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Motivation - Exercise


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Well, in lieu of a posting in RMF I thought I'd start this one here...


So with motivation from Khanu, support from OH and inspiration from Dogstar I am going to sign up to a 1/2 marathon before the end of the year, with the idea of getting some lovely people to sign up sponsorship money for the Dogstar Foundation - I will set up a Fundraising page when I get a moment!


This time I have some hope of doing some training before hand so thought I'd post here in the hope that it will persuade me to go out running in my newly purchased trainers!


So, does anyone else out there have goals they are trying to reach?



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i don't have any goals (how sad am i) :unsure:

i just wanted to say well done you :flowers: and providing i am not completely brassic at the time i will happily sponsor you :biggrin:

enjoy running in your new out for blisters but if you do get a blister i can highly recommend compeed blister plasters :flowers:

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Motivation from me? Really!? Cool :laugh:


What trainers did you get? :pinkie:

Now that I've decide to sell my motorbike I seem to have swapped "stuff I want to buy" from bike stuff to running/cycle stuff instead :rolleyes:


At the moment I am stepping up training to get a sub 30min 5k - I was not happy with my time from last weekend :angry: I realise sub 30 is still slow, but I really am a crap runner.....

Was thinking of doing a 1/2 marathon before year end, but haven't decided yet. Might wait to decide until I do a sub-30 5k.


Oooh and please let your OH know - I moved my saddle forward by about 1mm and also moved the cleats on my shoes back and OMG what a difference! I actually didn't have to fall off the bike this weekend....

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Goodness you are brave, good luck!


Running is not for me, I am not built for it. rolleyes.giflaugh.gif Have been thinking about trying to get back to swimming regularly though. Problem is our nearest pool is rather tiny, and the others are about half an hour's drive away, which seems to be just outside the Motivation Zone for me.


Maybe I should walk down the hill and fling myself into the river... unsure.gif

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I would really like to do a half marathon - on the indoor rower (Concept2) - any time this year.


Seeing as, for all sorts of reasons, good and bad, I'm not actually doing anything on the indoor rower just now, this thread could be just the kick up the ........ I need to get on and do it.


Perhaps I should aim to do it at the same time as Murtle. :unsure:

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Thank you Griff (you aren't sad, I don't have goals - I usually have a tendancy to just do it...this time I thought I'd try training so I can do it quicker...I will make sure I get the page up and running so people have lots of time to sponsor me :flowers:


Yes you did Khanu :) and I am thrilled that you didn't have to fall off your bike this time round! My new trainers are Brooks (I'd never heard of them, but apparently are very well known in running circles, I run in circles, but don't socialise in them)


Cycas could you try swimming in the small swimming pool, maybe the frustration of the small pool and lots of laps will break you into going to the bigger pool out of the current motivation area! I have to start running from my front door otherwise I wouldn't do it, maybe if I get fit I'll enjoy actually going somewhere to start my that would be scary!


Mrs B...the half marathon I believe will be at the start of October (I think) there aren't that many left within a small enough radius that I'd be able to drive home from afterwards! Think you have time to practise on the rower???! Khanu - fancy one at the start of October??! I think I can run a half marathon in about 3 hours...did I mention the world run (in the loosest sense of the word...) I will try a 5km and see what time I do...uh-oh...


Right good luck peeps...

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Good on ya Mary. I will definitely sponsor you.


From tomorrow, I am two weeks of the cigs but I've put on three quarters of a stone which I'm not liking. I haven't been eating any more so I think metabolism must have something to do with it.


Anyway, I'm determined to get the weight off. I'm going to get back into swimming (when my bites have cleared up and I don't look like a join the dots game) and I'm going to borrow a bike from a friend to see if I can get into cycling. I can't do running because of my back and hip, but hopefully will be able to do some more walking and come up with some other easy-ish exercises that I can cope with. Any suggestions?


Best of luck to all in achieving their goals :flowers:

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Ooh you haven't got the Brooks Glycerin 8s have you? They are my new trainers and I do love them :biggrin: although they did give me a blister last weekend, but only because I did my right one up too tight as I was in a hurry to get to the start as I only just got there in time!


Early October I'm at a TTouch course I'm afraid so no can do. Well that and the fact I'm not sure I'd manage a half marathon at the moment! My longest run at the moment is only around 10k....and that takes me aaages.


I will definitely sponsor you though and gee you up with my latest tales of getting lost on early morning run because I was too busy trying to breathe rather than notice where I was going, or how running with dogs is a bit depressing when you reach a hill and they just bound up it while you struggle to keep your legs moving...... :unsure:

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Mrs B...the half marathon I believe will be at the start of October (I think) there aren't that many left within a small enough radius that I'd be able to drive home from afterwards! Think you have time to practise on the rower???!


Well the beginning of October is eight weeks away ....... so it is do-able if I can find some core fitness! If I can manage 10k or so in the next week, I think I can work up to 'managing' a half marathon in October - let me know your date as soon as possible and I'll try to devise a training plan.


Unfortunately, as far as indoor rowing is concerned, all training plans concentrate on short distances, 2k especially, or whole marathons, so I'm somewhat on my own for the planning.

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Oh yes I need some motivation! I am trying to work towards doing a one day event with my horse on 5th Sept, I have been very bad and have been trying to work towards it for a couple of months and wanted to lose a stone and get running fit, but have struggled with motivation. It is now a month away so at the moment my panic is my motivation :laugh:


The cross-country phase gives the same lung burn as running, the last one I did I nearly passed out by the third fence, although I think I was holding my breath which probably didn't help :blush02:


So this week I am starting proper diet using weightwatchers left over books from friend, and also aimming to run three days a week and go on our cross-trainer two days. I work full time and go to the stables morning and evening so do struggle to fit in extra exercise, by the time I get home at 8pm I am knackered and can't make myself exercise. So my latest plan is to get up extra early, go to the stables feed the horses and then go for a run at about 6am, its going to be really hard to keep up my motivation. So far I ran on Friday and Monday, and am sticking to diet pretty well.


Good luck with your marathon training, what a fantastic cause :flowers:

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Well running isn't for me.....I think my knees are a bit past it now!! :rolleyes: However, I do go to the hound kennels and walk dogs three mornings a week and that keeps me fit. I don't need any motiviation for that though, beyond the happy faces of the dogs when I appear with a lead at the kennel door. Although it is all voluntary I really feel guilty on days like today when it is raining hard so I didn't go. I know this doesn't raise any money to help rescues but the dogs are so happy to be taken out, it is a very rewarding pastime for me and the hounds are so grateful for any extra attention and fuss. I'm sure more folk could help out at their local rescues and feel the benefit of the exercise and the pleasure of knowing you made a difference in a rescue animals life.

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Mags, what's wrong with being a polka dot swimmer :flowers: no time like the present!


Clare, I think you live near where I work...I'll chase you round a field... :)


Khanu - I think I'm at 11 minutes a mile, I'll only get slower over 13 miles!!!


greygal, what you do sounds fabulous. Walking dogs is such an important thing for rescues to help them, I know RDR members often go and walk the dogs in EB and the dogs are always delighted. I wish I could organise myself to do it (if I could find a local dog rescue).


So I have managed to complete 2 * 1.9mile runs this legs need to be stretched a bit more and I need to learn to jog is slower than my walk. I run like zeebeedee and bounce more upwards than forwards!!!

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Mary, probably nothing wrong with a polka dot swimmer, it's a diseased swimmer I'm worried about :laugh: I've recently taught myself to swim (it's not pretty but hey I'm moving lol) and Andy loves going too so hopefully we'll get back next week.


Well done on your runs :flowers:

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