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Everything posted by suzeanna

  1. In the large article in the Daily Mail today about the floods, there is a small piece saying that kennels in Gloucestershire, which are full of dogs either abandoned or brought in, are being refused supplies of water for them. A Severn Trent spokesperson said they are finding it difficult enought getting water for humans, animals are not their concern. Considering that the new Animal Welfare Act says animals must have access to food and water at all times, surely this is illegal? One kennel owner in Birdlip says they are condemning the dogs to death
  2. On tv, it said email Whitehall Rescue direct to get details of how to donate for her treatment.
  3. I dont think you are making a cruel decision at all... If is purely the HD that is causing the chewing and it cant be helped, then I think you would be doing the kindest thing for Axel.
  4. I made a mistake and watched it...sitting here in floods now. Why dont they have more sterilisation programmes? its absolutely heartbreaking, those dogs eyes will stay with me in my dreams I know they will.
  5. Thought your comp was fixed Mel?
  6. You can listen to radio shows again...just go to the BBC website and find the programme.
  7. Help! I appear to have a job interview on Monday morning what do I wear? do I wear full slap and perfume or what??? its four years since I worked, dont have any "office" clothes. Would a red skirt, black scoop neck top with a black cardigan and flat black shoes be ok?
  8. wonderful about Alan! and I agree, its awful about the animals but what puzzles me is that if dog breeders aren't allowed to leave animals unattended (someone has to be there 24/7) how come zoo's dont? what if there had been a lightning strike, causing a fire?
  9. While I was on holiday, I had hardly any pain at all from my arthritis or fibro. Been home since Friday night and its all coming you think the doctor will give me a prescription to go and live in Greece?? neither! Mind you, mowing two (small) lawns with a very stubborn hover mower and slicing the soggy carpet in half and dragging it outside may not have helped
  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHADOW and many more of them!
  11. Sending best wishes for a good resolution for Pickle pup
  12. Once the first excitement of the new relationship wears off, she might either reorganise her whole life, or stop seeing so much of him..can you possibly manage just for this week and see what happens in the next few? if as you say her dogs are well cared for and happy, then I cant imagine she is going to suddenly neglect them just for a new man....well, hopefully not anyway. If the westie is the major problem, could she maybe put it into kennels if she goes away for any length of time again? sorry not to be any more help!
  13. Took Dylan to kennels I'm back to a very empty house. I just automatically saved him the crusts from my toast, then realised he isn't here!
  14. I think I may have told you this when you first mentioned the lump..but my OH had a lump in his arm...oh 16 years or so ago now, on the outside of his arm and mixed in with the muscle. He was told at the hospital that if it was cancer his arm would have to come off at the shoulder, as they would damage the muscles so badly trying to remove the lump that it would be useless. wasn't cancer (thank the gods) and they took out as much as they could without having to touch the muscles. They had to leave some behind, but it has never grown back. Even after a biopsy, they didn't have a clue what it was, just that it wasn't cancer...they said the nearest thing they could say was it looked as if he'd injected himself with a grease gun he hadn't, I hasten to add. I hope Sheena comes out of it intact, but if not, well three legs are better than no life
  15. Just to an appt for 5.30 tonight. The name of the vet wasn't familiar, apparently she's new. She's going to love her introduction to Dylan isn't she?
  16. Thanks folks...I think I'll take him to the vet this time, and ask them to show me how to do it..he's very relaxed at the vets, he likes them all. Poor lad is going to think we don't love him any tonight (hopefully) and boarding kennels tomorrow!
  17. Was that a typo?? did you mean to say scummy? He's got more lines than the London underground and a mouth a sewer worker wouldn't care to get near!
  18. Dylan needed his anal sacs emptying some time ago, and by the way he keeps licking his rear end I have a sinking feeling they need doing again! I've read up on the method, but if I get it wrong, could I do him harm? should I take him to the vet again?
  19. They are all beautiful! we are off to Skiathos at the end of the week, staying in Troulos...I understand the dog rescue is not too far from that where Rascal came from?
  20. I did remark that I could foster her if we didnt happen to be going on'll be down to you and your willpower Claire
  21. She's lovely! if I wasn't going on holiday within the next couple of weeks, I'd definitely have offered to foster her.
  22. He might have been trying to give himself a mud facepack, to be even more handsome! has his growth slowed down Julie, or is he still shooting up?
  23. Escallonia maybe? the ones round here are covered in bees too, they obviously love them.
  24. I'd complain to where you got him under the Trades Description Act Claire!
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