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My Scampi Incontinent


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My 13 year old Scampi has suffered fom Spondylosis for several years, but Easter week he twisted his back on turning round causing further damage to his spine, had a paralysed tail and was in a lot of pain. He was prescribed PLT which certainly helped resolve that to a large extent but after that was discontinued he had a relapse and then prescribed Prednisolone. He has improved almost 100% can walk with no problems, wag his tail as of old and sometimes asks for a ball game which we monitor, although he can't c*** his ® leg properly, the prednisolone is now reduced with a view to discontinuation. Sadly though he is now suffering from slight incontinence and is taking Propalin. He did have a scan to check things out and apart from a couple of fatty lumps there is nothing sinister, also he doesn't fully empty his bladder each time which causes this dribbling, sometimes worse than others. This morning he has had a urine test and no infection so it is due to nerve damage. Has anyone any advice please for anything else we can do to help him.

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Hi Bernie


My friend's Staff Piglet (who is around 13 - we don't know exactly as she's rescue) has always had skin problems and also now she has had mobility problems for some time. She was on Prednisolone for around 18 months to 2 years (mainly for the itching) - but it gave her side effects - pot belly and she started losing her hair - and she just didn't look well, looked quite pitiful really. I really didn't think she'd last long she looked so dispirited.


She was changed onto PLT about 12 months ago and what a change this has made - although old and blind she looks in good health, skin good and reasonable on her pins as long as she doesn't overdo it - her owner keeps her on the lowest dose that gives her relief. She will be on it long term but as far as her owner is concerned this is to do with quality of life for an old dog. She is also on Propalin - twice a day and this doesn't seem to give her any problems. She also get Glucosamine and Chondroitin and Fish Body Oil (not cod liver) - 1000mg a day - but as it's anti inflammetery you can give a therapeutic dose of 1000mg per 10/20lbs bodyweight to help with skin/arthritic problems.


Our vet tells us that PLT is an older type of steroid and isn't used as much as it used to be - but it's certainly been much better for Pig.


Hope this helps

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Denes Greenleaf Tablets sorted my oldie's incontinence, but sounds as though this could be drug related, so hopefully will go shortly.



Could be worth trying Acupuncture /Bowen/Craniosacral/Canine Touch to get that spine back as good as possible.


Reiki on the way if he wants it.

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