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Billy :GroupHug: what do you mean looks a state?



Billymalc, your Mal reminds me of my old Loppy who when 9 1/2 (2002) had an op to remove a screw from his leg, (vets warned at the time that he was a. past his natural lifespan and b. had a 50% chance of surviving) he was forever having physical sickness problems but had a really really really strong spirit, and lived until last year, five years later :GroupHug: to you and Mal, hope this cheers you up :flowers:


Nouggatti - our 'oldie' Pluis was like that. Diagnosed with a heart murmur, and various other things along the way, he wasn't expected to live another year. He finally died 2 months before his 17th birthday of old age, bless him.


The "infection" on the left side of Mal's upper jaw now seems to have spread to lower jaw and halfway across the roof of his mouth - despite the ABs that are "specifically for the mouth". I don't think it's an infection at all, but his cancer spreading really damn quick all of a sudden :( :(

We had a really cr@p night last night, because Mal was swallowing hard and licking his lips for hours, and he was getting right cuddly - which is not at all like him. As per usual, after a rotten night, he's now fast asleep on the sofa behind me, bless him. Wish I was!

I've already decided that I'm not going into work, but calling the vet first thing as soon as they open and ask for Mal to be seen ASAP, and hopefully get them to phone L'pool Hospital to refer him straight away, rather than awaiting our appointment next Tuesday. However, seeing as he's only just about recovered from the kennel cough he had earlier this week, I doubt it that they can do much, which means we just might have to sit it out and hope for the best over a Bank Holiday weekend :( :( Also, as you might've read, our vet's practice now has a constant stream of part time and locum vets, and the last one we saw seemed to be on his first day after vet school, where he hadn't paid much attention to begin with!

I'm just absolutely sh!tting myself, I'm so not ready to lose him yet! :mecry: :mecry: :mecry:

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Things here are not brill.

:GroupHug: Take good care of yourself.


Marian, I hope you find out what happened with the man and his Goldie, how awful for him :(


For Billy, I hope you can get Mal seen and referred today. At least he's having a kip now, which might make him feel a bit better :GroupHug:

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Natalie- if you've had a blood test and then been given antibiotics then it's likely the test was for H Pylori and u tested positive for it, then antibiotics are given to treat it. Lansoprazole is very similar to omeprazole so switching drugs is unlikely to help. My thoughts would be

have u given the omeprazole long enough to work? It can take around a month to decrease the acid and for the inflammation to heal, what dose of omeprazole do u take? It can help to take 40mg for 2 weeks and then decrease to 20mg.

has the H Pylori been killed off by antibiotics - it should have been but not always. u can't have a blood test tho as you'll always test positive on the blood test if you've been infected in the past. you have to have a breath test and for that u have to be off all acid suppressing drugs for 2 weeks

an ultrasound might help as sometimes gallbladder pain can be felt in the same place as bad indigestion although gall bladder pain is more common in the upper right side of the tummy

let us know what happens

I'm assuming you've done the lifestyle stuff- extra pillow at night, small meals more often, no alcohol or cigarettes, no spicy/acidic food.


Thank you for advice :) I am currently only taking 20mg of Omeprazole a day so maybe like you say, my dose needs to be increased. I have been taking this medication now for a total of 8 weeks so far, which also included 10 days of being on antibiotics.

I was doing a bit of research on the internet last night about H Pylori and discovered that they can't now test my blood again.

Ho hum, see how I get on today. I have to ring the docs at 8am to get an appointment this morning.



Natalie - H Pylori is what I had and mastic gum sorted the problem very quickly :flowers:


Thank you. Will look into that :)



Morning all - a lovely sunny morning :)


:GroupHug: for those who need them, especially Elaine and Michelle

Hope you slept ok Elaine, and don't look all puffy eyed this morning.


Hope you have some better success with Bracken at a new vets. In my thoughts x


Wendbert: is something exciting happening today? or are you still not telling?

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Spill! :D



Well, one thing to be excited about is getting Merle Dawg hugs tomorrow :wub:


Wendbert: is something exciting happening today? or are you still not telling?




Still not telling :wink: Although today, my plans have changed and I am going to visit Muckyhen :biggrin:

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No wonder Bojangles was growling. Someone was eating his dinner





Just starting our walk this morning in a wood we often go to and met a man with 2 Goldies. He was carrying one over his shoulders so I asked if everything was OK. He sobbed no it wasn't. He was a big chap, 6ft, looked like a rugby player but he was knackered, gawd knows how far he'd had to carry his dog. I then asked if there was owt I could do but apart from open the gate for him there wasn't. He was going to dash to the vets. When he laid the dog in the back of his car the poor thing was totally lifeless :( I hope everything turned out OK, don't know if I will ever find out :(


Oh Marion :GroupHug: :(






:GroupHug: For Michelle and Bracken.



Not read all 6 pages, so :GroupHug: if anyone else needs them




Why was I awake at 5am this morning. Dave is off today and still snoring upstairs with the doglets. :rolleyes:

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morning. today i am conceeding defeat and picking up some anti biotics for my teeth, or lack of teeth after waking up again at 5am with raging toothache. As well as not being able to eat properly i wont be able to drink vodka either :( Better go and buy a shed load of slim fast or similar today and practice pretending it tastes good :laugh:

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morning. today i am conceeding defeat and picking up some anti biotics for my teeth, or lack of teeth after waking up again at 5am with raging toothache. As well as not being able to eat properly i wont be able to drink vodka either :( Better go and buy a shed load of slim fast or similar today and practice pretending it tastes good :laugh:

You have my sympathy, I've had loads of tooth trouble, had dental implants, bone grafts etc and toothache is just the worst pain ever :flowers: (My OH likens it to being married - low grade pain that's a constant presence, going on and on and on .... )


Chewing on cloves numbs it a bit if that's any help. Toothache that is, not marriage :rolleyes:


The BNP raised over 300 votes in this town yesterday. I just don't get why any half-way sane person would vote for them.

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