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Everything posted by Rumpole

  1. so sorry for your son and daughter in law woooo bluddy hoooo indeed Ms Merle
  2. Rumpole


    Happy gotcha day beautiful, its amazing what being enveloped in love can achieve and well done laura and family for being the ones to show her that love
  3. how fab for you and a lovely view too
  4. Hubbys uncle Tommy has been found dead in his greenhouse today of a suspected heart attack this week has just been awful
  5. everything crossed for Ben and all the 'pass with flying colours thoughts in the world' for Alex
  6. i think he was brave, well i hope so as the alternative is that he was scared to deal with things and couldnt share his fears. His cancer would have been treatable had he gone to the docs when he first knew
  7. thank you for your thoughts as one goes another arrives welcome baby spins
  8. i have it as a zip file will try to work out how to get it to you on t'internet My Uncle Ronnie died at half past midnight
  9. Hmmm ive been on a diet of sorts (stopped eating chocolate and the like) and lost 1/2 a stone, but was having this weekend off to stuff my face after a week of stressful court cases (we won eventually)and the shock of learning that my uncle has just days to live after suffering prostate cancer for nearly ten years without telling anyone, even his wife i used a hypnotherapy gastric band cd of a friends the other day and didnt think anything of it until i tried to eat my choccy fudge cake and cream and could only eat half a small slice before feeling sick maybe it worked wonder how you temporarily unhypnotise yourself so i can eat my cake
  10. i dont think it was me. though i do rave about neem oil as its insecticidal and an active ingredient in most insect repellents (and lice/mite treatment) and i do know how to make it into a spray for fleas or for on plants to get rid of garden pests. but im not sure id want to spray it on me as it smells like curried gherkins
  11. im on chrome and its there for me (obviously im compatible with squirrels penguins and wombats )
  12. Rumpole

    July Rmf

    i have been shopping and stocked up on dont have to share with hubby stuff just sitting down to garlic chicken, salad, and pasta, two bottles of wine and six smirnoff ice chilling in fridge and a raft of naughty stuff like chocolate fudge cake and jersey double cream, ice cream and the like. and i have full control of the tv remote for a week bliss
  13. Rumpole

    July Rmf

    Have just waved hubby, his mates and dogstars poosa off on their holibobs to the isle of man on the bikes. Woo Hooo my house will stay tidy for a whole week
  14. im sorry but i disagree. The status label attached to pit bulls comes from being illegal, they will be devalued if made legal and we already have far more pit bull types in this country than we do some legal breeds so the ban clearly hasnt worked anyway. If they were legal at least their owners could take them to the vets when needed and socialize them properly instead of home treating for fear of their dog being seized and walking them late at night in isolation therefore denying them the opportunity to acquire social skills, it is isolated and unsocialized dogs (of any breed) that can acquire issues that may lead to dangerousness and the whole breed pays the price
  15. allie pants was rather good too
  16. Rumpole


    is there any sign of a rash on his baldy belly bits as it could be hayfever/pollen allergy or as mentioned above harvest mites. have you changed food recently and if so are there any e numbers in it as they commonly cause skin irritation. have you changed washing powder or used anything on your carpets such as shake n vac or neutradol as these can also cause irritation as can biological washing powder if used to wash bedding/coats i have four who have reactions to bio and only use non bio now
  17. i know that parvo and Hepatitis are available seperately but not sure on distemper and lepto as pickle cannot be vacced with those because of his condition.
  18. Rumpole

    July Rmf

    i am a grandma to two ickle baby tropical fish who appear to have run the gauntlet that is my nine inch carniverous ghost knifefish for long enough for him to get to like them they appeared yesterday and look like they are a few weeks old. mac (the Knifefish ) is taking no notice of them at all even when they swim up close to him
  19. Rumpole

    July Rmf

    i have spent the evening getting used to my noo phone its a raspberry sorry blackberry and im amazed, i thought id be there for weeks working stuff out but it was surprisingly easy considering ive moved up from an ancient nokia and have a deep dislike and distrust of all things 'new fangled'
  20. rumpole is struggling too i have used baskerville size 6 as well but it is narrow so i have taken the easy route and asked roger
  21. Rumpole

    July Rmf

    Pickles cerebellar ataxia hypoplasia is thought by specialists to have been caused by his mother being vaccinated late in pregnancy, the condition has behavioural as well as physical implications and i did a bit about the issues in my canine aggression exams. i can ping that over if its any use as it has most of the issues listed in it
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