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The Horse Update / Pic Thread


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Aww Apple! :wub: He has such a kind, wise face. Good luck for today!


I just had a call from YO Sam, she is at Valient's Festival of Championships with a trade stand today. She says the conditions are dreadful for the competitors, there is no indoor working in at all and the in hand classes are over fetlock deep in mud. The Working Hunter ring is almost a lake and it's still raining, the organizers are doing their best and putting straw in the gateways and are pulling people on with the tractor! I hope it stops raining soon, it's very low lying around there and could get a bit scary! :unsure:


I'm sat at work doing absolutely nothing now, I brought the dogs in with me this morning and walked them round the campus, there are some wild bits where they could have a run round then OH came and collected them. It's now lashing down, so far we have not had too much problem 'oop north', maybe it's on it's way! :ohno02:

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Thanks all, just about to leave to go to the yard and start bathing & plaiting. You can't even tell he has a sway back when he is tacked up, and the way he moves you wouldn't believe it - my riding instructor didn't.


Thanks for the good luck wishes, I think we will need them!!!

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Good luck Apple. You look so sweet.


Today was my first day with Dexter without owner or Kathy (will be my instructor) on hand to help. OH came along for moral support cos he isnt horsey. Dexter was in the big field. He wouldnt come to me like in the little field so I had to walk all the way across to him. He let me catch him but then wouldnt walk. Dug his feet in. Eventually got him out the field but then he kept putting the brakes on walking down the hill to the yard. So we only got there on his terms. How do I make him move? I know pulling wont work, he weighs a ton.


Picked out his feet, groomed him and tacked him up. (think he has given up on the picking out feet problem I had) Then he wouldnt come out the stable. Eventually got him to the indoor school and then he wouldnt walk to the mounting block. By this time I was getting a bit peed off with him and just turned round and marched away from him nearly in tears. The little git followed me. I turned to my OH and said " I cant do this" I just dont know enough to manage.


Rode him in the school for a bit. Everytime OH lifted the camera his ears shot forward. He loves having his picture taken.


Then I walked him through the village and OH walked with me.


When I got back I wasnt sure what to do with him. He has a huge array of rugs and didnt know what to put on him to turn him out. Luckily his owner turned up and said she wanted him to stay in cos he had been on the grass long enough.


I am horrified by the pictures. In everyone of them my backside and bust is sticking out and I look like I am riding on my crotch. My hat looks too big (went for one with a big peak to keep the rain off my glasses or I cant see a thing)


Its all bit of a mess really :wacko:

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Don't worry abuot the piccies Bobbysmum - it just means you know what to work on next, I've just looked at all the piccies Jayne has taken of me no Apple today - and I pick faults out on every single one - some really basic ones that I should know better. The relationship with yuo and Dexter will come with time - I've had Apple for nearly 12 years and I'm still learning about him every day.


and - i'm back from the dressage - AND WE WON!!!


We have now qualified for the nationals at Warwick college in September.


I'm just uploading piccies now then I'l do a thread for him.


Thanks for all the good luck wishes - they obviously worked

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Just realised I have been reading lots but not posting..


Anne, the foalies are looking even more gorgeous :wub: :wub:



:flowers: Well done Apple


Bobbysmum, I don't think many people look good in a riding hat :unsure: and I know I look awful in pics on horseback. Your relationship with Dexter will take time, but don't let him off with things. I think maybe if you look at you own post.....


"By this time I was getting a bit peed off with him and just turned round and marched away from him nearly in tears. The little git followed me. "


that is telling, ask Jacky about the leading exercises she has done with Kane. Dexter obviously responded to your body language and you could work on this. :flowers:

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Not been about in ages, I've started a new job, between that and helpng out on the PAT dog stands and the dogs and horses, all the weeks are rolling into one! Just been busy reading lots of your posts and looking at some seriously cute horses and foals!!


Kimbas_Mum Fab, well done, :biggrin: you must be chuffed :biggrin: Off to look at your other post!!


Bobbys Mum - I'm sure every one when they start looking after horses get nervous and are not sure what to do. Try your best to relax and enjoy it, you'll find his a lot easier to deal with, just take a deep breath, take a pause if things are starting to get a bit stressy. There is no point rushing things, just take you time. You'll soon be an old pro at all this!! If you can't get him to walk, instead of tring to lead him forwards, try to get him to turn, this will unbalance him which should get him moving again. It is probably worth you doing some ground work with him. Just start taking him for walks asking him to walk when you want to, stop when you want to. When he is tied up make sure he stands and moves over and backwards when he is asked. If you carry on having problems at the mounting block and stable, do the same, some ground work to get him really lsitening to you. Either that or just bribe him with a camera!! Good luck!!


Was supposed to be taking Kai to cross country course for a play yesterday, but it was cancelled cos of the weather, surprise, surprise. But found some hunter trials at the place I'm taking Kai training to on Wednesday, so will be taking her there. They start at 1ft and 3 refusals and you just go onto the next fence. They even have a one day event the same size. So hoping to take her there. Also found a new centre set up who are doing unaffiliated dressage and show jumping so going to head over there as it looks like they'll be on over the winter as well. Kai has never seen in outdoor school, never mind an indoor one, so should be fun.


Tried to box her a couple of weeks ago ready for yesterday. I hour, 4 people and a black eye later, we had just about managed to get her in 3 times. She we being a moo. Tried again the week after and she walked in like a pro, even turned her bum so I could shut the partition, mares :biggrin:


Been also having problems with 5 kids, 4 at primary school who have been chasing the horses round and round the field. They have even taken Minski's muzzel and fly mask off. The one that is at secondary school and is big for her age was riding Trigger, hes only 37 ins. :angry: So now I can't ride Minski because she is so sore from her arthristis. Couldn't catch her fo a week, so couldnt get the muzzel on for her laminitis and couldn't get the bute down her to try to sort out the arthritis. Got my instructor to catch her on Firday and I've been giving her polos and treats so she will be caught and left her head collar on. So I can know get near her, which is a relief. We know who they are, the mother of 2 of the girls has been told, she went through them lke a ton of bricks then grounded them. Just trying to get hold of the other parents. Kids :angry:

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"By this time I was getting a bit peed off with him and just turned round and marched away from him nearly in tears. The little git followed me. "


that is telling, ask Jacky about the leading exercises she has done with Kane. Dexter obviously responded to your body language and you could work on this. :flowers:


Honestly buy Kelly Marks 'Perfect Manners''s the best thing I've ever bought for Kane!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: I've had the worse time ever with him recently! Planting and then rearing and bolting! Then spending hours and I mean HOURS trying to recatch him (thank goodness Lynn who owns the fields is calm and doesn't care that her garden is curned up by a fat cob running riot!!!!!!!!!!!!). I've had moments of laying on the ground and sobbing my heart out, even calling my friend who works for the RSPCA to bring her gun (obviously she knew I was being a silly moo and just came with moral support instead!! :laugh: ).


I've found that body language with the horse is more important than all the tricks and gadgets in the world!! I can now lead Kane out of the field, through the 'nice yummy long grass' area and upto the the tack room with him maybe trying once to put his head down to eat...previously I would have been dragged and pulled around like a rag doll!! Oh yes and as Kelly Marks advises buy a control head's not cruel and it's not admitting just saves your shoulders from being ripped out!! I got mine from Robinson's only £10 and very gentle but effective.

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Honestly buy Kelly Marks 'Perfect Manners''s the best thing I've ever bought for Kane!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: I've had the worse time ever with him recently! Planting and then rearing and bolting! Then spending hours and I mean HOURS trying to recatch him (thank goodness Lynn who owns the fields is calm and doesn't care that her garden is curned up by a fat cob running riot!!!!!!!!!!!!). I've had moments of laying on the ground and sobbing my heart out, even calling my friend who works for the RSPCA to bring her gun (obviously she knew I was being a silly moo and just came with moral support instead!! :laugh: ).


I've found that body language with the horse is more important than all the tricks and gadgets in the world!! I can now lead Kane out of the field, through the 'nice yummy long grass' area and upto the the tack room with him maybe trying once to put his head down to eat...previously I would have been dragged and pulled around like a rag doll!! Oh yes and as Kelly Marks advises buy a control head's not cruel and it's not admitting just saves your shoulders from being ripped out!! I got mine from Robinson's only £10 and very gentle but effective.


Ordered my Kelly Marks Perfect Manners from Amazon this morning :biggrin: Off to work out what a control head collar is. Trouble is its not my horse so not sure if owner would let me use one. Someone suggested lots of treats to bribe him but I am only allowed to give him treats added to his feed after working because he was getting mouthy. Hope the book doesnt take too long I need to have read it before my next share day which is Friday.

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