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greys mum

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Everything posted by greys mum

  1. Took my grand-daughter to Colchester zoo today. Had a brilliant time. Fed the ellies and the giraffes. I love being a big kid!!!!!
  2. Loads of get back home safely thoughts being sent. Hopefully with all the undergrowth she will keep dry.
  3. Happy Birthday Julia, Hope that you have had a fantastic day.
  4. Loads of START EATING thoughts being sent to Con. Lots of for you while you wait for him to come home.
  5. Hiya. Looking forward to seeing pics of your new place. When you are not looking that dog sized spaced will be filled.
  6. What an awful situation to be caught up in. Does seem as if you are a bit low at the moment. Perhaps a visit to the docs? Have you thought of mediation with the g/friend? If it is something that you suggest, especially in front of family, they will know that you want to resolve the problem rather than let it fester. Hope that all resolves very soon. :GroupHug: From a parents point of view.......A couple of months ago, my 2 eldest had a row to end all rows. It was really dreadful. I really didn't know what to say or do. So did the worst thing possible and said/did nothing. A few weeks later though I had to talk to them seperately to clear the air as they both thought I should have backed them up. It was the most terrible thing to be caught in the middle. But I was wrong in doing nothing as that only made things worse.
  7. Oooooooh you must give us the heads up when it is on.
  8. My daughter has got hers insured with her bank account.. Think that there is monthly charge and she can have up to 3 items insured. Oh, she banks with Barclays.
  9. That is beautiful. BUT.... the kitchen is bigger than mine in a "big" house!!!
  10. Wow. she is going to be a real heart-breaker in years to come. So glad that she was able to enjoy a proper family christmas at home.
  11. Fingers and paws crossed for a speedy recovery.
  12. I am so sorry Cher, to read your news. Thinking of you at this sad time. Rest easy Pixie, knowing that you had the bestest mum.
  13. How are you feeling now Abby? Hope that the all day sickness has buggered off, so you can start to enjoy your pregnancy.
  14. Same for me. Started snowing just before I started work and finished about 10minutes before I came out of my last visit!! Driving was a total nightmare. Especially one hill, where I was going sideways Eeeeeek.
  15. Snow is forecast. Sods law it starts when I am at work tonight. Please don't believe that all of Suffolk is flat.
  16. I am so very sorry. A very special dog who had a very special mum. Big for you all. Run free and forever young at the bridge Gracie. Don't forget to send your mum and sign.
  17. Sam I am so sorry to read about Fudge. There is another special star in the sky tonight. Please let Grranma Squiggs know that I am thinking of her at this sad time. Gracie couldn't have had a better mum. Used to have a GSP (he now lives with my ex) At 16 months he was the dog from hell. It was a real battle of wills. Thank goodness I was more stubborn than he was. But I can remember that he shredded 3 of my coats in a week......while I was wearing them. Just because I wouldn't let him have his own way!!! Patience, kindness and keeping to the same rules helped. But he was not an easy dog. Still isn't at 14. Big s to anyone having a rough time. Sorry I haven't been keeping up very well. There is a black cloud that I keep trying to keep away.
  18. I work as a community care worker. We have to call a GP. Don't be worried if the police arrive as well. It is often the case. Gps are really good and they will talk you through about what to do when the time comes. Big for you all.
  19. He has got such a gentle look about him. Hope that Jake wont be waiting too long for his own sofa.
  20. I am a bad, bad fugee. I didn't notice. Sorry miss!!!!!
  21. I am so sorry Kazz. Thinking of you.
  22. I am so very sorry to read this sad news. Sleep tight Todd. Let mum know that you have reached the bridge safely. Thinking of Lynne at this sad time.
  23. here today. Even with the conditions as they are, we still have people phoning up to ask where we have got to!!!! We're 5 minutes late dontcha know!!!! Not one of mine. cos I have got a great bunch to see. No more snow here at the moment But plenty of ice.
  24. RMgoldstarF. Donna was coming back from work at the hospital and saw an elderly lady struggling along in the snow with some shopping. She stopped her car and offered the lady a lift home. This is the community spirit that used to be around. Not all youngsters are bad. Proud of my daughter I am.
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