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Need Very, Very Special Good Thoughts Tomorrow.


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Himself has prolems with his eyes, lots of gunge. He had meds but the hair is making it worse. We couldn't do it because every time we tried to clean them he would get so upset and stressed and would tremble with fear. we tried to gentle bathe the gunge his eyes when he was in a deep sleep but he would wake and get so upset. And of course the eyes got worse as we were so afraid he would have a fit, he got so very upset. So I took him to Wendy the groomer. We would be there for a couple of hours but she only actually worked on Brummie for about ten minutes as he got very streesed out. he would waners around and have a drink and a treat then wendy would gentle bathe his eyes, then a walk around again etc until the eyes were clear.

It was for two reasons that I took him to Wendy.

I. was because our vets is a few doors down from Wendy and if Himself was in real trouble, I could have him in the vets in minutes as opposed to at least ten minues from our home.

2 Wendy is very gentle and caring - she will not clip dogs for owners when the clip/cut would in anyway cause the animal problems, yes many people do ask for such things. She doesn't care how long it takes as long as the dog is comfortable and not upset at all.

She also didn't want to charge me for two hours of her time every week as Himself is a rescue dog.


Anyway the weekly visits were not enough and Himself needed for us to do it in betweeen. No matter how careful we were, what treats we had to tempt him with, he got in a terrible state and started to poo himself as soon as the cotton wool went anywhere near his eyes and while I am quite strict with them about taking whatever treatment is needed, I cannot abide my dogs be afraid of me and pooing himself was sheer fear and I would end up in tears that I frightened this tiny dog so much.


I spoke to Dale and between the three of us it was decided that Dale would knock Himself out for the shortest time possible and Wendy would shave the hair from his face and clip his nails as that is another thing he stresses about.

This is not cosmetic, I would never do that and neither Dale nor Wendy would. Himself has to have his eyes cleaned regularly but the amount of hair around his eyes makes it very difficult to keep them clean, hence the shave.

They did take about just sedating him but as Wendy said 'He will be aware of something being done but be powerless to stop it and that could cause even greater distress.

This has been discussed for a while now - I was understandably worried but Himself has to have his eyes clear and this is the only way it can be done without him getting into such a state of fear that he poops himself.

I will be taking him tomorrow as his treatment is booked for 1.15pm and we will be there (not watching) but there while Himself is being sorted. Dale will use an anestetic that is reversable just in case.


This was sort of arranged a while ago but I never posted as all concerned knew that I may decide not to go ahead because of worry, I wibbled quite a bit but common sense won through, Himself has to be comfortable and his eyes make him uncomfortable, he tries to rub them.

I know that this will probably draw some flak but it is imho neccessary for Himself's wellbeing.

When Raffles hid from me when he saw the Propalin syinge I couldn't bear that he was scared, he hated the stuff so I stopped giving it to him and when he peed his bed every night, I just washed his bedding and put fresh bedding down for him and mopped up when he weed elsewhere - nothing was worth my Raffles hiding from me because he hated the meds that would stop him peeing.


Please please think of my boy tomorrow lunchtime and send all the good and positive thoughts you can muster.

Edited by Kathyw
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Himself has prolems with his eyes, lots of gunge. He had meds but the hair is making it worse. We couldn't do it because every time we tried to clean them he would get so upset and stressed and would tremble with fear.


I know that this will probably draw some flak but it is imho neccessary for Himself's wellbeing.


I don't know why you'd get flak for this - you are doing exactly what is correct for Brumski's care. He will be perfectly fine and will come round from his GA with comfy eyes, clipped nails and feel much better in himself :GroupHug: and this time tomorrow will be snuggling you on the settee again :)

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Teddy sends his love to you and Brumski, he is just the same, and had to have a similar thing earlier this year.


All three elderly yorkies that have come to live with us have been the same about eyes, nails etc to varying degrees.


You have this planned like a military manouver - all will be fine!!!! :flowers:


Windy :GroupHug:

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Thank you so much for your support.

I am very, very wibbly even though I know it has to be done.

Himself is very hungry and cannot understand why there was no middle of the night snack and no cheesey scrambled egg this morning.

He is pacing the hall and the back garden. I have made lots of icypops and he can have one as soon as he is able to eat.


Thank you all again. :flowers:

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We are home and Himself is fine. phewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


He is still sleeping but doing fine.

Dale did say that he woudl possibly keep him there for a few hours after as a precaution.

Wendy did him in about 15 minutes, she said it is a very rough cut and she had to work quickly so that Himself wasn't under for too long.

We sat in the vets for about an hour, I was holding Himself and then Dale said we could take him home.

In the car he pooed on my hand - oh joy. I laid him on one of the beds and he is sleeping.

Thank you for all the good thoughts - they worked.

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