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Everything posted by Pendlewitch

  1. What an awful experience! I hope Hobbes is ok, for you all.
  2. Mine have flashing collars but I couldn't see them from certain angles so I taped a flashing bike light to the front of the collar, because of the weight it holds the collar so its lights are on the back of the neck and the bike light flashes downwards, Jumble has the red light and Cecil the white so I know which dog is where. I got a flashy band thingy which is meant for use well sort of anywhere, but its great for Jack, the bike light would be a bit heavy for a shortarse and I don't let him off the lead anyway! I got the collars off Ebay and haven't had any problems with poor battery life.
  3. I would have said that Jumble although crazy is reasonably well behaved in the fact that he does not run away, does not bother other dogs or people. OK he does bark a lot and he does walk backwards and spin in circles but he will sit, do a down, walk behind or in front on command, go though my legs from in front or behind and a reasonable stay. All this is done at speed with a lot of spin circles and yapping but it's not really been a problem. So, as he can't do agility anymore because of his hips I decided to take him to obedience to keep him entertained, well behaved did I say, he's a lunatic! We are in a sit with his attention on me, great so far, the trainer says 'forward', Jumble does berdoiing yap, berdoiing yap, berdoiing yap, all the way round the hall! He doesn't do it if we are just walking but if I speak to him at all, berdoiing, he's in my face, and with being in a different place he was very excited and in super berdoiing mode. His A recall and scent exercises had to be seen to be believed, the trainer remarked on how 'enthusiastic' he was, now that was a polite reaction to say the least! He's always done it but I've never really thought about asking him not to so how do I go about it, bearing in mind at the height of his 'berdoiing' he is at shoulder level. Any ideas gratefully received.
  4. OH has had a heart attack, a hip replacement and is now waiting for a spinal stenosis to be corrected. At all times his medical treatment has been excellent, he had a bit of a long wait for the hip but after I made a total pest of myself with the doctor he got priority as he was only 53 and trying to stay at work and in great pain. My complaint would be towards the attitudes of the specialists/surgeons he has seen over the years, I know OH can be nattery and repeat himself over and over again and totally misunderstand a question but it's down to nerves, he's no wimp but hates hospitals and occasionally becomes more than a little unhinged and stressed. I can be quite rude to him at times but I will not allow anyone else to belittle him, talk down to him or as happened in one case, two registrars nudging each other and laughing! They will not do that again after the dressing down I gave them and the report to their superior! I have had more than once had to say 'I beg your pardon' to a bolshy, probably overworked and tired specialist who has been distinctly rude to the OH, but this is their choice of job and they are being paid to do it, they are not superior beings and although they have the right to be treated with respect so has the patient! Being ill does not remove anyone's rights or brain. I think nurses should be doing the skilled nursing work and the bed making, food delivery etc etc should be done by auxilliary staff.
  5. Yup! Jack tries to grab it, if I don't sneak up on him and take the photo really quickly and whip the camera out of the way he will have it, when thwarted he does his floor licking and yicking thing. He knows the mobile has a camera as well so I can't fool him that way, he's a lot better better outside though. Titbits don't help either although he is usually food orientated, he is just too intent on nicking the camera.
  6. Great Thank you Gloria from 1982!!! Not heard it for ages.
  7. Oh dear, not me at all - I clearly fell out of the wrong tree!
  8. Wanda says hello! Bugger, it's a bit big.
  9. I must be old enough as well, spat tea over the pooter!
  10. Thanks folks, will check out the ear infection idea. I've tried the CD and can play it at full volume, non of them take the slightest notice of it but one whizzy bang thing from outside and Jack's off, they really do know the difference. The DAP didn't work in the kitchen, I think there are too many comings and goings to allow it to build up but will try the spray in the car. He seems to feel very safe in the car, he travels in a crate and it's his secure zone, would the DAP spray sort of carry on working for a while once he's outside? He is constantly on skullcap and valerian, and although I'm not sure how effective it is now I'm reluctant to stop it in case it is doing something and I unleash even more terrors for him.
  11. Jack (JRT) is noise sensitive and has been ever since I got him, information from his previous owners does indicate that he has always had some sort of a problem but I did initially feel it had been created by his living conditions and his isolation, now I’m not so sure. He has been a quite a lot better most of the summer, less reactive to noises in the distance and crows etc, but last week after a major incident with gunshots where we were in the middle of a field and suddenly there were guns going off virtually next door in the wood he has gone so far back I now never let him off the lead. On yesterdays walk he could hear heavy plant machinery moving about in the distance and was extremely disturbed and spooked by the sounds and they were a long way off. He’s also gone back to throwing himself on the floor which he does suddenly and constantly when walking, he’ll wriggle on his back for a few seconds then pops back up, next minute he’s on the floor again, I begin to feel this is also a stress reaction! Other things are beginning to happen though, today I had to put him back in the car and leave him with the OH as he would not even walk on the lead he was so apprehensive, constantly trying to turn round and bolt, and that was when there were no noises of any sort! We had put a new phone in the kitchen which has had to be removed as he was not coping with the sound, it would send him into one of his stress fits, running up and down, yicking and licking the floor. I changed it to a flash instead of a ring, he was ok for the first one then panicked and stressed. I can’t let anyone out of the car before I switch off the engine because it does a door warning bleep which upsets him and if I accidentally leave the lights on it does a longer bleeping thing that sends him crazy. He’s back to over reacting to noises from the street, the noise of car doors being closed or people talking creates barking and running up an down the stairs and the crashing noise from the recycling collection sends him under the bed for a hour or more! I begin to wonder if there is more to this than noise sensitivity and if there is maybe a neurological problem but how on earth would I investigate this further, by having a brain scan or something? (Jack not me hopfully). He really can’t go on like this, we are coming up to fireworks time and I have already had problems in that direction with early ones but I don’t know how to help him. Apart from all this he’s a great little dog with a dreadful sense of humour, he’s bolshy but happy and likes nothing better than to try annoy next door’s dog by running up and down the fence hurling insults. What he doesn’t know is that Kipper is deaf and doesn’t even notice Jack is there! Anyone have thoughts or ideas please?
  12. Nooooooooooooooooooooooo, I couldn't have used one of them cup thingies! I have just read through this whole topic and have had major hysterics at the responses! After looking at the link for the Mooncups I have never been so glad that I am old and have gone through the menopause!
  13. Sh******************************tttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I have to go patrol in the dark now! Level 3
  14. Phew, thought it was just me! What gits though, can't see what they get out of doing it or is it just because they can?
  15. I'm special 'cos I'm a witch and my horse does not like marmite!
  16. Don't do that when I'm in the office!
  17. Have a nice day Dobbin love, I miss you so much.
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