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I think I would manage most of a 5k running if it's with loads of other people, purely on the thrill of a race and because I really am dead competitive :rolleyes: I will load myself up with red bull, run me little legs off, collapse after the finish and most likely won't be able to do anything for the rest of the day.


Did my usual 2 mile run on Thursday, don't think it went any faster than before, but it felt like I could shuffle along for longer so that's a bonus. This weekend the gym that I used to go to is having a rejoining drive, and allows you in for free, so I might just go and have a free workout (not to mention the sauna and a long, hot power shower afters, mmmmmm!!). Like I said, I really don't like leaving Kiera and Sparks any more than I need to because I already work full time, but I need to lose weight and shape up a bit, because everything in my wardrobe now feels tight - even my baggies aren't baggy anymore! :ohmy: We'll see how we do ...


As for that 5k next weekend, I'll definitely do it, IF the weather forecast doesn't predict nice weather for the weekend. I've just acquired a freestanding awning and if the weather is decent we need a camping trip to see if it's all in working order! Before you ask: no chance of setting something like that up undisturbed where I live :rolleyes:

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So what have we all been up to?


I've had an easy week as I decided to run the 10k last weekend at the last minute. I managed to finish, around a hour. Slightly disappointed with the race though - there was no registration on the day, just turn up and run so I have no official time and I forgot to set my watch for the first 10mins or so :blush02:


11 weeks until the Grim8. My training steps up from Monday.


Spoke to my mate who is a Marine this week. I haven't seen him in a while and last time I did I got a bollocking for letting myself get to this point. I was telling him how unmotivated I feel most days to go out for a run and he said something that really hit home. That you can't expect to be motivated all the time, you just have to go out and do it because today that is your job and its just something you have to do. He asked me whether I enjoyed the training when I was a competitive swimmer, and I had to admit that no most of the time it wasn't enjoyable and I wished I could just blow it off a lot of the time. He asked why I always went then, and I admitted that I did it because it had to be done, because if I wanted to achieve my goals I just had to do it.


Don't you hate it when someone else is right?!


So my new plan is to stop being a girl and just f**king do it


After Grim8 (5th Dec) I'm planning on taking it easy until the new year and then my triathlon plan starts.


Have already planned in a couple of running races for next year with Col - a 10k and a 16miler, also possibly a duathlon. Plan on doing a couple of sprint tris and aim for an Olympic distance tri next year too. Use next year to build to the half ironman 2011, and full ironman 2012.

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30min run this morning. Included some hill repeats with increasing effort to try and reach my max heart rate so I can tailor my training.


Sadly my super dooper gps/hrm watch failed to record the hill repeats :rolleyes: I think I accidentally hit the start/stop button as I keep it on my left wrist and my hand sometimes knocks the side buttons. So I'm going to have to go out again later and do the hill repeats again, this time with the watch on my right wrist.......


I've been saving my money for college fees and bike and tri accessories fund. Very tempting to take what I've got so far and get the bike, but that would leave nothing for the college fees. Must resist.

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what with being away on hols and courses (boring stuff for work) I've not kept an online training log but still been fairly active, promise! More hill walking than usual and its made such a difference to have a decent fitness base to start from - I may still be rather fat but I'm a darn sight fitter than I have been in years.


Will try and summarise all the training stuff later if I get a chance - lots of homechecks to do tonight though.


Kelly - I am well impressed that you do all this without really enjoying it. Had a similar conversation with Billy half way up Sca Fell this weekend, I actually do all this stuff because I love doing it. Fairly sure I don't have the will power to force myself out of bed and into the pool or for a run if I didn't enjoy doing it! A lot of my motivation definitely does come from having a routine though.


I haven't gotten as many long runs in as I wanted though - second sprint tri in less than 2 weeks, then another 2 weeks to my first 10k though as I have only run about 8k I really do need to get moving on that!! 5k run planned for tomorrow and a long run at the weekend as a minimum plus swim/bike stuff.

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When it comes to training I've done sweet F-all for almost a month now, however Mog introduced us this weekend to her idea of a "hill walk": Great Gable in the Lake District, with near zero visibility and hundreds of ft of scree to conquer on the way down :ohmy:

Let's say that some of the language uttered wouldn't have been suitable for broadcasting before the 21:00 watershed :wacko: (I did secretly really enjoy it tho, once I was sure that my dogs wouldn't launch themselves off the mountain out of either sheer joy or ultimate panic!)

I'm dead determined now though that I want to get fit again, because it did hit me how unfit I am at the moment, and how much more I would have enjoyed it if I spend less time stuck to my pute :rolleyes:

Hopefully within the next few weeks a new gym will open in the city centre, which will be open 24/7! And they are stupidly cheap too! I've already joined in happy anticipation, and I'm now looking forward to doing deadlifts and lunges again, and a few miles on the treadmill, so as to improve my fitness level. I do like me gyms ... :)

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It's not that I don't enjoy it really :mellow: . Although it is hard to enjoy the running when it is such hard work at the moment. I just don't really get excited by the prospect of going for a run all the time yet. I'm kind of doing purgatory though, I love swimming and enjoy cycling, but I am refusing to start doing that until I've hit a more comfortable place with the running. I just know that I'll blow off a run in favor of a swim and that is not going to help long term.


I normally sort of enjoy the running once I'm out and I've got over the first mile - why is the first mile the hardest? I certainly enjoy the smug feeling of satisfaction once I've done it.


The talk with my mate was more about me realising that to expect to look forward to each and every run is unrealistic and that some days you are just going to have to treat it as something that has to be done. It was the same when I was swimming training, some days I just didn't want to be at the pool at 6am before school but you did it because if you wanted to win that's what you had to do.....I just need to get back to that mindset. I'm pretty sure it will be easier once I start entering more races, I'm ridiculously competitive and whilst I doubt I'll be winning anything ever again that won't matter, I'll try and beat someone it's just the way I am :rolleyes:


I have brought home some post-its today though to cover the bedroom and bathroom with "just f**cking do it" to get me going in the mornings :laugh: plus my mate has bet me that I won't finish the grim8 course in under 90mins. He knows me far far too well :unsure:


C bought a road bike today, so now I'm going to have to resist even harder to not buy a bike until I've completed the grim8. I may have to start rewarding my dedicated run training by a swim session or something.


I think I am getting sort of into the mindset though. I've got to go to Nottingham again soonish and I've been planning what hotel I should stay in based on the location for decent run routes and the gym facilities. So I guess all is not lost :wacko:



Good news on the gym Billy. I still haven't visited the leisure centres that I discovered were fairly nearby, need to do that soon.

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I've been saving my money for college fees and bike and tri accessories fund. Very tempting to take what I've got so far and get the bike, but that would leave nothing for the college fees. Must resist.



C bought a road bike today, so now I'm going to have to resist even harder to not buy a bike until I've completed the grim8. I may have to start rewarding my dedicated run training by a swim session or something.


Erm I've failed :rolleyes:


I had to collect a wheel from our local bike shop (that's not very local) and whilst I was in there this morning I ordered a bike, and bought a turbo trainer in preparation for winter training.


I collect it next Saturday :pinkie:


I've decided to start triathlon training straight away. I'm getting bored just running. So new plan is run 3 times a week, cycle at least twice and then start swimming twice a week too, just as soon as I've found exactly where the swimming pools are....


Fortunately I discovered this week that I had saved more money than I thought, so I can afford both college fees and the bike. It doesn't leave much (any) for anything else but I can manage with toe clips for a while before swapping to cleats, and my cycle helmet is somewhere although I will need a new one to enter any races but it will do for now. I may need to find the money for cycle tights/shorts though and possibly saddle, but I'm thinking running kit will be ok for a bit.


I watched Wounded this week and decided that I really need to sort it out. My new mantra (other than just f*cking do it) is "one day you won't be able to do this, today is not that day". I haven't blown off a session since watching the program because frankly if someone who has lost 3 limbs can get on and do it then I really have no excuse.

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Congrats on the new bike! :flowers: One of my mates has become an MTB demon, and she's got so many bikes now she could start a rental place! :wacko: She has tried many times to get me to come along, but after having tried once I politely decline - it's not my cuppa tea. But I'd like to have the level of fitness that comes with enjoying biking :rolleyes:


I watched Wounded this week and decided that I really need to sort it out. My new mantra (other than just f*cking do it) is "one day you won't be able to do this, today is not that day". I haven't blown off a session since watching the program because frankly if someone who has lost 3 limbs can get on and do it then I really have no excuse.


And you're so right! I've read about this guy on the BBC website - seeing as I've not got a telly - and he really should be an inspiration to everyone to get off their backsides and do some kind of exercise!


On that note: this gym that I've joined will be opening on 29 October, and I have to say I'm actually really looking forward to lifting weights again, always found that very satisfying, even if I lift a fraction of the size weights that the "big guys" lift. Meanwhile, I do want to get back into running again, just strugglng with finding anywhere kind of nice to run - my usual 2 mile stretch is utterly boring!


Do you guys have your Ipod/MP3 player with you while you run/bike (not swim, obviously!)? If so, what's on it? I want to sort my MP3 player out with some decent tunes to listen to. I will own up to the fact that I like hiphop/dance and esp drum n bass - and somehow I think I'll be the only one on here that does :wacko: - but I also like rock/metal/ska - you name it, except for modern jazz, can't stand that! So what's your kind of tunes when you're working out? :flowers:

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Well I'm back. :biggrin:


And just in case you've missed what I was up to last week, here's the write up -


Rowing Challenge Linky


I guess this now means I can discuss my training again, although I appear to be following a completely different path from everyone else here! :rolleyes: Typical!


I think I have found some fellow trainees in the last couple of weeks though. It appears there is a whole on-line community seemingly obsessed dedicated to indoor rowing, where there are on-line competitions, actual competitions, blogs, training logs ....... it goes on and on.


So, I am now a member of a "virtual" Rowing Team :laugh: and have entered one or two on-line challenges along the way.


It may not have been entirely what I was setting out to do, but this does give me the means to have a training "partner" without going through the impossible task of actually finding someone! What's more, many of the challenges take into account my age, sex and weight, so I can compete against 20 year old male heavyweights for example.


Anyway, enough of that for now.


My first challenge is to see what my training plan for the next five weeks is when that's handed over to me tomorrow. :unsure: I know for sure it won't be easy! And I want need to fit in a straight four minute row before the end of the week so that I can enter a Challenge Series. Then there's a 10k to do before the end of October .........


Everyone bored yet?

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Right, deeeeeepp breath, here goes: last night I've signed up for this5.25 mile run :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:


It's on 29.11.2009 (yes, that is of THIS year!!!), so I have roughly 2 months to get my lazy backside into gear. Mog said she'll come along for this one too, to whoop my @rse - it definitely adds to the motivation! :wacko:


I've looked at running plans on t'internet, but they all excitedly go on about "running 3 miles in 2 months!!" That's 2.25 miles short, so I'll have to devise my own plan. I know my main obstacle is finding time: I know I keep harping on about it, but with a full-time job it doesn't feel right to me to be away from the guys for more than I really need to - even if they are both asleep and I'm sat in front of my pute (that's my excuse and I stick by it!). Got to sort that out now tho - as well as forcing myself to changing my feeding habits and cut out the junk!

Mog was wondering why I'm doing it - as I have repeatedly professed my hate of running. TBH I don't have a clue. It all started with an email from one of my colleagues at work, asking me to take part, and subsequently doing a VERY good job of challenging me. Find the right button and you can get me to do nearly anything (I'm not telling you what the trigger is tho - you lot would have me doing all sorts! :glare:).


So this is it: Billy's signed her life away to 2 months of blood,sweat and tears. Any training tips would be very welcome! :wacko:

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How exciting Billy :pinkie:


Can't you take your guys with you on your runs? It's what I do which means I nail 2 birds with one stone - get my run in and a couple of the dogs get their walk all at the same time. I either run somewhere they can be offlead or if they have to be onlead try and end the run somewhere they can go offlead and sniff around. If the run hasn't been long enough for them I just tack on a bit of a walk at the end so they are getting enough exercise.


When they are onlead I attach their leads to a running belt I bought with a carabiner - thanks for the tip Mog! so I have arms free, but the leads are easy to grab should I need to.


Seems to work ok with us, and I know they like going out with me because when they see me in my running gear they go nuts :laugh:

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Hmmm, it is a bit difficult to keep an eye on my 2 hooligans and concentrate on running at the same time. Would like to take them running once I've shaped up a bit though.

Same colleague has now found me a decent training programme as well, to run a 10k/ 6 mile run in 8 weeks - that's better! I'm now longingly staring out the window, wanting to go for a run rather than sitting here in the office :rolleyes:

Will keep you up to date with my progress, don't you worry 'bout that! :)

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wooooot :biggrin: Looking forward to running with you Billy (and concerned that you will be streaking ahead of me :mad: ) just a shame the dogs can't come too!


I do most of my runs at odd times of the day when there aren't many folks around so I'm not having to look out for other people and their dogs? We could always come over do a practice run with dogs beforehand??

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