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blackmajik last won the day on December 13 2024

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About blackmajik

  • Birthday 01/21/1946

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  1. Survived the gales on Friday with one bit of fencing dislodged but can be screwed back into place There was a red weather warning and told not to travel, but to stay home. All schools and lovl authority buildings were closed. Shops were also closed until about 6pm when the worst was over. There are many power cuts and some people who have been off since Friday have been told the power won't be back on until 23.59 on Monday. Not good in this cold weather. Had to cancel my dental appointment on Friday as there were no buses running and I wasn't going to drive in that weather. We stayed tucked up at home. Harry was terrified of the noise of the wind in the trees behind the back garden and would not go out there. Managed a short walk t after 5pm when it wasn't so bad, to let him go to the toilet. Only person out was another dog owner. Several trees down round about but we were not as badly affected as many others. It was quite frightening.
  2. Ice has all gone this morning so back to proper walks again. Now grey, windy and damp but better than freezing temperature and icey pavements. Had company of my grandson and their dog for the weekend as mum and dad were away to a dancing weekend.
  3. Still incredibly cold here. Dog walker has cancelled walks today as temperature is -1, with 0 at 2 pm then -3 from 3pm, dropping one degree every couple of hours until -7 overnight. Won't be venturing far.
  4. Anoither sunny but bitterly cold day. Harry is out with the dog walker so I donlt need to tackle the icy pavements which arec mekting just enough to make them slippy.
  5. We have snow as well. it is tiny drizzle like flakes but many of them si it adds up. Will be heading out with Harry shortly. He likes to roll in the snow.
  6. It is baltic here. We had snow on New year's Day and ir has been very cold and frosty since. Pavements are treacherous with icy patches and wet patches where the sun has been shining. Managed to get some shopping today as more snow expected on Sunday/Monday.
  7. Started snowing about 12 0'clock. everything white but slowly melting so getting slushy. supposed to freeze tonight so that will be fun tomorrow, not. Family will be here shortly for Chinese New Year's Day dinner as my oven is caput.
  8. Family returned home so getting back to normal. Washiung done A very windy walk today. Forecast not very good for next few days. Topped up with milk and eggs but plenty other stuff in fridge and cupboards.
  9. Going to son and dil tomorrow but I am hosting Boxing Day. If I sonlt have it we ain't having it! Quite mild today but very cloudy. Going to sort out presents for tomorrow so the right preson gets the right present. Happy Christmas.
  10. Very blustery with heavy shosers here but not so cold. Hopefully, Christmas shoping all done Going to family on Christmas Day but have everybody here for Boxing Day dinner. Floor washing and vacuuming to be done when I recover from blustery walk. Glad you've got your car back , owl. A smashing group photo, jazz.
  11. Good news ,owl Refuge playing up again but managed to sort it. Son and DIL arriving tomorrow from Romania. At least the weather is a bit warmer. it has been 2/3 degrees all week but managed 8 degrees today.
  12. Doing ok. It has been bitterly cold the last two days but today is brighter and not as cold. Not good about your car, owl. Cars are great until they go wrong. Iknow getting any spares is difficult at presenr because a lot came fro Ukraine.
  13. No wind here , just rain, rain, rain.
  14. Hope they are good results. Harry has a hot spot so now sports a bald patch on his back. Vets don't come cheap these days. A wet and windy walk tonight. I am glad to be back inside in the warm and dry.
  15. Harry has been groomed today . He is now sleeping ioff the adventure. Cold weather is settling back in. Saturday night the temperature was 17 degrees, tonight it is 4 degrees.
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