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collies r best

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Everything posted by collies r best

  1. Thanks to all who replied to the dozy tart i am , never knew it was only me that could see it. I've been trying to work out how to remove it for ages. I'll go and sit quietly in the thickheads corner
  2. Does anyone know how i get rid of the warn sign on the profile bit when you post[ does that make sense ]. It always makes me feel i've been bad as no one elses is visible
  3. Hmmm, mefinks Sparkle could be telling stories.Do we have to start a new fred fred on how to get Sparkle to tell all she knows about fred
  4. Iwould have misunderstood what he meant.Language barrier and all that
  5. err, if you're on about the lunatics its on the What Do Y'all Look Like thread
  6. i'd just add that if theres the slightest doubt in your mind as to wether its safe enough for your family its best to be over cautious and ensure none is left. After all you've got their best interests at heart
  7. Well i think that describes most if not all of us here
  8. No, her real name is Lola :)because shes your girl, her previous name was Minty.
  9. If Lola had done her time before you adopted her surely its the 'previous' owners fault for not looking for her beforehand in which case why should they have her back now?what has the place you adpoted her from said?
  10. Doesnt interest me at all gotta go as my little girl is looking out the window to 'see where the sirens are'!!
  11. A nice treat for in-laws and other cherished family members
  12. wonderful idea but do they make them big enough [and soundproofed] for 15year olds
  13. Best i go out on the pull tonight to rectify the situation/sight
  14. Damn it !! Had hoped you were bragging/complaining, never mind we're used to dissapointment My sisters shown some friends the song and now they hope to sing it at the next karaoke night out
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