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Everything posted by ranirottie

  1. and the pics are where? x
  2. Would you like me to forward the two carrier bags of hair that I combed out of him yesterday,and he was still shedding badly today !! It was a pleasure to have him x
  3. He is not a typical lab tho, I free feed and he walked away from half a bowl of food once he had eaten enough!!! Thank you for the comment on my garden. The dogs muck the grass up but they won't cross the log roll so the flowers stay safe x
  4. is he coming to you Moonbladez? he is a delight. He is very easy going and laid back (loves his bum scratched) seems to more or less ignore other dogs but is friendly enough when they greet him. So far he has been the perfect guest x
  5. that is really sad for the child and the dog. Until today I always thought that dog walkers had to be registered with their local authorities the same as people have to be when they sit for dogs in their own homes. I now find that this isn't the case but I think it ought to be and there ought to be a limit on how many dogs one person can walk at a time too! x
  6. This lovely boy has come for a very brief visit today. We were supposed to pick him up tomorrow from his owner but my hubby needs the car so rather than let anybody down we picked him up today.He is being collected tomorrow lunchtime to continue his journey down to his foster home. He was very sick in the car so maybe a break in the journey was a good thing.He settled in straight away,ate some food,had a drink,inspected the place then went out into the garden to mark everything in sight! My girls gave him a lovely welcome and he seems to like his new harem. Here is the lovely old boy.
  7. I am reluctant to use the dog warden or the police until I can find out who owns it and why it gets out. If its a decent family and the dog just escapes then perhaps some advice might help. If I get no joy there then I will use them both but i will feel awful if the dog is taken away as dangerous or confused with a pit,he is very large.People have already complained to the dog warden and the police already,they told me,so I don't want to make it worse if I can help it.x
  8. it does say that it was a long while ago and that it is not used now. I think any normal human being would find any sort of electric shock training cruel and repugnant so I am very glad that its in the past! Woburn is near us and i know quite a few people who have worked there both full and part time and they have always said that it is a good place to work and that the animals are treated well,but this is in the last few years.Woburn does have a good reputation,lets hope it keeps it and there are no more skeletons in the cupboard. x
  9. aaawww bless,they look gorgeous in their jamas. x
  10. I have just had the fright of my life. Chris is not feeling well and has gone to bed but I am on a good day and wanted to walk the dogs so I decided to walk them over the fields opposite my house. It does them good to walk on leads now and then. We had a lovely walk,its not too hot and there is quite a breeze and there was nobody around to scare Mali. On the way back the dogs were all walking nicely,finished the mad running around bit,when a staffie shot out of the bushes and had a go at Kizzy. I called my dogs to me and swung the leads at the dog who backed off,then Minki got scared and ran ,with him chasing her. I called and called whilst getting the rest on their leads,crying and hurrying along but they were nowhere to be seen.So I ran home and chucked my dogs indoors ,propped open the door just in case she got away from the dog and got home(two miracles in itself) and went to see if I could find her. By this time I was exhausted and sobbing my heart out wondering if she was still alive and the memory of when my Pixi got lost in the front of my mind. I must admit that I was terrified of finding her mangled body. but all of a sudden she popped out of the bushes totally unharmed but very scared. I went towards her but she ran away,towards the road!! Luckily a young couple with their 3 dogs were just coming round the corner ,they had a staffie too which I think stopped Minki in her tracks!I was then able to pick her up. She was shaking like a leaf and had wet herself all down her legs but there was not a mark on her thank god. I do not know how she got away from the other staffie as it looked like it meant business. I am just so happy and relieved to have her home safely. I am still shaking and have only just got my breath back. I didn't recognise the dog,it was a large dark brindle entire male and there was no owner in sight and nobody calling it either.I have since found out that it has had a go at several other dogs lately and has always been alone. I have never seen it before and I live right opposite the fields but I am going to make it my business to find out who the bloody irrisponsible owner is. He is a big lad and could do a lot of damage! x
  11. after watching tonights episode I would like to put John James and Scabby in a boat and set them adrift together in the middle of the ocean. John James is such a stirrer. I feel sorry for Ben,he has little social skills with "normal" people but I think he means well and I wish John James would stop riding him. Josie was soooo good when she described his goings on as like rolling pastry! Keiva (not the right spelling) showed her true colours tonight didn't she! It is at last getting a little more interesting. Still Corin and Josie for me. x
  12. I think Corin is great, she is thickly amusing but seems a genuinely nice person. The coven,Scabby and her two followers,drive me round the bend. Scabby is a bully having childish tantrums all the time,she is soooo irritating. Sunshine has grown on me a bit but John James is fast becoming "most irritating of the week". He is so petulant and sulky,I would like to slap him! Josie is great,really down to earth,so Corin and Josie for me. x
  13. thats so lovely to hear that they were reunited after 5 years. After losing Pixi overnight that time (my eternal gratitude to Doglost and everybody who helped look for her ) I am terrified of losing any of my girls. They are all microchipped so it does give hope if they are lost. As for the name,I doubt the older one has been called Jack since he has been lost so it would be easier to change his name,but who calls dogs all by the same name anyway? x
  14. Brilliant,soooo funny especially the bit about the newagent!! I would post it through her door with a heading such as "light hearted letter with a serious message" . She obviously needs to be told. x
  15. Congratulations Billy on finding such a lovely home,he sure is adorable. x
  16. They are such heartbreaking "before" pics but the "after" pics of the dogs show them actually seeming to smile. Well done Sam and your team,you are doing a fantastic job. x
  17. I am going to be there and have offered my services . I will not be camping tho as its not too far for me to go.x
  18. what brilliant pics, I was so sad not to have made it this year,hopefully next year. It is lovely to see you all having fun with your dogs x
  19. its all so boring this year. Sunshine really is a pain in the backside isn't she! x
  20. brilliantly trained dogs and well put together x
  21. thats a great amount to raise. Well done all x
  22. Good luck everybody taking part. I have sponsored Cheryl x
  23. what a gorgeous boy. Happy Gotcha Day Joe x
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