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Refugeees Training Logs/Discussion Thread


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So after a quick flurry of PM's I'm sure I know of at least three peeps on here including myself who are training for various sports and/or CaniX and we thought it might be nice to have a thread to post in and keep ourselves motivated.


For anyone not sure CaniX is basically trail running with your dog(s) on courses that are usually 2.5k or 5k with a 21k Neolithic challenge near Stonehenge in May :ohmy:


I'll start it off :wacko:




  • sprint distance triathlon on 23rd August
  • 10k at end of October
  • Neolithic CaniX 21k in May 2010
  • plus as many 5k CaniX as I can fit in - definitely going to the Peebles and Northumberland events
  • oh and lose some bodyfat too!!!


Usual training schedule

at least one decent bike ride, long swim session and 30-40min run per week. Aim for min one sport per day and one day of rest per week. All my runs are done with both dogs (we compete in the 2-dog class for CaniX) about half of which is on lead/harness/waistbelt and the rest off lead for them


I LOVE the Zest guide to running book and have found it totally inspiring. I only started running again last February and even though I used to hate it now get grumpy if I miss a session!


Will come back later with more stuff :flowers:

Edited by purple_mog
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Hurrah :elefant:

Thanks for starting this Mog




Short term:

Run 10k mid sept

Run 8+miles in Grim8 early dec


Long term:

Lose half of myself (well almost)

Half marathon 2010

Some shorter distance tris 2010

Marathon 2011

maybe half iron man 2011

Iron man 2012


Currently running 5 times a week (supposed to be anyway). Following a mix of walk/run ala Zest and base running where you run under certain heart rate for long time to build an aerobic base fitness.


Occasional cycle but haven't swam in nearly 3 years since we moved here. Have recently discovered a pool much nearer than I thought about 15miles away so plan on cycle/swim sessions starting next year. I want to concentrate on running for the rest of this year first.


I'm normally accompanied by Breck and Khanu on runs, Syd has struggled with it when I've taken him so he gets left behind. I'm building Willow up- she only does the walk/run stuff at the moment.


My motivation struggles on occasion although I did help myself slightly by getting a Garmin Forerunner 405 which is so cool and tracks everything.


I'm still at the hating running stage, although occasionally find myself thinking "this isn't so bad" near the middle of the run.


Training so far today:

Bugger all :( Dogs just got a walk this morning as I just couldn't motivate myself to get into running gear. Which is dumb as I was out at 5am walking them anyway :rolleyes:


Run is scheduled for after work then...

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Okay, think of yourselves as a group of runners, and I'll be the one struggling at the back, with a sizeable distance between myself and the next one up :rolleyes: After years of various stages of gym-rat-ness (or would that be 'rattitude?), I've not done anything for the best part of the last 12 months and have found my waistline expanding slowly but surely. I'm far from classed as obese, but not being able to fit comfortably into a significant of my wardrobe is getting more and more annoying. Besides that, I am expected to keep up with Kiera during agility, and Sparky needs something to do as well; all that added up gave me no excuse not to start running again - the only excuse being that I don't exactly enjoy it! :(


But I've bitten the bullet 2 weeks ago and I've started trotting my old route again, which is plm 2 miles along the canal into town, and relatively nice as it's traffic free. The last couple of times I've taken Sparky along as well, and apart from him telling off a child this evening for scaring him, he's been great! I do enjoy running a lot more when I take him along. I've seriously considered CaniX, but it appears that races are either down south or up north, with only one near Brum in December, so I'm not sure if I actually want to consider it, if it means that we have to be away an entire weekend just to run a half an hour race (I'm not even thinking of ever being able to run 21k - I can just about walk it in a day! :ohmy: )


At the moment I'm aiming for doing my 2 mile 'trot' 3 times a week, until I can actually run it without stopping, and then move on to my old 3-4 mile route, until I can run that too. I'd like to do more sports, but my problem is that I live just with the guys and I work full time. One of my neighbours gives them a quick walk at lunch time, but they spend the rest of the day at home on their own, and I don't think it's fair to come home, give them a quick walk and then leave them again, for me to go to the gym or what have ya. I could be persuaded to do some kind of fitness routine at home, if I only knew what ... (anyone?)


So that's where I'm at at the moment - total bottom level when it comes to fitness, but motivated to slowly work my way up and develop goals. I think this thread can be well motivating so thanks for starting it Mog! :wink:

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Training log:


20mins slow jog after work yesterday. Not particularly impressive :(


Nothing so far today - couldn't sleep last night, eventually dropped off some time after 1am, so a 5am start was never going to happen. Fortunately C is home today so I'm hoping he can take the dogs out for me.


Aiming for another after work session tonight, although I may cop out and use the cross trainer or the punch bag at home instead if C takes the dogs out today.

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Yesterday: 30min run with the dogs at reasonable pace, felt not great around the 15min mark but once we got through that it was great. Biked into work in afternoon but not home again as puncture!! (4.5miles)


Friday: had to skip planned swim as needed to be in work early. Will try and get to the pool on Saturday and then a trial run of the tri distances on Sunday :wacko:



Billy - I know the CaniX does tend to be in the south - the Kielder forest one though is worth the weekend coz loads of lovely walking spots? Maybe we could pick one or two and head down, walk on the Saturday and then run Sunday?

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Billy - I know the CaniX does tend to be in the south - the Kielder forest one though is worth the weekend coz loads of lovely walking spots? Maybe we could pick one or two and head down, walk on the Saturday and then run Sunday?


Hmmm, that might well be a good idea! :) I'm sure there's somewhere to camp round there too :cool:


Khanu - a punch bag at home sounds like a great idea! Although in my case I'd be a bit worried that it'd end up as yet another piece of unused kit that's in the way :wacko:

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Well I had a crappy day at work too so the punch bag took the brunt when I got home :)

Billy I have the benefit of living with an ex kick boxing instructor so we have lots of kit hanging(!) around. Although he blatantly hasn't been exercising so much recently he was bemoaning his belly the other day :laugh: C is one of those annoying people though that will just cut back on a little food, up the exercise and be back in shape in no time while the rest of us slog away for months for the same effect -git!


He has set up a bit of a gym in our shed (which is waaay bigger than your average shed) he has punch bag, speed ball, chin up bars plus weight bench in there, and at the moment the cross trainer is in the living room as we can't decide where it should live.

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Oh crikey - can't decide whether for me living with an ex kick boxing instructor would be a blessing or a curse for me :ohmy: I used to love thai boxing, but living with someone who loves it that much and be good enough to be an instructor ...?


Hmmm, if I were your neighbour I'd pop into your shed so regularly that you'd be fair to charge me a gym membership! :laugh:

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wooooooot :partytime:


Am feeling very chuffed with myself indeed :biggrin: so apologies for the very selfish post and bragging :rolleyes:


I missed my planned swim on Friday (at work from 8am till 11pm) and slept in on Saturday so no time to exercise except little dog walk. Had planned to do a practice for the sprint triathlon at the weekend, so collected my friend Lucy who offered to look after my bike etc.



Swim (400m) 8:44

T1 2:47

Bike (21k) 48:49 [nasty headwind!]

T2 2:56

Run (5k) 35:10


Total 1hr 38min


Most amazing for me was that it didn't actually feel that hard! I think taking the time to rest beforehand really did make a big difference, and despite a little bit of cramping on the run I think I got the hydration/nutrition sorted. I am slightly amused that my run time was about the same as usual, apparently I run at my speed regardless if I have just swum and biked or not!


Really looking forward to the Beverley race now and feel totally hooked, such an amazing buzz to know that your body can keep going. Now I know I really can do it, can think about pushing it a bit more on the day as I was steady on the bike but not going all out.

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on behalf of Mrs B :biggrin:


Am going back to the gym tonight after something of an absence (partly legitimate, partly not - which is pretty stupid as I love the gym).


Anyway, for reasons I probably ought to put on Mog's thread I need to uplift my rowing skills from rubbish to a competent (preferably fast) 500m in under 8 weeks. My "friend" has done me a training plan - and tonight I have to do 100m very fast, 400m slower, then keep rowing while recovering then repeat the 100, 400 and "recovery" six times.

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Well done Mog!


Weeknd log: 1 x long slow run (1hr)


Today - nothing, I just can't be arsed. I have been so incredibly tired since I was ill. I'm thinking maybe I'm still feeling the after effects a little. Resting heart rate has been slightly raised - around 65 rather than my normal 58ish. so have decided to keep training but lower intensity- I figure if I don't do the 10k in 6 weeks it's not really the end of the world as the idea is I'm in this for the long term.

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Thanks Mog! (For landing me in it? :laugh: )


Here goes!


The company I work for sponsors the GB Rowing Team - so they have an inter company rowing competitions on the Concept 2 machines - they go around about a dozen sites (you can participate at any, although obviously if they come to your site that's a bonus!), and for the first time last year they came to our site - apparently not having realised quite how large it was.


Anyway, I digress.


The aim is to find a winner in each of 9 categories - unfit - 500m (me!), moderate - 750m, mega fit - 1,000 and "adaptives" - 500m - all female and male - and "my" category qualified for an "under 40" and an "over 40" section.


So, last year, having dithered massively, I entered, and achieved a time of 2:05.5. I was pretty chuffed to be leading that category for quite a long time, (not that I'm competitive or anything your understand!), finally being pipped at 2:03:1. However, just to give the game away on my age, I was still far faster than any female under 40 on our site!


So, I find myself in the unfit category again, with an aim of beating my time for last year, and preferably beating last year's winner's time - not to mention beating all the under 40s in my category too. :biggrin:


Local winner's in each group go through to the national Final.


So "unfit training" began tonight - not with what was planned, as I just couldn't face it - and I was told I could do my training sessions in any order.


Did a Test 500m - which was a killer.


Then did 4 x 400m, with a 2 minute rest between each 400m row.


To say that I "only" did 1,900m in total, I was absolutely dead - legs all jellied, breathing like a ................. dog that's been tearing round the garden, and generally feeling like I'd done an hour's hard training, not the little bit I have done.


So, generally not at all sure where I fit in with all you fit folks who are out running, cycling and the like - a 500m row seems very tame by comparison.


Two more training sessions this week.


Oh, nearly forgot, competition on 24th September - might help if I actually enter it!

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Slow easy run this morning (to the doctors and back so I could drop in a repeat prescription :laugh: ) Khanu and Breck were very well behaved running on lead. CaniX is a possibility. Need a belt to attach leads to though, running with a lead in each hand is awkward.


All the dogs had to come with me to work today as C is away this week. Managed to put my foot down a hole and turn over my ankle :rolleyes: whilst walking them at lunch. Since coming home and taking my sock off it has swollen up. Now icing and hoping that it isn't too bad.


Run tomorrow morning may be postponed.....

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It appears I am the source of much amusement in the office.


But then when you get to my age you either care massively, or absolutely not at all - just as well I fall into the latter category!


I sent a "report" through to my 'trainer' to say how my session went last night - and they came to see me to let me know I was a complete 'barm pot', as I'd picked the hardest training session of the week, not to mention having done it in the same training session as a "Test". Apparently I am :wacko: And it all goes to show how little I know about training.


So now his training partner knows, my colleague in the office knows, my boss knows ...........


Just remembered. I need to track down my HRM strap before tomorrow's session!

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