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Bbc Could Drop Crufts Over Unhealthy Breeds


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I think if anyone was going to start a new dog breed register it should be the good breeders tbh - I know I haven't got a clue about breeding other than what I have read. There are already other registration groups but they're rubbish, they're for the dogs that can't even be KC registered.


How would you determine who could be allowed to register with your new group? I think only very good and experienced breeders would know what was in/out?


I think the best bet would be for the KC to "tighten up" what it allows to be KC registered and make sure its accredited breeder scheme actually does what it should, which I don't believe it does at the moment if puppy farmers have managed to get on :rolleyes: , and separate the good from the bad.


Although you would still have to deal with the puppy buyers that don't do their research/buy from the first litter they see/buy out of pity from bad breeders without thinking of the wider consequences/wouldn't be allowed to buy/adopt from a good breeder/rescue. Not sure what the answer is for those :(



but I find it hard to stand on the sidelines and not being able to do something :( ,I don't think it should be just one person tho,it should be a group of good breeders ,vets (like the one in the blog) and scientists who really have health not beauty in mind and after the programme and from what I've read so far online on different sites,a whole lot of people would be up for it, I mean what alternative do we have? and waiting for the Kennel Club? it might be too late for some breeds if we do ,like the Cavalier :mecry:

all over the net ,from UK to USA to Australia, I read how people do not trust /not want to be part of/not go to any event of the Kennel Club anymore,and that's not counting the ones who already say NO!! to the KC ,surely if we get together it must be possible?

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My old boss was member of danish kennel club as she occasionally bred her jrt's. She received the monthly newsletter, and I would always read it. Every month I would read of "this and this breed now has to have x,y,z tests before being allowed at stud for KC reg'ed puppies". Seemed the kennel club would add tests to breeds as they were developed, and thought to be of help to determine if a dog is healthy enough to breed from.

It also mentioned on the show that Sweden has these rules, and I am sure other countries has as well. Surely if other countries can manage to make crucial health tests mandatory for stud dogs/bitches, the UK kennel club can do the same?

There is no need for another club, just a much tighter run one, with rules, and consequences for breaking them.

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Surely if other countries can manage to make crucial health tests mandatory for stud dogs/bitches, the UK kennel club can do the same?

There is no need for another club, just a much tighter run one, with rules, and consequences for breaking them.


Completely agree Anne.

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and like said there are other countries who can do it the right way and the changes needed would NEVER be allowed by the KC, but I just posted this on the PetOwnersParlement site,maybe it makes a bit more sence to what I'm trying to say


''what I'm thinking of,a clean slate with healthy dogs,even mongrels to add new blood to the genepool, after all if you take the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, this is a cross between the King Charles Spaniel and dome-skulled breeds from Asian descent,like the Pug and the Japanese Chi


I know of one breed that was brought back from near extintion this way and with succes ,it happens to be a rare Dutch (my home-country) breed so most of you won't have heard from it , het Markiesje ,it is a Dutch site but if you want to know what they look like,have a look here


now to make sure that I know that I've got my facts right,I read their rules and it clearly says in there (in the very first bit of it too) that the health and passing this health on to pups is the biggest priority of the club, and I know that in different countries the same idea about breeding and health is most important so what is stopping the Kennel Club from following? ofcourse,money and greed Sad

this would be for me another good reason for starting a new way of registration,a new group/club, elimenating profits would (IMHO) also elimenate a lot of the problems that the KC has/has started ''


hope that helps a bit? I know you don't but please dont take this all personal,I am just seriously trying all corners and want to hear all pro's and con's


Vivian -xxx-

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another ps about the Kennel Club, they have been around for over 150 years and in that little world of where it isn't important of WHAT you know but WHO you know ,money and ego are playing a massive big part,they are deffinetly not gonna change a lot anytime soon :(


Couldn't agree more, I think the KC is just a great big social club.


Thinking about it I wish the documentary had highlighted some of the splinter strains of breeds, such as the Victorian Bulldog, I just think it would have been helpful to people that were thinking of getting a pedigree that sometimes there is a more healthy alternative.

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another ps about the Kennel Club, they have been around for over 150 years and in that little world of where it isn't important of WHAT you know but WHO you know ,money and ego are playing a massive big part,they are deffinetly not gonna change a lot anytime soon :(


You hit the nail on the head Vivian and that is why it's highly unlikely anything will really change.

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Is there any chance that that designer crossbreeds are now going to become even more popular, due to health benefits? And thus there is the promotion, inadvertently, puppy farming/irresponsible breeding? If so, what can we do about it? KC won't be interested in regulating that sort of breeding...


Damned if you do, damned if you don't then? :(


I'd say ban all breeding until all the rescues are empty!

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