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Appeal For Lab Animals


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Received this on an email today:






It's time to act for lab animals




We urgently need your help. There are only a few days left before Members of the European Parliament vote on the most important legislation on animal experiments in 25 years.


The vote takes place on Thursday, 7 May, in what will be the last act of the European Parliament before the European Elections on 4 June.


The RSPCA has been working hard to try and secure the best deal we can, and there are some key amendments we need to ensure MEPs support.


Please email your MEPs now and ask them to vote for Amendments 3, 26, 138 and 139 which will ensure the principle of the 3R's (Replacing, Refining and Reducing the number of animals used) is enshrined in the legislation for the first time.


Just visit to send your email now.


give animals a voice!


Thank you so much for your support.

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I am always writing to my MP about this subject and although he is normally ok re animals etc he does support animal experiments :angry:

So many people seem to have a mental block about this subject and it is something I feel very strongly about for various reasons.


I would dearly love to see and end to vivisection in my lifetime.

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This is the reply I got. Can someone tell me in plain english what they said :unsure: :rolleyes: I funnily understand what REACH is as we actually deal with this at work however since I am clueless about the background of testing for and against etc the rest just gives me a headache. I sent the std letter everyone else has.





Thank you for your message, about the proposed EU-directive, 86/609/EEC, which appears to be one of the Commission's better proposals of recent years, carefully balancing the welfare of experimental animals against the value of scientific and medical research; but, with REACh swinging into operation now - and requiring millions more animal-experiments than ever before - the situation will inevitably deteriorate. In other words, this proposal is an ineffective solution to a problem, which the EU itself created.


If you wondered why the 1000 white rabbits, which protesters placed around the building here, for the first reading of REACh, did not re-appear at second reading, you need look no further than the EU's 2007-budget and the list of grants to bodies "promoting or performing research into humane experimental methods", and still doing very nicely out of the EU-taxpayer, thank you very much! But there was another dimension to the deal, and this directive is it.


The democratic-process may be mocked, in this way, and the animal-welfare lobby may be susceptible to bribery, but the UKIP is not susceptible to ransom-demands (vote "yes" to save your furry friends!) because the EU is not accountable - except to a conspiracy of EU-governments - and, therefore, none of its legislation is legitimate, even if some of it seems less than oppressive and destructive. However, since all EU-legislation extends the powers of the EU's autocratic system, none of it can be seen as other than undesirable.


Infinitely better, from the point-of-view of animal-welfare, than a new, palliative directive, would be the repeal of REACh; but the EU will never relinquish any of its "acquis communautaire", and REACh, which gave the EU enormous powers over industry and commerce, is one of its most prized possessions.


This leaves us with only one solution. Repeal the European Communities Act!


I was particularly interested in your recognition that some experiments on animals are indispensable to worthwhile research (which does not include registration for REACh) This recognition is in accord with expert opinion, but is swamped and muted by the power of (mostly EU-funded) lobby-groups. The same situation pertains in the realm of climatology and, indeed, in the realm of politics, such is the might, not only of the captive lobby-groups, but of the captive mass-media and the captive, incumbent, political parties too.

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:unsure: Dunno, but they sound pretty militant to me :biggrin: good on em'


I just had another reply, now this one says they are going one step further and demanding that great apes are no longer used at all, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that already the case ? :unsure: or is that just in Britain ?

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