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Everything posted by BOB

  1. Wow lucky chickens. A 20kg bag lasted my five for about 6 months. They shouldn't have too much corn in the summer as they should be encouraged to eat layer mash or pellets as it has the proper nutritional content for them espeically if they are laying. Mine just get a handful every day scattered in the run to keep them occupied usually hidden in some grass cuttings as they like to dig about in those too.
  2. Well, after a good nights sleep on the sofa (the crafty devil snook up when we had gone to bed) Bouncer has bounced up this morning, he has jogged around the park and is currently supervising the mowing of the lawn. I really cannot believe that he is 16. Here is his general crashed out position and here he is enjoying the garden His eyesight is quite poor, he has his fair share of lumps and bumps and his memory doesn't seem to be too good - we have to introduce ourselves every time we meet but hopefully once he has settled he wll begin to recognise us more.
  3. BOB

    Molly Dog

    Good night Molly. to you and your family.
  4. Bouncer our new foster is a 16 year old yellow lab cross. He is a very lively chap and amazingly active for his age or even a dog half his age. He was rather anxious on arrival so we have taken him for a walk in the field and he can't half put a pace on when he feels like it. He has now crashed out against the front door. He's met the cat who he found quite interesting and he's also been out to see the chickens. He is a lot more interested in them than they are in him -they marched off wailing and clucking and he definately wanted to follow. If I can get him to sit still long enough I will post some pictures. I just want to add many thanks to everyone that helped with transporting Bouncer to us.
  5. After publicly declaring that I would never try self tan the product testing agency I work for have sent me my next test sample - yes you've guessed it it's a self tanning lotion. So I shall now be joining you ladies in turning myself orange
  6. Good luck at the Vets little man
  7. Cher and family Safe journey Rosie
  8. You have a cleaner My hubby and son were talking last night about sacrificing me so that the could get a makeover on Extreme Makeovers - Home Edition. They said that they could do without me they would just hire a clearner - is that all i'm worth?? to all that need them, especially those wearing high heels they must really hurt.
  9. Huge Barkingmad - I'm so sorry that you are having such a tough time.
  10. BOB

    Aunt Sally

    Sleep tight Aunt Sally
  11. He really is a handsome lad
  12. Oh he really is gorgeous Can't wait for more pics
  13. £2 - my son wants to eat them
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