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Roo Having Fits possibly addisons disease?


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Roo has suddenly started to have fits.


He's had bloods done at the vets and his urine tested and everythings clear.


On Monday he's going back to be tested for Addisons.


In between the fits Roo is his usual happy, bouncy self. His first fit was 10 days ago, he was prescribed diazepam, to be given every 8 hours while we waited for the results of his blood tests, all of which were normal. He was then put on half dose of the diazepam for a couple of days, then this was stopped and he was completely fine, playing with the other dogs etc until last night when he had another fit. Previous to the first fit I did notice he had a raging thirst (24hrs before) and yesterday before the fit, which occurred in the middle of the night, he was showing signs of thirst but for the days inbetween his water intake has been normal. Today he seems much more hungry than normal and is very thirsty.

Has anybody had any experience of Addisons, any advice is welcome, if these tests are clear the vet thinks it could be a brain tumour?




Di x



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