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Rescue Representative
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Everything posted by akitas

  1. Ardingly Spring, Summer and Autumn Show. The summer show is really big and lots of rescues are the (Bttersea, Dog Trust etc) The other 2 are smaller, but still worth while. They are in Ardingly, West Sussex
  2. I find that very thought full of you. Wish I had somebody looking after my dogs, but maybe that's too much to ask for ;) Lovely pictures btw. She is just gorgeous.
  3. I think that is the problem with all insurance companies, they have lovely offers and the suddenly they go up. I cancelled now nearly all mine with M&S, even PetPals prices went up, plus their excess, though VIP broker said it would be unlikely. I am with Halifax now, but they are underwritten by Axa and I suppose in 1 or 2 years time premiums will hike up too I am seriously considering not having pet insurance for the not working dogs...
  4. Sorry I missed, this. irst congratulations on your new addition and all the best wishes for today
  5. Just enter her in a few shows and see how it goes. Maybe hook up with somebody when at the show who helps with walking the course and all the little bits. I often go in the wrong direction, my dogs deserves a better handler Good luck and have fun!
  6. I think it is great to share clear rounds with like minded people. I always enjoyed it, even when I didn't get any. I would happily volunteer.
  7. I took Jake to the Whitstable Show last Sunday and after performing in AGility and Accumulator as if he has never done any of it before, I had a serious word with him and he went clear in the jumping!
  8. Oops, I had some Lasagne today. Naughty me
  9. I started Wednesday and lost 3kg so far. At least that is motivating, though I remember the first 2 weeks being the most difficult one
  10. I put on some weight (quite a bit) and started my diet again today... I weighed myself this morning and got a shock. So no sweet stuff anymore for me.... I hope I can stick with it this time.
  11. Doesn't your insurance cover this, in case you have any?
  12. Great article Sarah! I like the pictures. Does that mean I am weird???
  13. To be honest, looks like a Gremlin to me
  14. I am still waiting for my "hug a mutt" sticker from Jackysian. Sorry Sam's mum, will bring the cake on the way after Christmas, if that is ok?
  15. Does she like bones? Mine usually chew them for quite a long time, roasted knuckle bones for example.
  16. I second that. Haven't seen pictures of the beautiful pair for ages.
  17. Fee, I have one of those Millet harnesses from Millets. They are rather on the large side and have a handle in middle. If you like I could send it to you to give it a try? I think I have a medium one. Or maybe you can measure around him at his widest point and I see how far I can extend it???
  18. Lots of positive thoughts for Snatch! Get lost lump!
  19. I really can't stand statements like that. "All xyz are vicious", please fill in the blanks and I am sure your will always find somebody who thinks that about a certain dog breed. Lottie looks lovely and Maya sounds lovely too. If I had a thing for gundogs, those were on top of my list (plus Hungarian Viszlas)
  20. I would drop the mixer and pasta/rice too. Quite a lot carbohydrates which are not necessary. Rather feed more veggies to make her feel fuller without the calories
  21. Glad she is back and safe now. You must have been beside yourself!
  22. Oh. I loved that one! I started the "Jane Austen Book Club" but found it very boring. Back to crime stories now
  23. I think it is best trained with some help, somebody else holding him. I had the same problem with Max, a "down" to him meant, come here and lie down. If you start with short distances and then click and chuck the food and very slowly increase the distance between you and him, it might work. But the lots of things work for lots of different dogs. I couldn't teach Kioko a down at all, she just didn't understand. So every time she lied down in the living room, I said "down" and chucked her a treat. Took her 1 evening to pick it up.
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