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Everything posted by kimthecat

  1. How exciting is that ! Well done. i took Dibs to the seaside and he wasn't impressed Aliosn
  2. Maria , absolutely. Abuse is abuse regardless and being made to feel inferior is not less hurtful or demeaning to that person with ginger hair because they weren't oppressed in the past. Jo , being ridiculed can rob people of their confidence. If you have ever been hurt by comments about your appearance or looks then understand that comments hurt red heads the same. Alison
  3. I only got about two and then gave up Apparently i over think them Alison
  5. Have you seen tony singing should I stay or should I go on youtube? Alison
  6. I still call albums LP's. Alison
  7. There was an article about his first night in the mail today. Did anyone see the film? I couldn't watch anything like this because I wouldnt be able to stop thinking of the horses he blinded. Alison
  8. I have to log in after every few visits even though I checked the remember me box. Is anyone else having this problem. Alison
  9. Sorry I forgot to put a warning though I only felt sorry for the mouse! Alison
  10. Well, put that way .... Alison
  11. He's the actor who played Harry Potter in the films.
  12. Daniel Radcliffe's been mentioned (or should that be drooled over ) on every forum I read. He is so gorgeous in the photos of him in Equus and I feel uncomfortable about having the hots for him. He's 17 and not 18 until July. He's not old enough to vote yet can appear naked on stage and simulate sex acts. I understand that there are seats on the stage too and I bet they sold out quick. He seem mature for his age and a fine actor but even so, I feel uneasy that perhaps he is too young for this. What do you think? Alison
  14. Most people I've talked to, their dogs have become aggressive after they've been attacked on lead by other dogs. A vicious circle I think. I'm not sure about John Rogerson. This is someones (in Anchorage) first hand experience in 2003. (I'm assuming we're talking abou the same person!) "The thing that was impressed upon me the most was his use of the dogs relationship with the owner to change the dogs behavior. This seems to be contradictory to much of the operant conditioning we have been using to train our dogs with. For example, there was a very dog aggressive belgian. He put two leashes on the dog and he held one and mom held one. The dog was walked near another dog and as the dog began to pull towards the other dog the mom was to throw the leash down with disgust, and speak loudly with disgust and leave the room. The belgian was rather upset by this and wanted to go to mom, but John kept her on the leash and walked her around. Every time she looked at the other dog he pulled the leash so that the belgian was forced closer to the other dog (explaining to us "you want a piece of that? I'll give you a piece of that"). After a couple of repetitions the dog wouldn't go anywhere near the object of the aggression. Her mom returned and they walked towards the dog again. The belgian looked and walked as far away from that dog as possible. The other thing that was contradictory to so much i have learned is that john often ends a training session on a BAD NOTE deliberately. He describes a situation where his tracking dog knows very well how to find objects hidden in a big field. Occasionally, he lets them loose in an empty field with no objects, and tells them to find the objects. After a few minutes they begin to get discouraged. He ends the session and while he distracts his dog his wife throws a toy into the field. Instead of allowing his dog to find the toy, he makes his dog watch as her dog finds the toy. He believes this motivates a dog to work harder next time. " Alison
  15. That's an awful thing to happen. I'm so sorry Run free Ailsa.
  16. Sorry you are in this position. The problem with citronella collars is that both dogs will be punished and the smell lingers . Also dogs can become used to the smell and after a while begin to ignore it. If heidi could chose where would she normally prefer to settle ? You could make this place a safe zone, put a duvet there, an article of your clothing and spray Dap there. Alison Edited for spelling
  17. It never occured to me she could be doing it for publicity. I assumed it was a cry for help or at least I think the head shaving thing is. Alison
  18. I bet it's really fern britton from this morning. Alison
  19. heh, I didn't do a search , I nicked it from another forum. Alison
  20. A hippo singing The lion sleeps to night while a dog dances
  21. Oh no, this is absurded. If that idiot councillor thinks that people will pick their dogs poo up because they're on leads should come down here and see the piles of dog crap on the pavements. GSDfan , Alison
  22. Dibby doesnt like the camera , he looks so anxious in all of his photos . Alison
  23. This is the first time I've looked at it , honest ! Alison
  24. I think its disgusting too and demeaning to the children and adults the charity represents. Alison
  25. Good will to all is a good message. We need peace and good will on this earth. It's in a sad state Alison
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