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Well I paid £3500 for Blue 4 years ago as a pony suitable for a novice who was ace at everything. He was 10 when I bought him, and that was lower end of prices (i don't think he was suitable for a novice as he is a nappy, spooky get, but that's another story!!) Everything else was going for £4k plus. What I would advise is have a nosy on horsemart for similar horses and see how much they are going for, so you can gauge the market. I do know it's a buyer's market at the moment, so there should be room for negotiating.

I'd be asking if the price includes his bridle and maybe a few rugs, if not, definitely try and knock them down. Having said that, my negotiating style was similar to Clare!

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For a safe, genuine horse that does a bit of everything it's probably not that overboard. What would concern me is him wearing different saddles all the time, I would really want his back checked out!


Wanda is very broken, her hock arthritis has flared up big style, she is rolling like a sailor and lame on both hinds. When turned in a circle she lands on the outside of the hoof and rotates her hip to achieve a flat contact with the floor. She is going for alcohol injections in both hocks, if it doesn't work there isn't much else that can be done for her treatment wise. She's now on bute as she looks awful and is in obvious pain. I think she has been arsing about in the field because she was just brilliant a couple of weeks ago but her hocks have always been an issue. I may end up with a large, hairy pet horsey on lots of bute! Please cross all fingers!


Aw poor Bumble, whatever your decision you'll do the best for him as always and however much it hurts you. Listen to him, I'm sure he will tell you how he feels. :GroupHug:

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:GroupHug: for you and Wanda :GroupHug:


Bumbles happy this morning [on a danilon high :rolleyes: ]I walked him out for a minute and hes lame on back right leg although the danilon will be masking a lot. On saturday Bumble had the farrier and when Nick was trimming that back foot Bumble went mental, i think he was bitten by a horsefly judging by the reaction we had. Nick and the nippers he was using to trim with went flying and Bumble didnt calm down until i'd thoroughly fly sprayed him and nothing was venturing near him. Then he was fine but i'm thinking this is whats triggered this off, he also puts his back out easily so i'll get that checked in case he did it throwing himself around. Trouble is Bumbles lammi waits for the slightest excuse to rear its ugly head so we're taking things one day at a time. I'm back to wondering if snorting Danilon will work wonders for me :wacko: :laugh:


Hows Loki today :GroupHug:

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Poor Wanda :GroupHug: Hope the injections do the trick and get her comfortable :flowers:


Glad Bumble is happier today :flowers: If you get any results from the danilon let me know as I have plenty of the stuff :D Do you think when Bumble had his moment during shoeing that the farrier may have accidently mis-trimmed at the moment he flipped and made him sore?


Thanks to me avoiding the horrible men on motorbikes in the evening, by 7am this morning I had mucked out and set off on a hack before work :wacko: I could almost thank them as it was the most beautiful morning to be out and it was so quiet and Loki felt really good, so a nice way to start the day :biggrin:

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Poor Wanda and Bumble :GroupHug:


Clare glad you had nice enjoyable hack and Loki is feeling better, weather today was just brilliant.


Flatwork lesson today and Magic was a real monkey, we were doing canter poles on a 20m circle at A, then a smaller circle at A, so instead of turning and doing the smaller circle, Magic decided he was going to tank off diagonally across the school and headed towards two jumps but decided to jump two polyjump blocks that were sitting in a 3-4ft gap between the two jumps. Stuff the flatwork, he wanted to jump today :rolleyes:


Instructor said a livery girl and her horse had just cantered up the lane beside the school so thinks Magic wanted to follow.


Proper jump lesson tomorrow.

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Oh no!! Hope your instructor is back on her feet soon :flowers:


Just had a good lesson on Blue. This time we were working on shoulder in. Last time we did it, he just ignored my aids and was a bit of a git. Again he was a git tonight, especially when my instructor tried to help from the ground, which made him try to rear and spin. Anyway, I got him back, after which he worked beautifully and managed a few steps of shoulder in on each rein :wub: It almost seems that when I ride him, he has to have a hissy fit before we can get any nice work from him :rolleyes:

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Typical bloke, has to make a fuss and pretend to be in charge then decideds to comply :laugh:


Oh no poor instructor, she joins a list of jockeys that all seem to be breaking their ankles at the moment. Wishing her a speedy recovery :flowers:


:laugh: at Magic deciding he wanted to jump instead of a flat lesson, makes perfect sense if you ask me :D


I don't know what it is about me that every time I go hacking I have hassle and when anyone else goes out they have a normal hack :rolleyes: Today I was going down a narrow track off the beaten track in the woods and came across a 4x4 parked blocking the track and someone in the undergrowth, I first thought it might be a ranger as who else would be parked in the middle of nowhere removing branches :wacko: On closer inspection it wasn't a ranger but a random person stuffing something from the woods into bags. So we had to turn around and go back the way be came.


Then we heard the bikes again, and as it turns out thanks to the 4x4 we avoided them, a walker on the way back stopped me and asked if he was ok with the bikes, so we had a long chat about it, the bike had gone past her and she said it was a young kid who had pushed the bike along the road until he got to the byway so obviously doesn't have licence or insurance.


So not the hardcore group I met before thankfully, I didn't think they were the type to be out and about 9am on a Saturday :laugh: A little later I could hear him coming along the byway behind me, he then proceeded to follow me at a reasonable distance all the way home even though I pulled over in hope he would come pass, couldn't decide if he was being considerate or scared to come past in case (and he was right!) I wanted a word :laugh:


Anyway if anything I reminded him that horses use that route too, I gave him the benefit of the doubt that he was being considerate and gave him a big thank you when I got to the end and went up the drive!


Loki felt fab today and got very excited on going up the drive when he saw all the lorries and the dressage competition in progress, and that was on the way home so energy levels improving too :wub:

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That has to be positive Clare, he does sound so much better!


It has rained so much today the Shet's field is nearly under water and the mud in places is past their fetlocks which I suppose isn't really that deep on a big horse but is if you're a Shetland! They were hanging round the gate and looked so miserable I've brought them in and they were just so happy! I left them tucking into Shetland sized piles of haylage with back up nets for later! :biggrin:

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Big news here since I last posted! Ive decided today to move yards :ohmy:



Last week I was printing off my entry form for the show jumping and was looking on the yards website and what facilities they provide. I dropped them an email to see what their prices were and as it turned out it was just £10 a week more expensive than where I am now, and their price includes hay!!

They have excellent facilities - lovely huge stables all kitted out with rubber matting/boards on the walls, allocated spaces and storage in the tack room and feed room, tack room is alarmed (as is the whole yard, intruder alert, cctv etc). They have feed and bedding available on site. They have a 60x30 arena with mirrors, a field with a full set of showjumps and a cross country course, a lungeing area and are currently having a horse walker being built. Theyve got a common room too :) You can have a look at the website, type in Wheatlands Farm to google.


Its going to be a huge culture shock going from a teeny tiny yard to that but I really think Milo will benefit from the facilities there.


Im dreading telling my yard owner later :unsure: Im going to see about moving the first weekend in october as im free all weekend so can make sure he settles in :wub:

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Ive had a stable at my current yard since about March time and over the summer ive actually been putting him in during the day to get out of the sun/away from the flies and then putting him out at night. At new yard they all come in overnight so will be a bit of a change but fortunately Milo adores his stable (and barges past me to get into it!) so I dont think he'll protest about going into his new, much bigger stable for the night :laugh:


Told YO this evening, we all burst into tears :laugh: We're such sops. I told her its just to get the jumping facilities because thats really what he loves doing and would benefit from their bigger school and set of show jumps etc which she totally understood. She just said to let me know when im leaving so I dont think shes particularly fussed about me giving a months notice or maybe I can move sooner than I thought.. :unsure:

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I'm tentaively looking for an established driving pony, 14.2 max. I'm not bothered if it's a mare or a gelding,or if it's getting on a bit. I don't care about the colour or if it's seriously butt fugly, I just want a reasonably well behaved animal that knows it's job!


So far I've been offered various ponies that do drive but haven't in years so their abilities can't be demonstrated, but the owner is sure it will be ok, just bung it in and have a go! These people have never seen a horse bolt with a vehicle I'm sure!! There are 15 month old babies who have been driving for 6 months and going well because the owner's five year old daughter broke it!! Stallions and more stallions, mares with foal at foot and in foal again to t'chap down the road's hefty cob, or if not in foal it can be sorted out, no problem. Then there are the really quiet genuine horses, never looks at anything, you can drive it through to town centre, that's because the poor animal is so poor it can hardly stand up never mind spook! There are loads of trotters and pacers out there at very little money but they tend to be a bit bonkers and I don't want a loony!


I'm not going showing or any sort of competing, I just want one that I can drive round the local area and is able to do a bit more than my mini shet, we have too many hills for her to cope with. I've been round loads of websites and all the above problems crop up time after time, there are some class animals at the top of the range but 10k is a bit much for a trot about pony.


Anyway after all the horrors of the websites and stopping myself collecting all the wrecks I think I've found a gem! He's an ID X Connemara and he's, wait for it, 13.1hh! :laugh: He looks like a tank, his legs should be at least 2ft longer but for some reason he just went outwards instead of upwards, he's a ride and drive and a good jumper. Should be able to go see him this week, oh the excitement! :elefant: :elefant:

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