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jacqui d

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Everything posted by jacqui d

  1. RM Davis Family Facts Im fed up of having to share my home with a stranger, roll on saturday when he toodles off. I have been offered a good career opportunity, more work, further away from home, but i think im up for the challenge. Im fed up having a stranger hog the PC leaving me absent from fugee land. Im fed up to all my fugee pals, im going back to suk with my glass of wine
  2. Though formed for the saddest of reasons, DNB have achieved so much, THANK YOU
  3. Hubs pal from Poland arrived last night to stay with us for a few weeks, Polish cocktails are great fun and taste lovely, but after about 15 my bed was a welcome place to collapse, thankfully theres no after effects today to all in need, ive been an absent/busy fugee recently but now have a week off work to catch up with fugee land and a few good books that i need to read
  4. I've "invisibled" a few replies on this thread, not to upset or cause offence to anyone, but to try and keep the thread supportive and pleasant. Deep breaths and start afresh please folks
  5. ours has the wireless thingy so it connects to the www the same way the puter and laptops do, thats as much as i know except hubs loves it and chats to people via the headset jobbie as far away as the USA when playing silly car racing games. not very helpfull am i
  6. to absent and much loved and missed friends and family
  7. perhaps you could pass Teckels number on, 01452 740300, they may be able to help
  8. sending all good thoughts for a speedy recovery
  9. happy birthday, hope you have a fantastic day
  10. woe is me for i have the hangover from hell..............................not that im complaining as i had the most fun achieving it last night to all in need as i havent yet caught up
  11. so very, very sorry, thinking of you all
  12. Val Steph Georgia Jazz Grandad jack all in need or want. RMF I now appear to have 13 for chrimbo dinner
  13. whahahahahahahahahahaha, i so read this differently to everyone else
  14. bung me the details and i will sort one melps
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