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Not Been On In A The Newbie....


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I haven't been on in ages but we have just got the internet installed at home finally!


So I know I posted on about sally and Yoyo (their first gotcha day is coming up vert quickly!) And I am pretty sure I told you we had rehomed Jasper aged 11 in November.


Me and Jasper bonded so well, he was really my soul dog. Unfortunately, after just 7 months he became seriously ill and had to be PTS (23rd June this year) To say my heart split in two was an understatement, but at least I knew he had experienced nothing but love and kindess and happiness in his last 7 months





I was so upset I told the OH I couldn't have another and go through that pain again, that I wanted to stick with our two, sally and Yoyo. However, during the couple of months after Jasper's death, I continued to read about dogs needing homes, overflowing pounds and kennels, etc etc, and realised that to help another would not be "replacing" Jasper or loving him any less, rather continuing his legacy by helping another. So in came Badger. I specifically wanted a dog that this time was younger, after saying goodbye to the family dog Sundae in Feb then Jasper I couldn't handle anymore. I had said about 4 or 5, but saw Badger and he was lovely, and got on with the girls.


Here he is




(if you can see him he does blend in!)









And just to remind you, here's Yoyo (7)



And Sally (9)


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Welcome back :) :)


So sorry to hear about Jasper :mecry: , they do break our hearts in two when they leave us :mecry: :mecry: RIP Jasper at Rainbow Bridge, running in the fields and rivers :wub:

Badger and your other girls are beautiful and yes, I had to do a second take of the settee picture :laugh: :laugh:

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