nearly always has a grumble at the other dogs he meets and it was really frustrating so last weekend i didn't let him have his ball on the way back and lo and behold he was an angel saying hello to other dogs even a Black Lab he has always disliked so sorry Murph no more carrying the tennis ball for you i am afraid you can sulk all you like but i prefer the sweet dog that you usually are than the grumpy dog you turn into carrying your ball
  20. Great photos and looks a lovely spot to walk dogs
  21. I love Dogs in the snow had to add one of my Murphy in the snow in his garden He wasn't sure what to make of it
  22. Murphy kisses all the time mostly me but he kisses my best friend a lot he tries to get his tongue down her throat if he can good job she doesn't mind
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