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January 25


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Started snowing about 12 0'clock.  everything white but slowly melting  so getting slushy.

supposed to freeze tonight so that will be fun tomorrow, not.

Family will be here shortly for Chinese New Year's Day dinner as my oven is caput.


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ice on the shed roof. im out there in my nighty singing wee wees

must remember to move my drying undies before the builder comes

ive got 50 hooves somewhere safe.....

be safe xxxxx

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It is baltic here.

We had snow on New year's Day and ir has been very cold and frosty since.

Pavements are treacherous with icy patches and wet patches where the sun has been shining.

Managed to get some shopping today as more snow expected on Sunday/Monday.

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ice here and ruddy freezing but no snow. if ice or snow on the ground I cant go out. need to get paint on monday

where ive lost some sight, im also going colour blind, so that will be fun. ill think its pink and purple, no idea what it will be lol bought a lovely purple coat, lewis says its blue lol

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Today may be the last chance for us to get a decent walk before rain/snow/ice/fog keeps us indoors. Need to stock up on birdseed and fatballs as well, then it's just a question of keeping Fin amused if we are confined to house and garden. Glad I have Yaktraks to put on my boots.

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We had 2 to 3 inches of snow, but it turned to rain and now everywhere is slushy and slippy. Fin thinks it's horrid. 

There were 3 separate dogs on the run in Derbyshire Peak district. One was successfully trapped  3 days ago after 3 weeks on the run, another found safe after 3 days having fortunately stayed around same area, and the third was found sheltering in a log store after being on the run after nearly 3 weeks. The person who found her knew who she was from seeing extensive postering and kept her safe. Big relief for all the local residents and various dog search teams, who have been out all hours in freezing weather. 

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