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Judith gsd

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Everything posted by Judith gsd

  1. My daughter is a health professional, she had to tell her boss the names of all the patients she had been in contact with last week. She tried to eat a packet of crisps in order to keep the tablets down, and she feels it worked, as they stayed down along with the tablet. I am staying downstairs out of her way, if she comes down, I am out with the Virkon!
  2. We took a cat into rescue who was pregnant semi feral and from the Birmingham area, here is my post from another forum, you can see why I am not doing it all again when you see how much sleep we have lost the last few days:- We are gutted that the poor cat was in such poor condition that she had no chance to save herself or her babies. We thought at first the reason she wouldn't eat when she came in on Thursday night was that she was scared of her new situation, from being semi feral to a home situation. We obviously kept the pen covered completely to guard against possible infection, and also to make her feel more calm. She still was not interested in food, and by Saturday morning we were getting concerned, so much so that I cooked her fish at about 2 am! Again she refused it, so the next trick would have been the vets, but she had given birth some hours later, and in the morning before everyone was up, I was faced with 3 kittens still attached to their placentas bar one who looked at death's door. I grabbed that one, and ran upstairs to Graham, who didn't get his usual cuppa, but a kitten to warm up and revive. I had a vet appointment booked, so when we had settled the babies onto the milk bar, and all seemed calmer, I went to see Ross, and obviously told him what had happened. He agreed there wasn't a lot we could do, as hand feeding is best avoided, and not always successful. I also had been told earlier in the morning, that my older daughter may be going down with swine 'flu, so we went in search of Tamiflu. All kittens were feeding, but Mum was spaced out and in shock. We looked in about half an hour later, and found she had birthed another two kittens. Again they seemed to be feeding well. But Mum was just not interested, so we were worried that she was so shocked or may be ill. Graham spent all of Saturday night sleeping on the sofa, and every time one baby cried, he did it's bottom, as Mum did,t do a thing. I stayed down until 3 am, but he told me to go up and then in the morning I would be of more use. So we ended up at our vets again, not our usual branch but one of their own vets, who set a drip up for her, she spoke to Ross, and we brought her back with her drip in place. We had to turn the dial to a different setting at about 8 pm. Again Graham spent the night with her, sometimes he got up every quarter of an hour to place a kitten with Mum and to make sure the heat pad was under them. Whilst I went to bed, having decided that our Old Boy with the mouth tumour will have to go to Rainbow Bridge tomorrow to save his dignity, as his ability to eat and drink on his own had now almost ended. Sad We had a car full today, with the Old Boy, two girls to be spayed, and also the poorly Mum and remaining 2 kittens. One died at about 11 pm Sunday night, one at about 7 am, and the third one at about 7.25 am today. I signed the paperwork for the spay ops, and we held the Old Boy and he purred his way to a peaceful sleep. Ross gave him a top up of medication and his heart stopped beating. We brought him home with us, and let the animals that he shared the kitchen with say their goodbyes. We obviously left the kittens and their Mum to be looked at as soon as possible. Ross telephoned later, he said that her uterus didn't seem right, so he would open her up, and check for FIP, and also send off what he needed to the lab. She didn't have FIV or FELV, as he tested her for those. He said we would probably lose the other kittens soon too. If she looked like she had FIP he wouldn't wake her up, but let her go quietly. True to his word, he 'phoned me later to let me know it was FIP, and that the kittens had also died. He asked me to let Angie know. I don't think it has hit me yet, with all of this going on, but as usual, humans are to blame, she shouldn't have caught FIP, and she definitely shouldn't have been pregnant, she looked quite young, and looked as if she had been around for a while. It is lucky that the girl asked us to help, everyone else said they couldn't due to room. RSPCA offered to pts, as did a local vets without even seeing her. Perhaps they would have been right in the end, knowing what we know now. But if she had have been left on the streets, she and her babies would have had an awful death. So let's be positive and hope we did the right thing in the circumstances. Usually we get them for longer before they give birth and get to have a good relationship with the Mums to be, however not this time. I have been washing all related laundry on a very hot wash, as recommended by our vet nurses, and they have disinfected the kitten cage, and my litter tray and the scoop we kept for that tray. Whoops, I have accidentally washed my Snugglesafe heat pad on a hot wash with some bedding. Not a good few hours for us at Coventry Cat Group and in our house as a whole!
  3. My daughter has swine flu, and the Tamiflu tablets make her throw up. We are keeping well away, luckily they have their own self contained flat upstairs.
  4. So sorry, thanks for being there for him. You really DID try hard for him.
  5. Cats, dogs, horse, chickens all came before babies. Teaches children respect for animals and that there are others that need attention too. I agree with what has been said so far. I did use cat nets from time to time, but mostly as a Mum's instinct will be to have baby near, so you can keep an eye on her/him. Midwives sometimes "worry" Mums to be about cats, but be aware of litter trays, and either get someone to do them for her, or wear rubber gloves and wash hands thoroughly to avoid toxoplasmosis.
  6. Don't panic but do all the correct things as you may well have lost an early pregnancy, but still carrying a possible twin. I have had several miscarriages, and had 6 healthy babies. I did still feel sick afterwards, probably for quite a few days, don't think it was weeks though. I didn't go to the doctors because if everything seemed to be coming away I saw no reason for a hospital trip and intervention, plus possible hospital acquired infection getting me to feel worse physically than I felt emotionally already. I have to stress these were quite early on, the latest one being about 8 weeks - the size of a broad bean. I don't like scans, and have refused them in the past having read up on the possible harmful effects, especially of the internal ones. Some people like to know so they can be prepared some don't want to interfere with nature. Many of on here will have experienced similar things and usually it is just not talked about, well done for feeling you can ask your friends on here. I do know how you feel and am thinking of you at this difficult time.
  7. Sending hugs your way. So very sorry.
  8. This has been cross posted from another site at the writers request:- Worrying phone call « on: June 29, 2009, 03:06:53 PM » Reply with quote Had a call from Nicky a little while ago - a woman from Preston called her asking for "14 kittens for her grandchildren." Blatantly this has set alarm bells ringing and she's asked me to alert people to this lady. We believe she's calling rescues who request a small donation and trying to get kittens to sell on for profit. Please feel free to crosspost this on any animal sites you use. Not very plausible, but whatever she is up to, it doesn't sound good!
  9. So sorry to hear your sad news. But her needs are paramount in your thoughts and deeds. We too are going to have to make a decision soon about a foster cat we have had in since September. He had 3 teeth removed, but the operation site did not heal, and he had a terrible smell from inside his mouth. The vet was concerned when he did the procedure that there could be a tumour, as there was a lump which had loosened his teeth. So we have a short time before we have to let him go before he starts to suffer. The lump is growing quite quickly, and he sometimes takes a while to drink. Eating so far, even dry food is fine (Orijen). He still comes to meet me every time I come into the kitchen for his morning cuddle over my left shoulder. It is not nice watching for any negative signs of their deterioration, you have my empathy.
  10. I remember, you had him a long time. He looks a proper picture now well done indeed. Had a spayed foster cat and two of her babies go to their new homes last night, had them since around mid April. She had her babies just a week after she arrived here.
  11. Congratulations. Be happy in your new "forever" home lad. I rehomed and did the home visit at the same time (took her with me) after checking things out on Google first, one of my Mummy (now spayed), foster cats. She had been with us since late January/early February. So I did cry today!
  12. So sorry that he has gone to Rainbow Bridge. Find your pal Dillon!
  13. Whilst I feel badly for my friend and her family (he left 3 older children 16 years and upwards), I am worrying how the 22 year old that stepped out into the path of the traffic is doing. He is the same age as one of my own children. They may even have been at the same senior school. Thanks for your replies.
  14. She is so pretty. Congratulations on your new arrival!
  15. How lovely to have that memory of them doing a fantastic job! Congratulations all round!
  16. Clever cloggs both of you! Congratulations!
  17. Not a common breed, but a nice one! We have had the pleasure of looking after one over Christmas and New Year about 4 years ago. It belongs to a friend of my son, she is Japanese, and my son volunteered to look after him whilst she flew back home to see her parents. He used to sit on the sofa with the children, particularly my youngest who was about 8 at the time. He could run really fast, and when we let him off the lead in the garden, he used to run and amaze the gsds with his speed and ease of turn. I was panicking as at the time the garden was full of activity toys (from when we had the toy shop). Anyway we kept him safe until it was time to go back to London with my son. He was called Asu (one of the two ways of saying tomorrow in Japanese). I have just looked that up, as we used to call him Kaishow! I think it was prononced Ayshow? His owner was very affected by the allergens in our house from the dogs, cats and birds, and she had chosen that breed I presume to try and help with that. It was embarrassing she was always on anti-histamines here!
  18. Poor Cherry, at least she gets to have some tidbits that she always wanted! Enjoy your holiday, I am sure the vets will sort her out.
  19. There is no way I would let any of my children and the youngest is 12, handle the foster kittens at such a young age! Although as you say, unless you were there at the time, the papers get things wrong.
  20. I am so sorry. You are being really strong. Please take care. Sleep tight sweetheart.
  21. We had just returned from moving some cats to a their new home from a rescue in Blackpool (we collected from Leicestershire to take to Northants), and a home visit for a couple of my foster cats, last Saturday, and we couldn't turn left to go home as the police had closed it. We knew it meant there had been a serious accident. I know it is a bad bit of road, and there was a black lab laying down after being hit by a car a couple of years ago, people were with it, but it was very upsetting at the time. Tonight I received a call from my friend telling me her brother had died. She said he was on his motorbike, I asked if it was on the Tamworth Road on Saturday and she told me it was. I lost my Dad when I was 17 from injuries he received the day after my 16th birthday from being knocked off his Vespa scooter (first day back at work after a lovely 14 days in Cornwall). But he was paralysed from the neck down, and couldn't even scratch his nose. I tried to tell her that although it is such a shock to the family and friends, at least he didn't have time to suffer. I kept saying "I don't know what to say .......".
  22. Congratulations she oozes character. Just look at that face!
  23. Hello Pammy Fancy seeing you here! Great to see you in these parts, and also love the 'photograph!
  24. No! I didn't take an exam. I went to help out with some invigilating. It was not too bad as it was a special needs "one to one" exam. I was worried at first that the candidate would not make any attempt, but in the end the candidate did a great attempt. She also seemed to have a poorly arm, and needed another person to write for her. I think she tried hard to do well and had quite a lot of text written for her by her helper. I didn't feel too out of place, as living next door to a big school anyway, and having two senior school children and one at college I felt okay with it.
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