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Everything posted by mooandboo

  1. Jules and Ollie Good luck at the vets tomorrow
  2. I've just skimmed through because my lenses are drying out & I can't see too well so forgive me if I've missed the point of the article but if the finances as a trainer are so 'piss poor' and they struggle to break even, need 90-odd dogs just to cover the bills, then why the hell don't they give up and get proper jobs? My heart bleeds for him - not. Without his 'piss poor' job the world would be a much better place for the poor dogs who earn him and his kind such a meagre living.
  3. Just the very best news!!
  4. Stay safe Pixi, everything crossed that you're reunited with your Mum very, very soon
  5. I agree, that was a really cheap shot
  6. I'm so sorry Alex Sending loads of love to you and your beautiful girl
  7. Waitrose - they're fully compostable and I only use them for dog poo - no nappies in this house thankfully - they're really light and a good size which I need as Harry & Lucas do huge poos Theyre called Nature Babycare Eco Disposal Bags (I think - haven't got the box, I just keep the roll in my pocket) and cost £1.64 for 50
  8. I use biodegradable nappy sacks (cheaper than poo bags)and put them in biodegradable bin bags There aren't many poo bins around here so I take any poo bags home to dispose of.
  9. Good to see she's already learned the importance of flossing
  10. So pleased Nog is cancer free Lots of healing thoughts for his broken leg
  11. Lots of love to you and Milly, hoping she recovers well and can be home soon Everything crossed for a positive outcome for your lovely girl
  12. Lots of positive thoughts for your Dad today and love to all of you
  13. Glad that you passed gently in your own bed and much loved to the end Spike Thinking of your family
  14. How you're feeling is absolutely natural, I felt that way and I was the one who ended the relationship with my ex. I felt like he'd died but worse and I went completely to pieces. I went to parties with friends and disappeared to a quiet room and sobbed at the couples there, or music which was playing which reminded me of him. I think it's something that has to happen in order for you to start again. I even asked my ex back but he refused and I'm so glad he did because I've had 18 years with someone so much better for me. Allow yourself to fall apart, ask for help when and where you can - if you want it - and take each day at a time. Eventually you'll find yourself again and be stronger for it but don't be too hard on yourself, as others have said you're grieving and you need to work through it
  15. They can only get to you if you allow them to :GroupHug:
  16. And then there are the 'ladies of the night' who come a knocking One of the worst things for me is that OH has had his curtains slashed by another driver in the past so you can't even trust the people you're sharing parking space with
  17. OH leaves his rear door open to show that he's not carrying anything worth stealing and to avoid having his curtains slashed Doesn't protect his diesel though
  18. Have a wonderful birthday Wendy!
  19. Great news It's definitely not too early after news like that! (My Dad's was 20 before treatment but now over two years later is still only 1.8 )
  20. Everything crossed for a good result
  21. OH has screwed his onto his dash and wired it in permanently - can't imagine how that'd work for the back though
  22. OH says try Poplar Services on the M6 near Lymm (Junction 20), there's a shop there which sells stuff for lorries & they should have decent fans which plug in to your cigarette lighter
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