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Everything posted by Rudi

  1. I don't know anything about Compass or the Animal Care College, but I wouldn't go for anything where the provider wasn't accredited to something like the Open College Network. I looked at COAPE a couple of years ago and it's still the only place I'd go to outside of a formal uni course. Peter Neville's been involved with COAPE from the beginning I believe, but I note that Ray and Lorna Coppinger are among their tutors now. The courses aren't cheap but I think you would get your money's worth.
  2. This story made me what Lady must have gone through and the poor man who thought she'd perished doesn't bear thinking about. How lovely of the firemen and police to take the trouble to make sure he got the news that she had been found alive.
  3. Don't say anything else!!!! No spoilers
  4. What is wrong with people. Warning: people may be upset by the picture in this item RIP dogs - run free far away from the cruel people you were unfortunate enough to have belonged to.
  5. Argos are responsible for your dishwasher, not the manufacturer.
  6. I find the debate ridiculous. There are all sorts of arguments that could be used when money is being spent. Why is tax payers money used to build cinemas, theatres and sports clubs - some would argue we don't need them. How come football clubs spend such ridiculous amounts of money? I like the first comment regarding private medicine - people with money jump to the head of waiting lists. £15 million is a drop in the ocean compared to the money that is needed in developing countries - it's chicken feed to rich countries. The owners who use the hospital will, I guess, pay for the services. I don't see what the issue is. There are far bigger problems than whether or not animals are worthy of medical care. How would my dog not getting an MRI scan help someone in Africa
  7. I 'think' that in Canicross the dog is taught to be out front - not exactly pulling but I don't think the dogs are expected to run by the owner's side. I suppose if you want Pixie to run by your side, then it's an issue of training the position you want her to be in, could you spend a couple of weeks just focusing on rewarding her for being in the right position?
  8. This is exactly what bothers me about the legislation being proposed here. It is preposterous and utterly wrong that the dog should be killed because he's done what he evolved to do i.e. hunt/chase/kill and because he's fought with other dogs - another relatively normal behaviour if unacceptable. If the owner couldn't keep him secure - then action needs to be taken over that - the human lack of responsibility (if that is the case). God help us if we get that legislation here.
  9. That is very young and very sad. Red Dawn was on a few days ago - he's so young in it.
  10. So... how come no-one's noticed the girl who owned the dog is gone? And where is the dog?
  11. That would be something to see! It is very exciting - we'll need pictures
  12. I saw this and thought it might be useful information for people involved with bull breeds
  13. I love Tibetan Mastiffs!! Know nothing about them though, so no help on that front I've been to 'meet' them at Discover Dogs a few times and they were wonderfully aloof They seem to be quite outdoors-y.
  14. Yes - I was more worried about the little dog than the owner - who met a particularly grizzly end! Thought it was more clever not to kill the dog - I said to my brother as soon as I saw the dog that it would mostly likely die at some point - maybe the writers will prove me wrong (hopefully). The body on the propeller thing was good too - and the bit where they were unravelling the rope and the head popped round but they didn't notice! Can't wait for Sunday. Have to say though, I did ensure both dogs were in the bedroom with me and I turned on all the lights when I needed to go to the loo in the night
  15. Bear in mind that comments re the dog being worth £1000 and the family referring to her as 'it' aren't necessarily their own words. Newspapers print comments that have never come out of anyone's mouth and make details up as they go along. I'm glad they got her back.
  16. You can download them and save them for later (although they still expire after a while) but I just watch without saving The feed can get interrupted sometimes, maybe due to the volume of traffic on the site but generally it's really good. Doesn't sound like my kind of thing at all
  17. I'm still using a video (oldey fashioned here). Forgot about BBCi Player though great idea. Don't know what it is that I watched then, 'cos I didn't notice a great amount of shagging - I'm going to have to watch now to make sure I've got the same programme...
  18. Sorry to hear about Lottie Rudi once had wet eczema, I treated that by using hibiscrub to clean the site and then applied aloe vera. Not sure about other types though, you could look into stuff like tea tree oil and aloe vera. Diet can play a role in eczema.
  19. Don't know what's going on with posting on the topic What I wanted to say was... I hope that the danger Steve Ibinson put himself in doesn't got to waste and these pieces of sh*t get sentences that mean something. I was sad to read he had died, I know that they wouldn't have released his name, but I imagine a lot of people would have like to have expressed their admiration for what he did in some way. I feel for all the people that had to witness the videos and be in the same room as these low lives whilst questionning them etc. These things will keep on happening until people start to get serious prison sentences for their behaviour.
  20. Rudi

    Stray Dog

    That thread made me really sad until I read that at least one of the dogs mentioned has now found a forever happy home
  21. God, yes, White Horses, how I loved that! Sing along everyone I also loved Sebastian and Belle - can remember being really p*ssed off about going on holiday and missing it! Lizzy Dripping, if that was the name of the programme. Hong Kong Phooey - can't spell that. Bagpuss. Mr Ben!!! Ivor the Engine Lassie Monkey The Water Margin Rentaghost Scooby Doo - the proper one without the very annoying Scrappy There's tons
  22. Couldn't you tape the third one? Sorry if that's patronisingly obvious I love vampire-y type things but couldn't get into True Blood, shall have to give it another go. Looking forward to Vampire Diaries which starts here in 2010. Not that I watch much TV mind you
  23. It is Friday 11th September, 10.30 - 11.50 (there's two episodes back to back). Then the first two are repeated again late Sunday night, after the third episode. Edited to add it's BBC3
  24. Anyone else watch this on Sunday? I thought it was brill - bit gruesome and scary but can't wait for the next episode!
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