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Everything posted by celeste

  1. Poor Buddy, his owners must be devastated Horrible grey wet day here, didn't do a hill walk, went round the stubble field instead, I think I'll be lucky to get Ben to even stick his head out the door again today .
  2. That's the one, couldn't care less about her profession, she came across as being as ugly on the inside as she was outside, as Carrie said about her " jesus, she'd stab ye if you looked at her the wrong way " Beats me why she's on the program at all, she's had such a glittering career
  3. Thank you I'll have to get the tape measure out and see if it will be big enough for Spuddy.
  4. So who do you love/hate, who's going to win in your expert opinion ? and am I the only one who got goose bumps watching the painter and decorator guy singing ? I want him to win it, I think he's way better than any of the others. I'm very very glad that horrible girl with the long black hair got booted out, she gave me the heebies
  5. Oooo, Spuddy would love one of those, have you got a link ? Dunno how I'll keep Polly out of it though
  6. celeste

    Ok Go

    After watching it again, what's even more amazing is it's all done in one shot , no edit's at all that I can see. I think the retriever barking at the end proves it
  7. celeste

    Ok Go

    Found this on You Tube and laughed all the way through, who knew you could make a music vid with dogs and Ikea furniture ! They also support animal welfare which I never knew, I just thought they made amusing video's
  8. Why am I watching Cocktail ?......anyone ?
  9. celeste

    Bye Bye Ty

    Thats great news, hope he has a lovely life
  10. All this talk of having things up your toot is making me cringe
  11. After waiting for a whole month I at last have my 2 new pairs of jeans back from having the hem taken up, which is just as well as all my other trousers have developed holes in the crotch . Daisy has stolen my sweetie, little swine
  12. Happy Gotcha Day Keira, hope you enjoy it
  13. Is that the same Bruce that was in kennels for ages for being of type ?
  14. How could they I hope they are both fined, although I'm guessing they'll be in more trouble from other estate residents than they will be from the police. This caught my eye too. We understand that patience was lost with the dog after she nibbled a nine-year-old boy’s leg, so a decision was taken to dump her last Thursday and return to Lancashire. The scene was caught on CCTV, and later shown on TV across the world. Am I being paranoid or does anyone else think if the dog had been a different breed " nibbled" would have been reported as " savaged " . Amazing how the press can condemn with a word.
  15. Hope Korky's ok Alex have you tried Femminax ? it's wonderful for period pains and mumpyness, you can get it in supermarkets beside the normal pain killers, dunno what extra stuff is in them but they work very fast and make you feel fine again. I gave some to my friend who has awful periods, sore boobs and generally feeling manky, she couldn't believe how well they worked. Generally pissed off today, stupid delivery service couldn't find my house, so have sent dog food back to depot, I live on the bloody main road with the house name above the door, it's pigging obvious where I live .
  16. Amazing, bet it'll take years to become available here though.
  17. Blimey , I never knew slabs had a ph ! Oh no !! is it his heart ? hope he'll be ok Oh yes I can't imagine she cares too much leaving the old soul in the first place , hope he'll be home with you soon.
  18. Does anyone know if washing soda will clean algae off paving slabs ?
  19. That looks fantastic, it's such a joy to find new places to walk.
  20. For Jules and her friends family, very sad but what a lovely way to go Good news !! Ben's much improved this morning . We had a stroll around the stubble field this morning rather than a car journey and a 2hr hill walk, he wasn't quite back to normal, he didn't flounce about after Spud and Daisy biting at their back legs, but he's well on the way, and he ate a small amount of scrambled egg. Back to DEFCON 1 . Curse of Chalion books are a bit good, I didn't stop reading until 1.20 am Snow I think that dress is lovely, my friend's been having the same problems, mother of the groom and a some what ample figure, she's had a sod of a time finding something that isn't granny-wear.
  21. Poor Ben's starting to worry me now, we went for a very very short tootle and he seemed a bit unsteady on his back legs, I think he'll be in the vets asap tomorrow, I've given him some re-hydration solution, which he was dead keen on, it's blackcurrant flavour, don't know if that's a good or bad thing , finding it very hard not to google Lepto or Lymm's disease ........I'll just worry myself even more if I do
  22. Poor Bendolina is ill today, I got up to a large pile of puke in the livingroom, he was sick again in the car, and again just now, although that time it was just yellow gloopy bile, no runny bum though, poor lad's feeling very sorry for himself, if he's no better tomorrow he'll be off to the vets......again.
  23. That's excellent Helen if I can I'm going to post that to Scottish Staffie Rescue.
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