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Policeman Clive


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Clive has a very strong habit of reinforcing me telling Dylan not to do something, which I've never encountered before (he's been doing it for months and months, but I've never known another dog who does this).


An example that just happened:


Dylan was sniffing the coffee table and started to mouth a little cardboard box in preparation for pinching it. I said 'Dylan No' in a softly reprimanding voice. Clive runs over to Dylan, low rumbling growl and gets between him and the coffee table. Dylan backs off.


I've heard of dogs disciplining each other, and I have no problem with it, except I don't particularly want Clive doing it when I'm telling Dylan not to do something. Also, tongith's example was a low key but Clive isn't always so 'subtle'. Times happen when he's decidely gung ho and I think over the top, and sometimes far too physical.


I'm just rambling really, but I do feel I have to be careful where Clive is before I tell Dylan 'No'. Seems as soon as I say that the little furball shoots in from across the room. Sometimes I have been telling Clive off for this, but I try not to these days unless he is being over the top. Don't know if I'm right in this, or if he will understand what he's being told off for.


I think Clive also does it sometimes when I've not said anything - for instance if Dyl has pinched a box or piece of packaging. In the past I've assumed it was Clive not wanting Dyl to have it (he does guard some things from Dyl), but now I'm not so sure.


Curious. Any thoughts?

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The lady who came to do Ttouch with the hounds in December (and was very good in general on behavioural stuff) said she thought Clive was very hot on etiquette and that a lot of the problems between him and Dylan were due to Dylan being a bit of a lout and Clive being at the other end of the behaviour scale.

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My Cliffy is like that sometimes, if any of the other 2 get too

boisterous he charges them, leaps at them and growls n snarls

till they behave.


Its not so much a problem here, as Cliffy is a mini daxi

and only half the size of my 2 westies, but he does insist on

good behavour,(unless its him acting the loon)

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Bracken is my bossy one. Thankfully he doesn't do it with Scoobs so has some sense. From a young age once he learnt some things were naughty or a no no with me he told the others off for doing it. Sometimes he comes to tell me and other times he tries to guide the others away or tells them off with a woo woo. Nothing nasty in his behaviour. Most times I tell him excuse me it's my place to say if they are being naughty thank you very much and he backs off. His isn't dominant behaviour. It can get out of hand if you let some dogs get away with it so I think if I were you I would tell Clive no. Otherwise they think they can continue to do this and things can escalate.

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I had a bitch who used to 'tell' us when my other dog had done something that he shouldn't have.


For example, when we were out he had a habit of very carefully lifting things (usually ornaments) off surfaces and either leaving them in the middle of the floor, or taking them to his bed.


If he had done this, she would stand and woo-woo at us when we came in. We would then go and look for what he had been up to.


We used to joke about whether she told him he shouldn't do it.

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Yes, CLive also tells us if Dyl is pinching something he shouldn't. Isn't it interesting?


As for the escalation Jacobean, that's why I am unsure what to do as in a way they had the escalation first (bad fighting early on) and this has developed later (or maybe it was always there and we didn't see it). If I think Clive is in the mood and I need to retrieve something off Dylan, I get Clive to sit first and wait (which is a strong command with him) and then get the thing off Dyl. Otherwise, Clive muscles in. That works okay. I'm reluctant to always tell him off for it, as he is right a lot of the time :err: and these days we try to intervene in their relationship with each other only when there is a potential problem.


I dunno. It's odd. It's like Clive is mostly fine, but occasionally he has this over the top response and gets too physical. If he could just ratchet that back he would be a very good dog communicator :rolleyes: And also, unfortunatley, Dyl is still very wary of Clive due we think to prior fighting. They don't play much these days and I'm sureu that's why.

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