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Poor Kane - what has he done to earn that reputation :wacko: :biggrin: :laugh: :unsure:

Bought a head torch from Tesco the other week - was only 8 quid, just didn't have it with me :rolleyes: Blue's rugs mostly have reflective weatherbeeta logos on them, but when he's standing with his arse to me at the back of the field, they don't tend to help :laugh: :laugh: :wub: :wub:

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:laugh: I know how rude are people about my precious angel!!! :rolleyes:


I'll have a peek in tesco's although that said Holyhead is unlikely to have one, seeing as though they rarely have bread and milk on the shelves so can't imagine why they'd stock torches!!! :rolleyes: :glare:


Was a complete wimp last night and didn't ride cos it was pouring down!!! God I love having a stable, no more standing knee deep in mud getting Kane to shove his food down his gob in 2 seconds so I can get out of the rain!! At least I can actually spend an hour or so just with him (not that he cares as long as he's got haylage he doesn't really need me!!) :rolleyes:

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:laugh: I know how rude are people about my precious angel!!! :rolleyes:



:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


I tried feeding mine in the stable again but they still weren't having it, they acted as though I was trying to trap them :rolleyes: .

Squeak eventually did stand in for about 30 seconds but kept grabbing the food and running back out to make sure the door wasn't closing - honestly boys, it was pizzling, just stand in the dry for a bit!! :wacko:


They are reluctantly munching the haylage in the shelter (my bribe to get them out of the rain). I think they are protesting against Winter coming and I think I'll join them :laugh: . For once the grass in the Summer field is fab. and I have no worries about them not having enough to eat but it's the Summer field because it has rubbish drainage so it becomes a lake with lots of rain, hence they might have to move out to the Winter field soon anyway. How I long for 5plus acres of my own land......

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Well most stallions are much cleaner than cut horses..they prefer to poop in one spot (not sure of the reason behind that though) so you might have some success with a stallion! :unsure:


Arrgggg how much is it raining!!!! I've got a lesson tonight and didn't put Kane's rain rug on so I'm going to have to drive up to the stables at lunch and bring him in so he's dry for later...that should be clothes...knee deep mud...thug horse who loves nothing better than making me mucky!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Wanda is being Freemarked in October, I am determined to have it on her shoulder but am having some mild comments from others on the yard re 'better under saddle' for some reason. I know it can't be seen in the field when she has her rug on but I want it to be seen when she is hacking out! Any thoughts about shoulder or under saddle?


Also as she is sort of nicknamed Wandy Woo I wanted her branded as WOO1 but it looks like wool so thought of WOO2. Can't have WOO as O and zero are the same iron, I'm going to ask about WUU2 though but any other ideas greatfully received.


OH got wrong idea and wanted her full name of Richmoor Wanda, poor horse would look like an advertising board! :biggrin:

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For some reason WOO2 made me think 'woof'....might be abit odd that on a horse???? :laugh: :laugh: I'm useless at these things, can never figure out what peoples personalized numberplates are supposed to mean either!!! I am having KAN3 for Kane or K4NE if they allow it.


Personally I always thought I'd have Kane's on his shoulder, mainly because the saddle one means they can't be ridden for 2 weeks (I think) and a Kane not ridden for 2 weeks would mean a bit of a handful for mummy once able to ride again!!! :laugh: :laugh: If she's not shown I agree I think shoulder is better for security reasons.

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I am like Jacky, can never figure out personalised plates so have no useful input, other than I like WUU2 :biggrin:


I really did not want Loki done under saddle, I wanted it to be visable when I was out riding, as that was the situation when I had been approached by some dodgey men :rolleyes: I had also heard a few scare stories of there being complications and the horse being out of work for a long time, and also some horses never being comfortable with a saddle on.


Not sure how much truth there is in that, but as I wasn't keen in the first place it made my mind up to go for the shoulder, or in Loki's case on a random bit of black on his side :laugh:


I was told that showing horses should not be marked down for a freezemark wherever it is :)


Did you stay clean at lunchtime Jacky? Hope the rain stops for your lesson :flowers:

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Did you stay clean at lunchtime Jacky? Hope the rain stops for your lesson :flowers:


:biggrin: :biggrin: Forgot to say...had a phone call at 11 from Laura who was at the yard and asked did I want Kane in to dry off!! So I said yes please, then she rang back at 1 and said he'd been in, dried off, given some yummy hay, rugged up and now back out!!! :biggrin: :biggrin: I loves her!!! It's fab having nice people to share a yard with, no doubt I'll repay the favour one day but it was a lovely thing to do.


Lesson will be indoor anyway (avoiding the drips though) and hopefully this time Kane will not try and jump the muddy patches again!!! :laugh: :laugh: Having my 'back to basic's' jumping I imagine it will be an hour of short stirrups and very very sore legs!!! :(

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Oh yes I forgot you jammy person having an indoor school :D Have fun jumping!


Its lovely when you have nice people to share with isn't it :biggrin:


I did my five minutes of canter work with short stirrups in forward seat on Monday, and did my back in haven't been able to sit down let alone ride all week, short stirrups have a lot to answer for :laugh: Tonight I am going to attempt to ride and keeping fingers crossed I will be okay to go to Boomerang on Sunday :rolleyes:

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Can't do much at the moment, Thug is currently "resting on his laurels" whilst I heal.

Cristiane and I have discussed at length why he threw me and we have both come to the conclusion that due to the difference in weight between myself and her, we think that as Thug felt a shift of my weight in the saddle as he moved into trot, he panicked and bucked and as I came off he panicked more.

Whilst we were going over all of what had been covered at Grant's, Cristiane mentioned that Grant himself had only ridden Thug once, and then only at a walk. I had also ridden him (more than once, but only at a walk) and as Christiane weighs about 5 stone less than me, Christiane has suggested that Thug comes back to Grant for a remedial and that Grant will ride him as he is slightly heavier than me.

I feel so bad about it because I feel it's all my fault. :(

We'd been longlining him for 2 weeks and I'd been on and walked him and I just had a stoopid moment when I thought "Ok, he's lovely in walk, let's end the session on a high (quite literally in the end) and trot him on for half a circle".

I didn't even use my leg, I literally clicked with my tongue (Cristiane had been working with vocal aids and he associated clicking with going faster) and as he went into trot BANG I was on the floor.


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Please don't blame yourself, it wasn't an unreasonable request, sometimes these things just happen :GroupHug: It is fantastic that you have Grant as backup, and I think sending Thug back to Grant is the best thing to do, for both your confidence. You and Thug are on a long journey (as we all are with our horses!) all this will make you both stronger in the future :flowers:

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Freezemarking... I had an arab cross cob many years ago, I had farmkey out to mark her.. she was, at the time, very dark dapple grey, they did her freezemark on her back. She is now very grey as in white and you can feel the mark, cant really see it.

After the mark was done they said 2 weeks offwork, she had a month off, she wasnt really thin skinned either, because of her colouor apparently the healing took much longer :unsure: , I also had to use a polypad for the first 6 weeks back in work as she was still occasionally feeling it... i wish id gone for the shoulder too

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Regarding the house training thing I was just wondering about why certain animals live with us in the house as pets and others don't. I thought intelligence and willingness to bond maybe but then I thought well why not a horse then, so then I thought maybe you can't house train them but then I thought well they are meant to be really intelligent so why not house train them? So it was only a theoretical could you house train one rather than an intending to try it question.


I don't know about all these freezemarks, it's a bit like graffiti-ing on your horses, could you have a nice pattern done on their rumps instead?


I may have had a little drink this evening :snorkle:

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