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January 25


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How is Mouse today? 

We are luckier with weather. It's been sunny each day from late morning to mid afternoon with temp 2C. We have been able to get out for a short and very brisk walk every day this week except last Sunday. It's a question of choosing the right spot which has had enough sun but isn't too soggy.

I haven't tried going as far as the main reserve and visitor centre. Keeping close to home. Tricky getting into the visitor centre now, as I have been told that the approach road is a sheet of ice due to a pond overflowing.

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Yes thank you, and everything is thawing, yay! 

Finley has been sleeping under the bedclothes with me and sharing my rechargeable hot water bottle.  I got one for Trevor last week and he is very pleased with it as his house is colder than mine with much older double glazing

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Ice has all gone this  morning so back to proper walks again.

Now grey, windy and damp but better than freezing temperature and icey pavements.

Had company of my grandson and their  dog for the weekend as mum and dad were away to a dancing weekend.


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