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Everything posted by lester

  1. Now that Daddy has started work again. Teddy Texas has to take every chance he can to sit on Daddy's lap. even igf he is trying to type on here. We have found the lead, now where is the camera. Teddy is trying to learn how to make baskets but he does prefer a more free form approach and using much larger pieces of wood. More later.
  2. Well its interesting to note that both of these chaps were visitors from outside Leeds? Ok It is probable that this particular area may have changed considerable since the time of my experience there, hopefully , otherwise both of them would just be celebrating getting out of the area at all. let alone in one piece. ( we are talking a long long time ago)
  3. I only have a couple of local walks, probably the same local country parks. I go a little farther afield now and then . I dont think TT is that bothered about changes. There always seems something new to be discovered as I find new ways. We discovered the " camping ground" used by local schools last week and a new access to the river. Yesterday we saw a heron. and sadly a dead fox , wrapped in a keep net, on the canal. TT likes the daffodils . It only seems a week or two since everywhere was covered in frost and there was no one else about. TT doesnt like travelling at all, so we dont really have much choice. Its all new to me having only lived here a few years.
  4. TT is only wussy when it involves rain or the dark! oh and big white sheets on the clothesline; we discovered today. I have never know such prolonged barking. I am really over the moon with the little chap today, despite a week of philosophical difference over chocolate distribution practises. This is now confined to rewards while working on the long lead ( lungeing ?). So we have been doing that two days in a row instead of the morning hike. His tethered recall is amazing, but mostly voluntary; which defeats the object. He does "down" for his "sit" and vice versa. But bright blessings ! today , we were interrupted by one of the local latchkey staffies on his usual route. He usually ignores us when in close formation , but with Teddy Texas at full lead length he was quite happy to approach . Despite TT being a little grumpy for a couple of moments; they had a good wag and sniff and standing on one anothers backs. It only ceased when a recalled TT ( well he thought about it). All this was repeated half hour late when the other guy was on his homeward leg. Lots of attempted domination but no aggravation. While I am really really pleased at TT behaviour ( his first dog meeting since the vets), and its a good tsep towards the plans of fostering others, I was a bit dismayed to realise that he really doesnt know what "playing " is, or hasnt remembered yet. He just did a really silly look --"er what do we do now" until the other dog got bored and wandered off. But a breakthrough never the less. TT is rather happy that the nice Mister Asda is selling the little tasty "hero" range at 27p. and send all his regards.
  5. We had planned to upload some pics of Teddy Texas during a "longlead" session. ?? TT has been on a steep learning curve over the last few weeks. First we learnt that if you are not careful about how you burrow into a bed then a dog can find himself inside the duvet cover at the bottom , totally enclosed and will have to live there forever unless someone can rescue you, having wondered where you were and what that big lump rolling across the floor is. Lo and behold he has also discovered tummy tickles , now that he is confident enough to roll on his back and snuggle properly---just an hour at night and an hour in the morning is almost quite sufficient. We had a horrible time last week because the fire kept on going out of its own accord. The gas man had to come. Teddy Texas does not like the gasman. He was ok watching hime until he started to bang HIS ( Teddy Texas ') fire. This was cruel and lead to a lot of protective barking and leaping about-- fixation or what? The visit of the gasman also meant that the human had to collect up all of TT's bones , toys, half eaten chews. pigs ears , saved biscuits and secret pieces of wood and put most of them in a box. TT had to then take everything out and put it back where it should be.. And to train the Human a lot of human toys were taken away and put into a special place-- this includes the little safety knob of the horrible circular saw (three days peace and quiet from building work) and also the lead that connects the camera to the PC.. The human whisperer rules
  6. With a previous dog I used to stick plastic container tops, especially the blue ones from powdered milk, into his muzzle. He still tried but it usually lasted long enough for me to drag him off . And of course they were were disposable.
  7. There are a couple of issues that are stopping us from helping other groups with transport runs. One is guidelines/training for drivers asked to do handovers in public places. Are there any guidlines/instructions that we can bring to the discussion?
  8. Well the snow has gone. Spring is in the air and all kinds of changes are in the wind. The grumpy old dog we had has gone, and in his place we have suddenly acquired a bouncy boingy puppy that knows how to chew things , play and even how to get up on a chair to get out of the draughts. Its a different world out there too. The frosty cold windy outdoors that we have been dragging a reluctant tired old dog around arent quite the lonely place that we are used to. Bicycles ( i remember when they had bells)Ninjas....people in track suits who make no noise whatsoever when they come up behind you. And some of the others--- teddy texas has always had an annoying interest in the strange exotics stifling smell that pervades our local park and certain doorways in the neighborhood. He usually barks. Today he trots off in advance on his very long lead, complete with his " I am a hard dog " muzzling contraption down the alley leading to the canal bridge and around the corner, just as there is a big splash and an outbreak of screaming. I catch up and teddy texas i s stood staring at , well judging by the big cloud of smoke i thought they might be space cadets, but one was jumping up and down screaming and the other was actually in the canal. A bit cold yet for swimming methinks but it might be some religious thing. So we went the other way. But I am toying with the idea of getting teddy a little coat with a pocket for leaflets.
  9. lester


    Oh I dont dispute the existence of these experts I was asking why the press never quoted them! But I wont labour the point if its bizzarre or difficult.
  10. lester


    Sorry to appearr a bit flip in light of the circumstances,,,,but why do we have to put up with press calling up Dog "experts" to add their tuppence...why no experts on pillows , dining tables or parents dumping kids on elderly sleepy relatives in order to go out???? Elderly ( sleepy or otherwise) childminders crop up in far more infant deaths than do dogs!!!! ( 3 around here last year). Where are all of the experts to warn us about ga ga grannies and the dangers thereof????? rant over.
  11. He seems to be on the mend. The vets did say wait a few more days for his hormones to sort. He is eating much more, but still prefers it from a hand, which is a bit difficult fo his favourite homemade sardines and rice. He has managed to do paws on lap several times and is finding bed leaping a bit easier. He is finding two winter duvets just a little too much so must lay across the bed with just his snout sticking out the side. He cant get up when I do as it takes three hours for the downstairs to get as warm as the bedroom, this means he his forced to have a much longer lie-in than anyone else. His innards seem to be settling down, I think this may have been the cold. His new jumper is at the post office waiting for me to go and get it. I may also finish his new overcoat soon. So when he thinks he might need a walk again , we may be ready. He is being very good and tolerating the shortcomings of the house management with great aplomb. I have had several wags in the last two days, and none of the " who are you ?"looks.
  12. Its changed a little now. I am sure that the original TV and Radio reports gave the distinct impression that the owner was present during the attacks.
  13. snow no way This is Teddy Texas' snow pic. Sorry but that th enearest he is going. He is still very depressed and really feels the cold , is still feeling a little delicate and tender behind, but he is eating anything that is hand fed in small portions , but no roughage . This may be a dislike of the Burns. He is still reluctant about walks , although we got a longish one in on the canal in the sunshine on Saturday. We had an outbreakof the waggies when I came back from Asda. We are taking it all very easy.
  14. The demise of Woolworths has caused problesm for many across the country. But "Castleton Depot Cat has a new home. Dudley ( dayshift) or Midnight (night shift) has been Head of Ratting at Castleton for a couple of years or so. With the closure of the site and the decommissioning of his boiler room bedroom; there were many concerns for his future. However we now have news that he will spend his retirement out in the country in the hills above Rochdale , where he will share a home with 7 other full time and 3 partime felines, courtesy of a staff member. Hurrah for Dudley We hope that this is a good sign for all other ex woolworths people" (Well that means some interesting smells for Teddy Texas , the next time he gets in a certain white van!!!!!!
  15. Oh The dear of her.! Full of hope. I would dealy like to take her but Texas is not ready to "test" yet. Can we donate towards the op? Will it be ok via general paypal address?
  16. Thanks. He suddenly got up just after 8;hoovered out the food I put next to his bed and then went out and demanded his tea, wolfing the lot. Then he had the audacity to go back to his duvet by the fire and expected the mollycoddling to continue. I will try and get a pic or up later today.
  17. Poor Teddy Texas is right off his food. Whatever I give him. He just looks at and then stares at me. Very worrying.
  18. Teddy Texas passed a milestone today. He was left alone with the free run of the house ( well the parts that thehumans can get at anyway) and he was very good . No food stuff stolen. No paw prints on the breadboard. Nothing taken from the dishwasher , even when there was lasagne traces in one dish. And no little tinkles or presenst evenwhere it is tolerated in an emergency. Wow. Ok so this might partly to do with his disinterest in leaping on to things or people , because of his stitches. But it is good to know that he can behave, we just have to get him to do so while I am there supervising him; or maybe I should just move out. Housetraining does have its ups and downs but I have now started a pad and tray system, and it is quite promising. I may have to build a leanto, or large kennel outside the back door though as the major bugbear is the weather. He is a very cold dog he can spend ten minutes in the morning making his mind up and if he thinks it warmer he will go back to bed ( but not allowing me) Ths can be a bit of a bind on walks. But if its really frosty and a very cold wind we have two layers, with his pink pyjamas, now split up the front; although these do move around and drag in the mud. ( yes he went to the woods and came back with his underwear in his pocket! tut). But we now know th elinit of the walk he can manage ( and then sleep the rest of the day and night...both of us) I am starting to seek remedies and advice to approach some of his compulsion , mainly the contstant licking of bedding , furniture and parts of people. We may be having an emergency visitor overnight , although he will be crated and kept in another room and I dont anticipate introducing him to Teddy Texas. But It will be interesting first step to seeing how he feels about other fosters. He sends every one a big sloppy
  19. Is it in the street or on a retail park?. You need to know if its is a public highway or not. Insurance can be got for one day for about £50 . You have to be sure you make enough to cover it. If you are hiring a market stall , the suppliers will often include insurance and deal with any pavement licence, should one be required. If you are running any games of chance or raffle in public, check with the council. If you are erecting a gazebo or tent, it doesnt need additional insurance as long as the public do not enter it but you should make sure that it is tied down as well as possible and the guyropes are best if brightly coloured. You can make really good large posters by doing computer printouts onto peealable labels heets and stick them on a board.. Some art shops sell expanded foam one for around £3. If you can tell me where about it is I can possible point you towrads other info.
  20. Our old collies used to love the crags, race around a bit and then sit and watch the little humans on the ropes and bark to see if you could get one to fall off. Sometimes there were even dead animals to wear, and lots of places to hide and then jump out and squash your sister. Great fun for the King collie but Wallis used to sulk for a day or two afterwards. Sadly far too far away now.
  21. Tele ? ar yes. If I ask him nicely he may give me the " Notatoy" remote. The tele wont turn on when I squeak the rubber snowman. He is following a family tradition of " a safe place " to put things. But then it might not work.
  22. Update . Teddy Texas is no longer one of the lads, as of Friday, the same day that Honey next door came into season and her humans went away for a few days; leaving her on her , but to be " looked in on " as possible. This is a most distressing time . The only enlightenment was than chance to be a superhero.....whizzing around the house at speed. is it a bird ? is It a plane? no its BLUNDERPIG!!!! wearing a huge plastic hat is great fun , the secret is to catch it on everything that you possibly can and knock it over, Its particularly fun when applied to the back of human legs, at speed and for pinning their heads to the pillow. in the middle of the night. Fashion wise it should be worn while sporting a "hard done to ,expression " with sad eyes. Sadly after 4 days there is nothing further to destroy. Latest . Teddy texas is a true wuss, he is afraid of eggs. Quite happy to take them softly from you , but when the drop and break they turn into the spwan of hell with such a terrible crack of doom. It is best if they are run away from asap and a bit of panic leaping on chair backs in another room is called for.
  23. His dad, who was also maternal uncle to Prime Minister Odinga of Kenya ( who caused all of the recent bother) was involved in a group that the British were "troubled " by for many years, in that particular gem of empire. When they finally got him they were rather rude to him during questioning,. He also attempted escape by jumping out of a window , twice, according to some, and was rather unsteady on his feet while traversing stairs. I dont want to seem anti in this thread , but from the end of his speech I cant help but note that he seems to belong to the Mel Gibson School of World History.
  24. Thank you, so kind, I should have pointed out . Since I had my cataracts done I have only needed glasses for the computer and reading. and cooking for people,and looking at myself in the mirror Fortunately I have no special glasses required to dog food , take dogs for very long walks ( if they behave), open doors for dogs, handing out treats for dogs, finding dogs favourite tv programme, clearing up after dogs, sitting and admiring dogs. But I have been unable to finish sewing a new dog coat. Sadly some of those made redundant have an important role in life......taking care of a grumpy old man and his grumpy dog, both of whom do not hold with this nonsense about not being a " burden". But they are a lot more growed up than many I am helping. Its quite a shame really.
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