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Everything posted by Jakeysmum

  1. Aww Jackie, I remember that day! I have hundreds of my kids and the dogs Give us a kiss... Ok, who killed the ball? With my Jakey With 'her' dog, Jem
  2. How awful for the lady involved. It just goes to show any dog can attack x
  3. Big hugs for you and Mal, lets hope the ab's/ steroids can bring some respite x
  4. Leo's crate was initially to stop him destroying the house every time you popped out. Now he will go and lie in it and takes his favourite things in there so the others can't get them x
  5. Lovely pics as always, Malcolm's face alays reminds me of eeyore. Berry and Cinders are like the doggy versions of the duracell bunny! What's their secret? x
  6. I don't know you but my heart goes out to you at this sad time, you have lost a friend and your heart is aching, in time you will smile and remember the good times, but for now remember that you gave him a wonderful life for 13 years and at the end you made the right decision. It took me a long time to realise these things myself. xx
  7. Well done Mason, and all involved, he is a handsome old boy. Come on springer, get well boy x
  8. Bless him. I wonder why they stop barking? my George didn't bark for about 4 years. I guess he thought it was a waste of his energy! Mal must've heard something very exciting xx
  9. Bonzo doesn't really play outside as he is ball mad, the others play outside and in. Bonzo prefers to play with Leo than Jem, mostly lots of rolling around and snogging lol , Jem likes tuggy with Leo x
  10. Big hugs and healing thoughts for Aswan and you both, she sounds verry spirited! x
  11. Thats so cute! Your son is a very handsome young man x
  12. Since new year he has been depressed, clingy and restless. Pooping and eating, walking ok, just seems fed up. Took him to vet but he can't find anything. He said see how he goes, there are anti anxiety drugs but I'm hoping he will just snap out of it. He seemed to be almost back to normal last week but now down again. I try not to be over anxious but I took Jakey to the vets so many times just knowing something was wrong and sadly I was right. x
  13. Thanks Billy! True though. He is depressed, I maybe the first owner of a dog on prozac lol. Can we do it again next weekend?
  14. I would love a black and tan lab. I have seen chocolates with lighter patches on the head and legs. In ten years these might be the colours we can look forward to x
  15. Bless him, they would bite too if a stranger chopped their nuts off whilst they were asleep lol x
  16. I didn't come cos Bonzo is still off colour, and I missed out by the look of it. x
  17. Now I wouldn't have believed the black and tan, suspecting a 'collie in the woodpile' as I believe there can be more than one father to a litter, But I rather like the domino dogs. I suppose there are bound to be some effects of breeding different colours to each other.
  18. Oh Handsome Harry hope you are soon itch free. You haven't cleaned your carpet or used shake n vac or anything, I have heard of this causing a reaction x
  19. Oh Berni, you are so lovely, I wish you a good recovery and will send a little when I can x
  20. Jakeysmum

    Wonder Why

    Bonzo is a total water babe, if he smells it there is no stopping him, river sea or puddle! x the terriers aren't as keen, Jems expression says it all for her! Jakey too loved water I have never had a dog that hates water x
  21. Jakeysmum


    I'm so so sorry to hear this. Big hugs for you and wishes for a safe journey to the bridge King x
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