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Everything posted by Laura_E

  1. Laura_E


    Same reason that I'm quite good at this category I will email Amy and see what the committee think. Didn't realise when I first suggested it that it would be such a mad rush! At least there seems to be plenty of willing applicants!
  2. Laura_E


    You have to audition?!! That's a bit of a scary thought From what I can remember the categories that they have are: Arts and Literature Politics Food and Drink Science Music Geography History Sport Film and TV So I guess it's a case of finding six people that are up for doing it and feel confident enough to be on TV. Anne, well done for getting so much info so quickly I'm glad that other people think this is a good idea, I thought I was having a mad moment when I first suggested it!
  3. Laura_E


    Sounds like we've got ourselves a team captain with that range of knowledge! That's a great idea. Maybe we could do a number of specialist rounds and then a general knowledge round. Although I fear this process will inevitably see me demoted to team mascot!
  4. Laura_E


    Daphne is sweet, bless her. The only two that I find particularly annoying are CJ and the new one, but only because he reminds me of my old maths teacher! I'm sure you know plenty, probably much more than you think. My contibutions in pub quizes are always things that I have either read in gossip magazines or stuff that I have remembered from primary school! Plus, they might take pity if they knew it was for charity and go easy on us!
  5. Laura_E


    Ok, so this might be a bit of a strange and slightly unrealistic idea, but I have been off work sick for the past 2 days with the mother of all migraines and my mind hasn't been excercised much, so I have been having lots of strange and random thoughts. The latest one came to me whilst I was watching the Eggheads earlier on tonight and I thought what a great idea it would be to get a team together to raise some money for the Oldies Club! I think I could cover the Music, Film and TV, and Geography rounds- basically all the ones that you don't need a brain for! What are other peoples thoughts? Have I totally lost the plot?!!
  6. Happy birthday Pickle. He is gorgeous
  7. Sacha The Imposter is lovely, no wonder she has been snapped up so quickly I love the picture with the cat too
  8. Just a quick update. Still don't seem to have many answers. My sister and brother-in-law spent about 6 hours at the hospital today having various tests and now have to wait for the results. It seems that there is a problem with the right ventricle, and some of the baby's organs are on the wrong side of the body, but the heart is where it should be. The doctors have also run some tests on the chromosomes, as they think that there may be an abnormality that will basically mean that the baby is born brain dead, in which case they have advised a termination. They won't know for sure for another 2 weeks, so they now have an agonising wait. If you could continue to keep them in your thoughts it would be much appreciated.
  9. Thanks so much for all your kind messages. This is really reassuring and I just hope that my sister has a similar outcome. Apparently my Dad was born with a hole in the heart and he has never had any problems, although that is obviously a lot different to a 'major defect'. We are all just praying that the nurse got it wrong, but my sister is trying not to get her hopes and is thinking logically in case of the worst case scenario. It's so sad to see her so upset, especially as we can't make it right for her, just feel quite useless at the moment. Her appointment is at 1:30 tomorrow, so I'm praying that I'll be able to update this with some positive news afterwards. Thanks again
  10. Ahh bless her. I suggested her to a couple that I met at the Chiswick House Dog Show last week, but did think she would get snapped up quickly. Good luck in your new home buster.
  11. Congratulations. Sally is lovely
  12. Not sure which one Maude is, but both look lovely.
  13. I have been quite surprised by peoples willingness to forgive this monster for the barbaric and sickening cruelty that he inflicted on those innocent animals. Particulary by those that are now working directly with the victims of all this, the dogs themselves. I'm not saying it's wrong to forgive, but I really don't think people like him are ever sorry for what they have done, just sorry that they got caught, and if you're not sorry how can you seek forgiveness? It's easy to seem genuine when you've got a well paid publicist spoon-feeding you your 'apology'. You have to have something fundamentally wrong with you to derive pleasure from the suffering of other beings, be that other people or animals. I don't think you can rehabilitate that type of character in an eighteen month period, if ever. It seems to me that Vick and Nike are morally well matched. Me too, and I was only privy to the information in the press, I can't even begin to imagine the true horrors of what went on.
  14. Poor dog, this is just cruelty at it's worst I hope karma finally catches up with up with the scumbags responsible for this, evil bastards.
  15. Thanks for the positive thoughts everyone and sorry for casting a shadow on all the good news that others had to share yesterday. Trying to stay positive at the moment and hope that the specialist can provide them with more options on Monday. I will keep you posted.
  16. Congratulations He is a fantastic guitar player, and I'm also loving the poster of 'Big Trouble In Little China' in the background, best film ever!!!
  17. Congratulations, she is lovely.
  18. My sister had her six month scan today and was told that her baby has a major heart defect and probably won't make it. This is her first child and her and her husband are obviously totally distraught. She has always wanted to be a Mother and was over the moon when she got past the 'three month' stage, so this is a total blow. She is due to see the specialist on Monday, but she has been told to prepare for the worst. If you could keep her in your thoughts I would really appreciate it.
  19. Just ordered mine, even though I'm not important enough at work to have my own desk and have to 'hot desk' with the other menials, but at least it's mobile!
  20. Lots of positive thoughts for you and Shadow.
  21. hey :) you always on here, witch one are you left or right, erm i mean which :D , and left or right human not doggy.

    its your birthday soon, what you getting me :D . what kind of dog do you have ? and did you manage to see Joe, i dont know how to post the pics properly on the forum sorry .

  22. Great news for Kate. It's a good job that she wasn't adopted during the time that Many Tears were caring for her. It must have been very worrying for her owner. At least they are united now though.
  23. We went along to the Chiswick House Dog Show today and entered Tess for the Best Rescue and Best Veteran round. She was shortlisted for the veteran round, but then proceeded to blow it when we were asked to walk around the ring in a controlled manner. By this time she had firmly set her sights on my friend who was eating chips in the crowd and decided to make a beeline for him , so needless to say she didn't make it into the top three! She was much better behaved in the rescue round though and got to meet designer Cath Kidston, who was judging the class. She had also kindly donated a dog bed and blanket for the dog that came in first place, and Tess won! Tess with her rosette and posh new bed Then just before the Best In Show round she decided to roll around in some jam that had been left on the floor! Tess post jam incident looking rather scruffy (at least her friend Emily found it amusing!)
  24. I agree, total joke. The worst part is they'll only serve half the time that they have actually been given. 23 days will turn into 11 days, plus any time spent on remand or in police custody will be deducted. The reality is they'll probably never even make it off the safety off the induction unit.
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