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shawnee's Achievements



  1. Not noticably a problem where we live, everyone and their uncle has at least one black lab (including us!). Shawnee isnt to confident with other dogs so tends to throw calming signals left right and centre so they are pretty hard to miss , consequently hasnt had to many arguments! Lesley x
  2. It's good to know there are decent people in the North East, they're few and far between though! I know what you mean, some of the 'answers' I got included - 'Ah dont worry about her barking, just bring her in and let her off with these lot, we have a squeezee bottle for when she gets too bad' and 'you have got a choke chain havent you?' and 'sits are easy, you just pull the lead up and push their a*^e down'. Not really my cup of tea. The classes I visited ranged from great, to a bit behind to downright dangerous. Lesley x
  3. Hi JoC Although we are treating Shawnee as if she is dog aggressive, I think it is more undersocialisation(Shawnee is a rescue who we have had for 3 months now, and started working with Jo Ch about 6 weeks ago) . She usually doesnt (but has on occasion) show 'agressive' barking, just play bowing, barking and desparately trying to get to the other dogs which to me still isnt appropriate, I need to be able to walk Shawnee whilst pushing a pushchair so she needs to be calm. If a dog comes up to Shawnee quickly, she just sniffs and plays which is great and I would love her to be able to play freely, but she has to learn when she can and when she cant. What I found in normal walks, if an off lead dog approaches Shawnee without her realising she is fine but then goes nuts when she sees any other dogs for the rest of the walk! We are just taking things really really slowly getting Shawnee closer and closer to other dogs while ignoring any barking and rewarding when she ignores the other dogs. Jo has access to some brilliant stooge dogs (who are soooo beautiful, one little one rides one of their ponies!!!) and we are just walking around getting closer. It is working great, but in the real world I dont help cause when I see another dog I go all pathetic incase Shawnee barks and upsets the other dog/owner! Another problem Jo Ch helped us with was Shawnee pulling on the lead. We tried just stopping dead every time she pulled but Shawnee is so laid back, she just stood perfectly still and wasnt in the slighted bit interested in finding out why we had stopped therefor the lead never slackened without me calling Shawnee back which sort of defeated the object. Jo showed us how to change direction without hurting Shawnees neck and it works a treat. We have to do it at the beginning of every walk for about 5 mins then it clicks, ah right, you want to tell me where to go, I dont need to tell you!!!! Everything is done for the good and well being of the dog which is what I liked. I wouldnt hesitate to recommend her, but then again I am not a professional like you. I just went on gut instinct. Sorry to hijack you agility thread Lesley x edited for dreadful spelling!!
  4. Hi JoC No more nosier than I am!!! I am in Carville (Durham). We are seeing Jo Churlish, do you know her? We have a rescue dog and just have one or two things to iron out, mainly Shawnees barking and lunging at other dogs. I looked around a few classes and trainers in Durham (ish) area and felt immediately at ease with Jo Ch where as at the other places, I wasnt convinced with their methods/attitude. Thats not to say they werent good, just not for me!! We are making progress just about every day, now I have learnt not to freak when i see another dog about 4 mile away on the horizon!!! She is fab, very kind and gentle but firm. Hunderthwaite is just south of Hamsterley Forest, so definately close enough. I am guessing about 35 mins drive? Shawnee loves to learn new things and I get a mega buzz out of teaching her and have thought in the future we would love to give agility a go but obviously we wont be going until Shawnee is happy with other dogs being so close. And although Shawnee is a young Lab, she is very laid back and wont run if a walk will do so it cant be to serious!!! Hope you get next week and I would love to hear all about it. Lesley x
  5. Hi JoC Could I be cheeky and ask where your new agility club is please, I think we are fairly near you? We probably wouldnt go for a while yet as Shawnee needs some seriously slow socialisation and are working with a fab trainer/behaviourist at the moment to help but I would love to try agility in the future, how near that future is, is anyones guess. Also Shawnee tends to do things at her own pace which is often slower than everyone elses , do you think this would be a problem? I guess I am saying, are they serious about agility in all classes or do they have a remedial class, specially for us (Shawnee and myself)!! Thank you JoC Lesley x
  6. 'WARNING: The consumption of alcohol is a major factor in dancing like a retard.' This, I can catagorically deny. I get better and better with each bottle, err dont I?!!! Lesley x
  7. Really enjoyed that, pretty adictive Lesley x
  8. 2 pints of lager and a packet of crisps.......... Mmmmm Will Mellor.......... Lesley (aka Ms Shallow!) x
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