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Guys, Im whining again :unsure:


I have just been offered a job with a fledgling business that promised to be a big business. At the moment I work for a big business but very unsocial hours.

However the hours are very good for the dogs at present as I work into the night or from very early in the morning shifts. 6 on 3 off. (have to mention here the existing jobs hours have just been changed to a different start time every day of the week. ie earlies = 7 , 10, and 9 then 1400, 1200, and 1615

The new job is 9 to 6 monday to friday which is bringing forth the possibility of a social life for me (and dogs lol) but Im once again , worrying about them.


What do you think? they would be on their own 5 days rather than 6 in a row ... it would be throughout the day rather than early or late. The positive is we would have set days and evenings off so I can do social or training classes with them and there would be more of a routine.


I would be able to let them out at lunchtimes and pay a walker to come play with them or take them out a couple of times a week, walk them in the mornings and after work


I hate to think I am letting them down in any way but as it stands just now all I do is work.


Do you think they would notice much? Am I being paranoid or do you think I should stay put.


I NEEeeeeeed some lovely fugee wisdom before I drive self crazy with worryings :flowers:

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My only advice would be follow your gut feeling. I know I'm guilty of thinking about things too much and then I tie myself in knots about making decisions. I'm particularly bad with work :rolleyes: because I can't bear to think that a wrong decision might have a longer term impact...but fate will sort things out in the end.

What does your gut feeling tell you right now?

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Dogs like to have a routine and can be more settled when they know what to expect and when you will return home etc as a rule. They will soon adapt to your new hours and will benefit from knowing you have time just for them where you can relax together properly. As you say you will have more social time and can have what you will really feel as "off" time so you will be more relaxed which will pass down to them. It can only be a good thing.

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Congrats on the new job offer :biggrin: Could you try getting the dogs used to your new routine before you start the new job by ignoring or going out when you will be going to work? When I went back to work (in office), my two were used to it anyway as when I worked from home they just got used to sleeping during the day anyway. :) With exception of the odd play session amongst themselves (they were only 2 or so), they did sleep during the day. Get ready for dogs to be livewires during the evening though. They cant sleep 24/7 so have to let off steam at sometime. Not so good if you have had a hard day and want to chill when you get home. :unsure:


Mine get let out at lunch for a wee break by daughter who again then gets home at 3.50 and lets them out again. I get home at around 5.20 and take one or other out depending on Saffys hydro, walks with doggy pals etc., They get fed either afterwards/during others absence. (I only walk one at a time). We have tuggy games in the house/garden. They then both have a 'mad' session between 8.30 - 9.00pm usually in the house/garden depending on weather. :laugh: where a mad chase session ensues and then maybe a tug play. They are generally both calm for the evening then except for when they know its 'bedtime' :rolleyes: Then its a race to see who gets the biscuit first! Even though OH has been at home all week the dogs have still stuck to their routine. I know that cos they are still pestering me in the evening to go out in the garden to play :laugh: and OH hasnt moaned about them despite ironing for hours today :wub:


So it can be done as long as the dogs are in a routine and you are prepared to put in the extra time/effort when you get home from a hard day. :flowers:

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Well, as another working, single "mum" here: I leave the house at 7.30 and come back in about 5, Monday to Friday. Not ideal, too long for my liking actually and I'm seriously thinking of looking out for another job again! Anyway, I walk Mal and Kiera for about half an hour in the morning. Mal just likes to pootle about, but fortunately Kiera loves to play chuck-it, so I get her running after her ball for 20 minutes, and she is well knackered after that. A neighbour comes and walks them at lunch time, about 20 mins - half an hour, and when I got home I walk them again straight away. Depending on weather etc we either go to the local park, or take a trip to the nature reserve (20 mins up the road) and then they have about an hour. Again, Kiera gets to play chuck-it, although half the time she's more interested in exploring the undergrowth and chasing squirrels so I'm walking round with the thing like an eejit :wacko: Then at home Kiera will often present me with one of her toys and I chase her round the flat with it, whilst simultaneously trying to cook dinner and answer the phone! :rolleyes: Obviously, as Mal is about 12, he sleeps a lot as it is, but Kiera seems to be okay with this routine too as it is. I have to say, I don't have a very busy social life at all, and to be honest I like it that way, because I don't want to spend too much of my time off away from them as well.


I don't know your dogs, but you'll be able to gauge what they need in a day, and be able to determine whether your new job would fit round that (I'm sure you wouldn't want to word it like this to your new employer though! :wink:). I'd say as long as you're able to give them what they need (and to me it sounds like you are) then it'd be no problem what days/times you are working. Good luck in your new job! :flowers:

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Thanks guys.


It really helps hearing others opinions particularly as ones own head can start accusing self of being a terrible mother :rolleyes:


Im much like the rest of you I shant go out and leave them after work ever ! And even when Im off for the day if I leave them for long I get tetchy (so many that are not parents think its "sad") One of my friends that works in the previous job is going to do a little with them when shes off during the week and I got up at 6 today walked them for 30 and when I got in from work at 4 they were spark out :wub:


I also think they will benefit from a steady routine rather than odd hours here and there. I want them to be happy cos lets face it they give us so much I want to do my very best by them.


Thank you again I studied your replies like a hawk :laugh:



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