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Sleep Well My Little Ginger Witch


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Yesterday I had to say goodbye to my little Ginger witch Molly











My heart is in a million pieces

Nothing I can say can do justice to my girl












I lost a treasured friend today

The little dog who used to lay

Her gentle head upon my knee

And share her silent thoughts with me


She’ll no longer come to my call

Retrieve no more her favourite ball

A voice far greater than my own

Has called her to his Golden Throne


And though my eyes are filled with tears

I thank Him for those happy years

He let her spend down here with me

And for her love and loyalty


When it is time for me to go

And join her there, this much I know

I shall not fear the transient dark

For she will greet me with her bark




The empty leash hangs on the wall

And waits for walks that will not be

I hold it gently in my hands

Caress its worn length tenderly


There's something missing as I walk

No presence close to my left side

A comforting, familiar friend

On eager hourneys far and wide


The only pain you ever gave

Was on the day you had to leave

Aged, crippled merely shadow

Of the dog you used to be

So I made that dreaded decision

Kept our date with destiny


Did you know how much I loved you?

Though it seems I must go on

How it seared my soul to lose you

Part of who I was is gone


The empty leash hangs on the wall.. fond memories

of swirling snow and large brown eyes

Perhaps someday I'll smile at them

Right now the pain is still too strong




Sleep in peace darling girl, know you were loved so much :wub:

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