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Everything posted by dawnie

  1. Sam - thank u so much for the WW stuff - it arrived yesterday but only just been able to get online - if i'd known where u were i could've collected as i work in that area - would've saved u postage x
  2. Thanks guys, i really appreciate your concern, but the person that suggested the kalms i would turn to for advice every time and has helped me more in the past couple of years than a vets or anyone else ever could. Also due to their knowledge and background i trust their advice totally.
  3. Well i've never used Bach remedies but having suffered for the last 3 weeks with Milo stressing when left i consulted a very knowledgeable friend and since Sunday him (and me) have been taking Kalms - the difference is amazing, a much calmer Milo, a much calmer me, a lovely calm house.
  4. I remembered to weigh in this morning - start weight last week 17st 2lb, now 16st 12lb so lost 4lb - not bad as i haven't really tried - need to put super duper effort in tho.
  5. Thank u - i forgot to weigh in yesterday cos i got my days confuysed, and i forgot again today as was having a panic cos my cat bought a moth/butterfly in and it landed on my neck (i'm terrified of anything that flies). Will try and remember tomorrow.
  6. AFter speaking to a confidante of mine Milo & I are now taking Kalms - apparently exactly the same as Zylkene but only £3 for 100 tablets. Today was the first day i was able to leave for work without him stressing but i think there may be a reason for that - he ripped his claw again yesterday (3rd time in 2 months) and is in discomfort so has only moved from the sofa since we got home from our walk - so not a result as such but perhaps this will get him out of the habit of stressing when i leave - although he appeared to forget about his painful foot when him and dolly were trying to catch a teeny mouse that was in my fireplace last nite!
  7. Thank u. We're in a very quiet village and although the next door neighbour has 2 kids next door they don't play outside the front or back. Not found anyone to show me t-touch yet. I'm gonna try and borrow a video recorder as i don't have one.
  8. Thanks K9Fran that's what worries me - a part of me just wants to hug him loads and reassure him but someone said i'm then telling him its ok to be stressed and worried. But apart from when i'm leaving the house he's fine very very relaxed and chilled out so its normal for us to have a cuddle etc. I am very down at the mo with work/money worries but i can't do anything ot change that so i hope he's not reading my emotions in that respect.
  9. Thanks guys - i may get chastised for this but they are left all day - always have been, we moved 2 months ago and they are now left for a shorter amount of time than before we moved - but I am speaking to someone this weekend about coming in during the day for me to break it up a bit. We've moved from an isolated house down a quiet farm track to a terraced cottage with dogs either side - i'm wondering if this is upsetting him as the dog one side of us howls constantly if left. He's fine when i'm here - yes they do sleep with me - but that is changing today - i feel so cruel but if that's what it takes - i'm ignoring any behaviour and not acknowledging anything he's done or is doing and at no time has he been chastised for bad behaviour. Like u say it could be a simple noise like the dustmen but its not knowing. They have pretty much the run of downstairs except for the conservatory - purely because its like a greenhouse whereas the rest of downstairs is very cool. Today i've even gone out and left the stairs door open so that if he feels safer upstairs he can go there. I'm reluctant to try a crate purely because he's never been in one, he's 30kg and i think if he was in a crate and the other two were free roaming that might upset him. Someone mentioned valerian - what is this?
  10. Milo is a 6yr old staffi cross. Came from the pound at 12 weeks old. Is a very sensitive dog and has been attacked by other dogs, is also terrified of men. Can be a real stress head but has been doing really well of late. About 3 yrs ago he used to stress out when i used to go to work but hasn't done this for a very very long time .............. until now. For the last 2-3 weeks he's been stressing out badly whenever i go out - its always only been when i go to work but its all the time now. I've tried changing my routine in every way i can but its made no difference. As soon as i get dressed, lock the back door, turn the tv off etc etc he starts stressing, panting, pacing around and even trying to climb over me to get out the door as i'm trying to leave. Well now its gone to a new extreme - destruction. About a week ago i came home to find he'd clawed the carpet up in the conservatory that runs parallel with the back door, luckily the carpet was old and frayed anyway but he also scratched the bottom wooden door frame, and as the carpet was frayed and the carpet gripper was bare he'd sliced his pads on his feet. Today i've come home and he's ripped the draught excluder strip off the porch door (its screwed to the door) and there's black brush material all over the floor and the excluder strip was hanging off the door all bent, chewed & mangled. I don't know what to do, he's never been like this before. I don't know what's triggered him off but i need to sort it out quickly as i'm in rented accommodation. Its also really upsetting me (i keep this to when i'm out of the house as he reads my emotions) as i hate seeing him like this. Any advice?
  11. You need to get yourself a Bissell Pet Hoover - they were on offer last year for £40 but they are FANTASTIC!! Can't rate them highly enough - infact i would rate all of the bissell hoovers - they have reconditioned ones on their website sometimes too that come with 12 months warranty.
  12. Ah thanks i'm due to go next week anyway so will talk to them as according to docs my BMI says i'm obese!! Thank you have pm'd ya
  13. Ah excellent thank you - will try and see if i can find out the release date but think i'll get both when i get my new bank card.
  14. Ah Aly that's fab. I looked at joining WW but to be honest i'm struggling to find enough money to feed me let alone give it to a WW meeting. Last year i followed the Slimming World plan - slimming world chips are a god send. I never ever have bread in my house - i just don't eat it, i don't drink alcohol or smoke so my biggest sin is chocolate. Last year i bought a bag of treat size Mars Bars and allowed myself one per day if i was really flagging. I found myself having mostly green days as i don't eat a lot of meat. Its the first couple of weeks that's the hardest i think. I have 3 dogs and have been really out of breath walking them recently (just moved and there's a massive field with a steep incline) so as i'm asthmatic i need to get my fitness sorted out too.
  15. I've been looking at getting this book - hopefully will at the end of the week when my new bank card comes thru.
  16. Can i join this thread please? I lost nearly 2 stone last year for RDR and have put it all and more back on so i'm starting again today with a vengeance. Weighed in this morning at 17st 2lb - my target is to lose at least 3 stone but hopefully more. Needs loads of encouragement.
  17. If its not in the tenancy agreement he doesn't have to do it - i've just had this same thing myself. And if the landlord withholds some of the deposit you can take him to court (check out the tenancy deposit scheme website).
  18. Does anyone know any reiki or ttouch people in bedfordshire, buckinghamshire, northamptonshire area please?
  19. Hi I will message u later but i believe someone has been in touch with you regarding my situation x
  20. Just to let you know he was found yesterday, in Lincolnshire, straying the local area - no more details as yet but thanks to him being microchipped they can reunite him with Woodgreen and the family that were waiting to take him home.
  21. When i lost my Taz (cat) i searched high and low for days and nights - someone contacted me, said taz had been in a fight and had run and didn't know how to get back, that she was with a little old lady who would not let her out, that this lady had a bungalow and a side door with an iron railing (like the disabled places have) and she was standing at her side door talking to her neighbour opposite about Taz and that taz had hurt her front right paw - i went cold - everytime taz had a fight she'd sit on the coalbunker holding her front right paw up (it was weak). I also had a psychic phone reading which was very accurate esp when they said a guy with blonde hair called Matty said hello and he's fine now - they found my friend Matty (note we called him Matty not Mat or Matthew) in the river 4 weeks previous to me having the reading. I'm going to see colin fry next month and i think where there is belief there is hope.
  22. I watched last nite and don't think i can bare to watch again - TPT needs a good slap - what is her problem! And the woman with the Husky dog - was it just me or did that dog seem scared of her? Not impressed this time - and we had free tickets to be in the audience - so glad we didn't go.
  23. I'm after some long lasting comfortable boots (ie wellington type but more durable) to walk my dogs as i'm surrounded by fields which will get quite muddy as the wet weather continues (notice i said continues and not arrives!! _) anyone got any recommendations?
  24. My foster dog from last year, Ellie the border collie, passed her Kennel Club Good Citizen bronze last nite, she's only just turned a year old and they've been waiting weeks for an exam date and she finally took the exam last nite. I am so so proud of her.
  25. Lovely pics - we had a fab day sunday but guess who took their camera n forgot it was in their bag!! My Tia was a star despite looking daggers at everyone who squeaked one of the squeaky toys on the table! And i so fell in love with a gorgeous Gt Dane called Bill xx lovely to meet some of you who i've never met before x
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