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What Would You Do If..... Moral Issue


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Imagine, you are transporting a dog to another transporter, or a new fosterer, or new owner for that matter and.....


your gut tells you this is bad news, there is something not right, that the dog might not get the treatment it deserves, might be used for breeding or sold for profit. You are just really unhappy with the whole situation. You feel that the truth is quiet different from what has been told.


What would you do? Follow you heart or go through with what you were asked to do and deliver the dog, or seek alternatives?


Don't know how to put a poll on here so this is the closest I can get.

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I once took a dog to a breed rescue and didnt leave it, stuffed him right back in my van and drove off, then afte 5 miles rang the rescue and told them what I had done, by then his kennel was occupied and I had my first foster :laugh: He was here for a few weeks and then got a fab home and I dont regret doing it at all

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How does your gut get the feeling something isn't right before you get there if all you have to go on is what the rescue told you? Not really getting how the situation can arise as described, do you mean after you get to the hand over point and meet the people you are supposed to hand over to?

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Firstly follow your heart


secondly try your best to rationalise the situation, collect your thoughts and be clear why you feel the way you do and then


lastly, come up with an alternative solution for the Rescue



I think that's what I would do :flowers:

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I think this situation is extremey rare because every rescue organisation makes its checks and has the facts, but if your gut tells you when you arrive it isn't right you leave - with the animal. Any reputable organisation will take your view into account and make double checks.


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I can't help feeling this is an overspill from another forum because I know something happened elsewhere the other day.


If I'm wrong and this is hypothetical then I would go with my gut feeling and contact the rescue who had asked me to transport the dog for them.



Let's hope not :wink:


Wendy it was on another forum. :rolleyes: :(

Edited by Wendbert
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I might leave with the dog if I felt it would be in immediate physical danger if I didn't (not sure how the law stands on that, but ISTR that one is supposed to take reasonable action to prevent a crime being committed, so if the animal was in danger I'm not sure the legal position would be clear-cut).


Otherwise I'd call the rescue, but I wouldn't necessarily expect them to take a decision to remove the dog there and then on my say-so: I think it would be reasonable for them to need a bit of time to sort out an alternative destination and check things out, and I don't have the setup to provide a holding area for random dogs indefinitely.


No idea what the other discussion has been, but it's an interesting dilemma.

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I would only transport for a rescue that I knew had done homechecks and were happy to have the dog placed in that particular environment. The dog belongs to them not to me and if the rescue is happy for that dog to go, then I would deliver it. I would however contact the original rescue and tell them of my concerns.

What I would not do is take the dog to another rescue UNLESS the original rescue advised me to do so. That is theft.

If I was really unhappy with the rescue in the first plcae, I wouldn't offer to transport for them.

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I don't know what has happened on another forum (probably the one I am banned from) but the situation shouldn't arise if the rescue have done their checks properly but if it did I would contact the rescue before i did anything else. Nobody/no rescue is perfect so mistakes can happen , it would be down to the transporter to report what her reservations were to the rescue but it is down to the rescue and owners of the dog to make the decision.x

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