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Very Scary Moment On Walk Today


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I had a very scary moment out with the dogs today.


I had Taz and Jess (lurchers) and Meg (small hairy thing) with me, we started in our normal field at the bottom of the road which is a nice safe space to let the lurchers have an offlead blast at the start of the walk.


I got into the field and let Meg and Taz off lead, who both went zooming off ahead, and I was just about to let Jess loose when a sheep came through the hedge between me and the other dogs, closely followed by several more ohmy.gif


I wasn't worried about Meg (she never chases anything ever). Taz hasn't ever shown particular interest in sheep when we've walked past them, but obviously he's never been loose in a field with a group of increasingly panicky sheep suddenly appearing right behind him. I had absolutely no idea how he'd react and was petrified he'd chase - particularly if they ran.


I called the dogs, Meg headed straight back, as she took off Taz pulled himself up onto his toes, stared at the sheep, stared at Meg and thank goodness decided to follow Meg and run back to me. My hands were shaking so much I could hardly get his lead on!


I'm just so relieved Jess was still on lead when they appeared, she was showing FAR too much interest in them at close quarters for my liking.


It looks as though they were two fields away and have got through two lots of fences to get into 'our' field. I've just been back and put a notice on the gate to say there are sheep in the field, lots of dogwalkers walk there and might not see them until the dogs were already in the field.


Thank goodness Taz for once decided not to be a wally, it could have been a disaster rolleyes.gif

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Oh my goodness - have I been so there. It is the scariest moment of your life. I too had good recall dogs when it happened to me. I dread to think what would happen now if it happened to Barty. He is a nightmare with animals.


Well done Fee on having the presence of mind you did - and also going back to warn other dog owners. NICE LADY !!!!!!

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